Any vidya I should play to prepare for WW3?
Any vidya I should play to prepare for WW3?
wow as if the meme wasn't shitty enough
What would Mannerheim think of Marin?
I can't fucking wait until this hand-me-down "prime minister" gets voted out.
>Muslim Somalis Arabs and Blacks are flooding our country, making gangs, killing us off out of the genepool, and raping and molesting our daughters? I sleep
how can someone 'brutally rape'
does that mean its possible to 'gently rape' too?
considering being ugly and looking at someone is rape too, I guess
>be American
>0 awareness of the outside world
every time. next time try to post the actual country that's being posted
War in Finland isn't WW3 nobody cares about your irrelevant mobile gaming country.
ukraine can burn in hell
lets go russia
>these people of the same colour as me are attacking my country
>better just ignore them lol
You know what they say, always kill a traitor before an enemy
>be europoor
>dont get the context
no wonder you niggers are getting invaded, you deserve it
fuking faggots lmao
Aren't F35s overdesigned and ludicrously expensive trash?
>are attacking my country
they are?
>Any vidya I should play to prepare for WW3?
>america creates coup in ukraine in 2014
>forces russia into war to defend its borders
>sells weapons of war to eu
>forces dumb women leaders to sign up to fucking nato for no reason
how do they keep getting away with it?
WW3 is not going to happen. The Russians need to have an actual military first.
I think it's just a way to emphasize whats happened. It's not a legal term, it's one of those sentence enhancers.
What games do you think she plays in her free time?
If you see these pro Ukie memes thats all a rational person needs to see to know they should not be supported
>Finland has this
>we get right-wing nutjob wahmen
How come that Finland and Sweden has always bragged about not being in any alliances and remaining neutral but as soon as Russia knocks on the door they immediately run off to NATO? Wasn't their neutrality supposed to defend them?
>neighbor chimps out
>hmm why do these states want to join a defensive pact against monke
Recent history proves that any country that shares borders with Russia randomly gets missiles stuck in them if they arent under the NATO umbrella.
The only assurance, Russia proves, is to join NATO.
>How come that Finland and Sweden has always bragged about not being in any alliances
finland was allied with the nazis in ww2
>breitbart london
Pretty mommy...
i just can't understand why people go to such lengths to simp for not only one of the shittiest PM's this country has ever seen but also really dry at that.
i think he would be glad that we are still co-operating with the nazis.
finland would have stayed neutral if it wasn't for the russians taking karelia in 1940
>sannamarindrone :D
Again, they have always went on about how remaining neutral and not being part of NATO keeps them safe and provides stability to the region. So why the fuck do they not want to remain alliance free now?
Nothing was taken, it was always Russia's. Same with Ukraine. Only taking back what it theirs from the Ukraini Nazis.
finland has friendly relations with russian federation. putin wants soviet union 2.0 so relations kaput
Could it be because global political situations change?
this is what americans actually believe
russians are the niggers of europe
I hate americans so goddamn much.
She looks like she is addicted to BBC.
the finnish army is strong enough to respond to a russian invasion, we really don't need any NATO glowniggers standing around and messing with our diplomatic relations.
dumb mutt
Good one.
Does anyone have the collage pic of Ukranian Women vs Ukranian Men?
>Absolutely mentally retarded post based off skin color
You inbred hick, Russians are murdering/raping every single civilian they come across. Those fucks stepping foot on NATO controlled land would mean we have failed. Technically we already have for allowing widespread murder and rape in modern times.
it's a knee-jerk reaction for sure but it certainly looks like the situation has changed a bit.
Because Russia quite literally just proved that they don't give a fuck about their promises and agreements, much less about some nebulous "goodwill" and "neighbor relations", so might as well just fucking get some actual guarantee of help before it's too late.
>Super Marion
fuck off Igor, go step on a landmine
Because she's a young woman and they're putting her on a pedestal to show that "girls can be leaders too xD". In reality she's literally where she is only because she got the position handed down to her by the man who was actually voted in. It's such a fucking farce.
Size of an army doesn't mean shit when the ballistic missiles start flying
It's conjugated, it means "Super Mario's"
Because Finland has judged that Russian goodwill is no longer to be trusted and that they need a defensive alliance
I'm not sure how I can paint this to you any clearer
I can't even say you're from /pol/, you're from 2016.
Russia's already running out of missles and they can't make more. They've been using anti-ship cruise missiles against stationary targets
>the finnish army is strong
Sure, pal. In case you haven't noticed, Russia just bombs and sends missiles to destabilize and weaken its enemies. Until you guys can send jets from all sides to bomb the shit out of them, you aren't strong.
They can just launch their nukes, no military needed.
Russia has nukes.
They could erase Finland if they wanted
just like in my japanese adult videos
the size may not matter but the quality does, Finland has the largest artillery in Europe and the equipment is up to standard. and even if the russkies try to shoot us with their missiles we can just throw some literal shit at them.
She's a WEF-trained puppet. That tells you everything you need to know.
Don't worry, we'll keep our distance and wait for the mushroom cloud, then after moving to Brazil, we'll push the red button.
there's a world of difference between "running your finger along an un-suspecting pussy" and "brutally raping"
the second involves more clawing and bleeding and fighting
though i would argue both are still rape, the first is just 100x more gentle
So... has Ukraine lost the Donbas yet?
There is rape and then there is "rape"
if russians do as much as aim the satans towards us we'll shoot the väinämöinen- warheads at them.
where is happenings?