Who are some of your favorite video game voice actors?

Who are some of your favorite video game voice actors?

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i wish we could just talk about video games instead of this tertiary bullshit. why do you do it op? are video games genuinely so uninteresting that we have to talk about everything other than the games themselves?

whites age like milk
black don't crack

if I get bad diarrhea I get tons of new grey hair
I noticed it when I was in Japan for a while eating shitty supermarket bentou without nuking it

I'm glad VAs will get replaced by AI at some point.
These leeches deserve to lose their jobs.

hey i'm 15 days older than ash and look 10 years younger, nice.

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This dude is based, got to meet him at a con and he was a ton of fun to talk with. Love his Wario voice especially.

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What brought you to Japan? I'm not an otaku by any means but I've been studying some moonrunes in hopes of visiting one day. Maybe if I finally lose all other reasons to live I'll apply to the JET program

How do we stop aging. I want to remain a twink and don't want to hit 30.

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post hairline

Unironically Erika Harlacher and Cristina Vee

Niggers look like shit from birth, there's nothing to ruin in the first place.

i did not read your post or the other replies here
ash is still cute

>My hair started turning white at 22 because of traumatic surgery
pls no bully

some Zelda concert
also I stuck around a bit longer so I could go to the Switch event in January 2017


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it's exactly the same as always but my hair is a bit thinner, i'm an indian.

>it's the same but it isnt

>i'm an indian.

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could be worse

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i'm free as buffalo i kick da poopoo. seething tranny

I have a friend who has the same condition. She's 34 but has a lot of gray hair. Also, Ashly goes to Therapy a lot and probably has a lot of anxiety problems.

>the hair fell down to his chin

>the burch familyline will cease to exist within your lifespan
feels good

that is going to be me in about 3 years

No wonder so many English VAs sounds like they smoke 50 packs every day...

Going bald that early must be rough. I hope that guy can grow a beard.

>Ashly goes to Therapy a lot and probably has a lot of anxiety problems.
Really? Source? Although, I can tell she's dealing with some issues.

Was gonna meet him at a con and I got incredibly flustered and didn't meet him. If he was more of an asshole I might of but he's genuinely such an amazing guy I didn't really know what to do.

She's cute though, like a cute femboy Ira Glass, would in a heartbeat



i'm several years older than her but she looks like 20 years older than me

Thanks user

attention whore

so .... this is.... this is the poqer of the vaxx.... .....

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s she married?

>content creator produce stuff on Tik Tok
>actress is cross promoting her career on social media


>VAs will get replaced by AI at some point.
The more and more dishonest society becomes, the more and more I want something like this.

>Black people can voice act white people
>White people can't voice act black people

It doesn't help that holier-than-thou leftists (like Cleveland's voice actor) actually vouch for this sort of mental gymnastics, making it more accepted.

Noted and overlooked voice actors like Rick May suddenly dying is also annoying. We need to archive these voices, especially ones that have been memorable for so long.

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Is she? I don't think she married that beta looking dude yet.

>We need to archive these voices
shut the fuck up that's soulless shit. This is the equivalent of disney wanting to use robin williams's voice after his death for an add. Thank god his daughter refused

Attention whores.

I love callmecarson, he is my favourite voiceactor.

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>I'm not an otaku
You're not a geek?

>Browsing Redditt
fuck off faggot

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I work at a college and it seems at least 1/3 of the male students are losing their hair. Some look like your pic related, at the age of 21 or so.

Why are zoomers aging so fast?

Just walk up and say "Hi I really like your work, could you please sign this game/take this photo with me". Believe me I was trying not to have a stroke, only time in all my life I've ever been starstruck by someone before but he's great. 1 in a million larger-than-life personality, and very professional too.
Only person at a con I met that was an asshole (at least overtly) was Sean Schemmel (Goku's english dub voice). I only even met him because I got a signature on behalf of my brother and he was really arrogant, make a big stink about not doing any kind of quote and wasted a bunch of time on a moral grandstand about Japanese anime. A lot of the people are just happy to get attention. Lucy Pohl, the voice actress for Overwatches' Mercy was also super friendly.

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...That her real hair color?

they probably live in an healthier way than previous generations too

You give your opinion on a social media, are thou not an wench of attention?

What you wrote doesn't make sense.

Otakus are a couple of steps over geek.

Geeks like technology and video games, but still work outside .

Otakus will do whatever they can to work from home and never leave it.

>what is reading comprehension
I understand what he said. Are you autistic or illiterate?

I'm highlighting the paradox
seems clear to me

I knew a kid in hs who had grey hair, weird fucker.

No, it's an anonymous board.

Ash always been an attention whore, the difference between "Hey ash what are you playing" and TikTok Ash is a fucking wall, she acts exactly the same as she did when she was 18

No one here is really bald... right?

Past generations smokes, grew up with a lot of chemicals around them, fathers working hard jobs, smoking earlier, drinking earlier.

Now we have vitamins supplements in everything, we spend less time outside and we have more unions that stop dangerous jobs. Physical jobs are also lowers.

Look at Grease, the actors looked way older than their ages.

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desu i don’t give a rats ass about celebrities being used post mortem by corporations, let their family and estates handle it, but if there’s a way for an indie dev to fully voice his game for a fraction of the money, then I’m all in

make sure you get started on mino/fina asap once you notice hair loss

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Yeah, I'd still tap Ashly without hesitation. She looks fine. Hell, I wanna fuck her even more now that she's a brown girl with short white hair. That's a hard thing to get outside of 2D.

>sister to the biggest cuck known to man
hope she gets raped

And? She make a lot of money doing it. It's her job to make content. All actors have to do it to some degree. You dont become an actor without wanting attention.

nice try

>Otakus will do whatever they can to work from home and never leave it.
Those are shut ins. Otaku literally means geek.

Shitty diet and low sunlight is a factor but I think stress is the big one.
Everybody's afraid of getting canceled, getting doxxed, being inexplicably fired, not being able to afford gas, getting a girlfriend and if you have one wondering if she'll pull a false rape allegation for attention or cheat on you, watching if a nigger is going to play the knockout game on you, your opinions being censored, work changing your hours without warning, the government making you an enemy for an incredibly minor infraction or some richfag suing you for the dumbest bullshit. We weren't meant to live in such a perpetually anxious existence.
If I have to work a typical 9-5 stress filled normie job with long commute and psycho boss I will actually kill myself or go psycho, as an actual case-study aspie I've never been able to handle stress very well and almost killed myself from the stress of a certification course after just a few weeks in. The modern world is already about to break the normalfags and it'll destroy me, I'm terrified of finishing college

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first 40 minutes or so

t. Anthony Burch