Hey remember that hero you liked? We're deleting all of their abilities, get fucked loser

Hey remember that hero you liked? We're deleting all of their abilities, get fucked loser.


Attached: overwatch 2 orisa.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

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This is what made me quit Overwatch originally. Glad to see Blizzard hasn't learned a fucking thing.

Same thing happened with my main. Instead of making new charaters they are replacing the old ones with new shit. I am not buying this shit, lol

Blizzard is so obsessed with balancing this game for eSports and not balancing it for fun

i quit long before whoever this is got released, user.
the game's just boring on a fundamental level.

this game is going to fail and hopefully they just give up on the franchise entirely.

>remembering back when people insisted this would kill TF2

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yeah tf2 did that fine all on its own.

I guess they want to do something about shield spam, but with only one tank now, why would anyone pick anything other than Reinhardt?


It's a robot

has been grammatically correct for years now and was colloquially common for generations.

>no deployable barrier
>no machine gun
Why not just make a new fucking character?

Attached: 1636746889898.gif (500x381, 676.2K)

>robot made by african girl
>throws spears


Literally who ever liked orisa?

Her alt skins were kind of cool. And she's OK as far as tanks go.

Why not just make new characters and a whole new game? Like there could be one or two favorites (or they could slowly rerelease old characters) but like... Brands always stagnate when they do this shit. Look at LoL

People liked Orisa?


Literally everyone is scratching their head as to why Overwatch needs a 2. Nobody is saying this is needed, except the people who want to sell more copies.

NDA lifted, there's tons of small changes to existing heroes. Winston has a right click charge shot, for example


we won

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I don't understand, what was wrong with this character?

holy shit zarya has two bubbles on each ability, she's gonna be fucking disgusting

shield characters like Rein and Orisa not only made the time to kill very high and thus made the game boring, but every map was designed around them with lots of chokepoints where you HAVE to have a shield tank or you lose. in overwatch 2 the devs are trying to get away from that, and they can't do it without completely reworking Rein and Orisa.

>if you use some of these techniques correctly you can cover a lot of ground with doomfist

>right click

Do zoomers really?

The African hero is a spearchucker now?

>African character
>uses a javelin
Kinda racist blizzard...

I did. When the game first came out I wanted a character that played like Reinhart with a gun and Orisa was just that.

>standing behind a barrier for 30 seconds while you shoot the other team standing behind a barrier for 30 seconds
everything ive seen from this game is a pretty big improvement. looks like it might be an actual FPS now instead of a visual clusterfuck MOBA frakenstein monster

Who cares about overwatch lol

>removing shields
kinda based desu
still won't play it

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Everyone in esports disagrees with you and says the exact opposite, the game is balanced around casuals

I cant play TF2 anymore and would like a fun FPS that isn't some csgo/valorant tier bullshit

Quake is dead
UT2k4 is dead

Overshit is the only thing we have left, it sucks but there's nothing else to replace it.

who the fuck liked orisa lmao

these are great changes tho, og orisa was useless

overwatch 2 is unironically a step in the right direction precisely because it fucks over offtanks and healers and the "ult economy"
overwatch pros are 66% failed dps players who just know how to track ults and combo their abilities lmao

it could have. the problem is that they didn't know that no one plays team games as a team and didn't incentivize teamplay in any meaningful way. The best designed champ in the game is Zarya because she's the only one who directly benefits from helping her team. Unironically if there were more characters like that that rewarded the individual the game would not have failed. Every instance of a good player being able to absolutely shit on a bad one was phased out of the game because of bitching on the forums, which killed the game both casually and from an esports angle because nobody gives a fuck about any team ever--it's all about the players.

>they didn't know that no one plays team games as a team
>and didn't incentivize teamplay in any meaningful way
LMAO players should not be incentivised to work together, that's fucking low variance aids
>The best designed champ in the game is Zarya
you're totally fucking braindead

>getting this aggressive over the balancing of an anime shooter

No one liked Orisa because orisa was literally a shieldbot, you just hold down LMB and press E when the shield is up and that was it, it was the most vapid boring shit in the game, worse than fucking reinhardt even.
Now you actually get to play the game, it's infinitely better.

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>they made the African robot a literal spear chucker

Yeah I don't really understand the criticisms of this game aside from it being a pointless sequel. Theres no reason this couldn't have been a massive balance patch but w/e.
Turning the game into a shooter is the right decision.

