>yfw when Yea Forums simps for this
Yfw when Yea Forums simps for this
i think she's brave. ya'll can fuck off
this is one of those discord threads isnt it.
don't care and never will
>yfw when
thats every thread
Fuck... shes so hot...
why does this woman look like a man
when will they leave my video games alone
thats just how some of us look :)
I don't understand how can people make fun of this, the person already looks miserable enough
Why did you faggots have to ruin ya'll?
This this this. Some folk just can't stand strong women.
OPs image is very real
trannies do exist and they are ruining quite literally everything they touch, and we have every reason to be fucking mad
The left one is cute yes
yes they do but not really and no you dont other than spite
i literally cannot stop thinking about trannies 24/7
Nah, no simping for this one. But the one brunette that sat to the left of the goth chick in one of the other panels with the giant juicy fucking tits? Sure.
i want her turds for dinner every night.
>i think she's brave.
same. takes some kinda bravery for a dude to dress up and a woman and walk out of the house like that knowing everyone they meet that day is gonna be repulsed by his appearance. I couldn't do it, I'm not that brave.
The creature will be the downfall of Blizzard
why is it never the happy go lucky gay guy turned chick and always a sex perverted agp doing the dead pan because his sexual fetish isn't recognized by the broader public?
Alright, who here still plays WoW? Justify yourself!
Definitely looks strong
>but not really
Are you suggesting World of Warcraft has improved since they started hiring trannies?
Because it's all about getting pussy, even if you must become one yourself. it's categorized as mental illness for a reason.
>Some folk just can't stand strong women.
Are you suggesting the only way for a woman to be strong is for a man to pretend to be one?
dont forget stunning
Are you suggesting that you actually play WoW?
>yfw when you NEVER played that shit
Two years ago I met a tranny online. Gained its trust and met up. We met up in a wooded area because it thought I wanted a bj. I proceeded to knock it clean out with one punch. I'm NOT a strong guy but this whippet of woe just crumbled. Anyway, I hate these creatures, so while it was out I snapped back five of it's fingers (bone came out), caved some of its teeth in with a stone and pissed on it. Last I heard it was too embarrassed to go to the cops, and so shamed it now dresses like a bloke.
>works for blizzard
>can't afford FFS
>moving the goalpost
guess how i know you're a tranny faggot?
>didn't answer the question
I wonder why?
yo based
Why bother? You'd still have a deep voice, no female pheromones, wide shoulders and no hips, massive hands, and fucking testicles
Not the OP
Take your meds
becoming indian seems to give her a better personality
Last night I met this chick she said "give me 6 inches and hurt me" so I fucked her twice and hit her in the head with a brick
Because the happy go lucky gays did it young and look mostly passable and are on social media instead of making games
Why are americans so mentally ill?
>tranny is one of my clients today
>boss literally brief me yesterday and goes
>user i like you but this bloke coming in has a rich family dont fuck this up i dont want higher ups telling me any bullshit like firing you alright?
>mfw im gonna have to catch myself while talking to this linebacker
>look ma I called him a tranny!
zoom zoom
>Take your meds
I'm not a tranny, so I don't have meds I need to take.
are you a male prostitute?
Que porra é essa?
Circumcision. It warps the brain to be sexually broken.
No doubt this mentally unstable cross dresser is creating the best content for normal people.
You guys talk tough here but never do anything if you see a tranny in public
Google correlation vs causation.
You're off your meds? Your behavior has an explanation then
Now try do that to me and my waifu, chud.
No one on /v has ever simped for that.
Uhhhhh i'm 90% certain I'm your client
>You'd still have a deep voice
fixeable with training and, if requires, surgery
>no female pheromones
irrelevant for alleviating gender dysphoria
>wide shoulders and no hips
depends on the person, her shooulders aren't particularly wide and she can get a great butt if she puts in the work
>massive hands
hers don't look particularly big
You can remove them if you want to
what does this even mean im not gonna beat on a mentally ill person people need to come together to call this shit out
That looks like a little kid in a wig
>Why are americans so mentally ill?
They're ruled by jews.
>Google correlation vs causation.
>bro just say correlation doesn't equal causation whenever you worm your way into someone's hobby and actively destroy it, nothing they can do bro, trust me
I can see how you'd feel that way when picrel is you.