>orisa has a plasma rifle
unironically looks good
the problem with overwatch isn't the balancing, it's the oppressive teamplay and focus on massive constant teamfights with insane incombat healing rather than split play with meaningful damage and 1v1s

zarya is the embodiment of all that is wrong with overwatch who literally denies kills instantly and reactively because it's "skill testing"
it is a massive balance patch lol, it's literally free for all ow1 owners

Are skins transferring from 1? I played this shit on ps4 so i dont know if its even possible to transfer my shit, and if it is. DUnno if i care to bother transferring

yes but the new skins won't be "redone" so they'll look kinda shit

When does 2 release

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fuck your shitty shield
>Orisa can now block and push shit out of map
They very clearly made her fun faggotron, go check out the new videos

go play cod or one of the million other shooters focused on splitting up and 1v1ing people

>not even 3 minutes in
>character can slap some button and instantly leap 30 feet in the air at the cost of nothing

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Zarya is one of the best designed characters in the game, she can only save people for a second or so and has to do so to do any damage

there literally aren't any because overwatch killed an entire genre to force its terrible mmo pvp nonsense down everyone's throats
>she can only save people for a second or so
yeah you're braindead, we know

i bet you love bap too and think he has a "high skill ceiling"

I just watched the rework videos and those changes seems infinitely more fun than what those heroes used to be, I might reinstall overwatch

>there literally aren't any because overwatch killed an entire genre
or maybe your idea of what makes a fun game isnt actually all that fun

It's why Blizzard is trash in general and why hilariously HOTS is now their best game: because they don't have the resources to continuously "mix up the meta" aka fuck the gameplay up by rotating flavor of the months and releasing hype generating power creeped content. It's just like one guy shifting numbers around on HOTS.

oh no not an orisa rework!
I had so much fun standing in place and holding m1

literally what's wrong with that?

>standing in place and holding m1
Isn't that what you do on Soldier, McCree, Widowmaker, Ashe, Bastion and pretty much everyone else?

i literally just want overwatch 2 with passive healing and every character can sprint which is what xdefiant and gundam evolution are going to be

>we want the gundam evolution audence

Am I taking crazy pills or does this look even more retard than current Overwatch? Graphics looks worse, gameplay looks worse, balance looks non-existent, and so forth

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>why hilariously HOTS is now their best game
stop talking
you're taking crazy pills unless you're looking at dva and sombra exclusively

maybe in bronze league

you don’t have to buy it. It’s free for ow1 owners

no, with those heroes you have enough damage to kill people consistently and you have to manage spacing to get picks off of out of place healers and make sure you don't die. You also don't have to baby your team because you don't have a big stupid shield and you're not a damage sponge.
If you legitimately think a dps playstyle is comparable to what you do when you play orisa I don't think its possible that you've actually played the game

Overwatch was fun for a little while until they limited it to one of each character, then I dropped it. Why the fuck do the devs care if we want a team of 5 Genjis flipping around everywhere? It's fun, something video games are meant to be.

no bro you dont understand if you want to move at more than a snails pace you should have to spend 250 hours grinding movement tech like my epic TF2 rocketjumpman

>they literally just scaled up doomfist's model
is there a lore explanation for this
black people aren't just bigger humans, they aren't fucking na'vi

>You are crazy, user!
>Changing a fundamental aspect of an anti-flanker hero for an underwhelming, 100 damage takes 3 seconds to go off sticky grenade is PEAK Overwatch!

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I hope you're pretending to be retarded

>less stuns in the game
how is this not a good thing

Yes, unironically. That kind of movement should be a reward for good players and at least come at the cost of damage.

>this character should be able to stun people (most hated mechanic in the game) because its central to his identity as a cowboy and not the fucking revolver
the state of this board

Boomer game

You Blizzard faggots are absolutely fucking insufferable. Unironically go find some carcinogenic chemicals in your house and shove them right up your ass everyday until they mutate your asshole and you get painful, blood dripping ass cancer that metastasizes to every organ in your body and you collapse in agony only coming in and out of consciousness begging someone to kill you. Not in Minecraft either.

they fucking took out flashbang
we're going home laddies

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>it's literally free for all ow1 owners
It is? Well that's twice as confusing for their motivations then.

As one of the few people who like orisa I fucking hate this.

>support healing is the same as in live
ok no the game is trash

>less stun
how is that bad?

They should used spawn waves so everybody spawns at once.
At least if somebody is going to mindlessly rush the objective, then the rest of the team won't be far behind him

>t. seething dps-babies that were called out for their braindead gameplay of doing 'pew-pew-pew'

what do you like about her? Not hating on you, I'm just genuinely curious.
To a lot of players (including me), even though her character design is cool her actual playstyle is boring as fuck and its hard to do anything but act like a wall for your team.
At least rein has big damage potential, orisa doesn't really have anything.

...It's literally the same game. Are people really gonna buy the same game again?

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because overwatch is a fundamentally badly designed game that appeals to neither.
It has too much casual stuff for competifags and is too sweaty tryhard for casuals

im fine if a couple of heroes have that sort of depth. I think its really cool.
The rest should be accessible for casuals though. Thats the neat thing about class shooters imo. You can have something for everyone.

Battleborn was unironicallly a better game than Overwatch but it was released at the height of Gearbox Hate and Blizzard Dickriding

he's now a tank so for his larger health pool his hitbox is also big, giving a small fast moving character a huge health pool would be broken as hell

user try playing as soldier 76, or mcree, or even bastion and just standing in place, shooting without moving in front of the point and seeing what happens. Chances are you're probably gonna eat shit really quickly
You can't play orisa like a dps and you can't play a dps like orisa, thats not opinion, thats just hard facts