Struggling on normal

>struggling on normal
>switch to easy
>game becomes a total joke

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these are bots right? they have to be

bros i think i want to play on easy now

What game are they playing?

more proof that white = easy mode

I used to do this.
Yeah it does work.
None of them speak English.

is this a thinly veiled off topic thread?

If you mean OP then yes, I can't imagine anyone else but zoomers spend so many hours per day making off-topic threads with some vague subject about videogames thrown in


>not knowing mandarin

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How do I become whiter bros

Take the Cena pill

This only works while INSIDE china.


>chinese women
I'm alright. Also isn't the guy on the left the one who's married to the giant moonfaced asian girl

yes, he lives with her in america now and the guy on the right lives in taiwan

>guy on the right lives in taiwan
That'll end well for him I'm sure

Why do white men have such an advantage when it comes to dating?
It's not fair

>use dating app
>get tons of likes but no matches
>eventually get a match
>close and delete app

>white dude
>has to become rich
>has to give up everything and move abroad

>back dude
>can just run gansta game and/or say he has a bbc

>asian dude
>can instantly date any kpop chick

>latino dude
>can just run gansgta game

then why do all the white women I know sleep with black men

I will never understand people who use Tinder or any "LF sex" kind of app.
I guess I'm too much of a boomer.

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They all rook the saem

because black men didn't buy into the scam and shittest that is feminism

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do they move bishops differently in the midgame?

it's not fucking fair

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Best of both worlds generally. Can be brutish and violent spurring natural sexual response while being unlikely to employ violence over disagreements.
That’s why Asian gym rats can pull so easily, it over rides the notion they are incapable of aggression.
Blacks and Hispanics need to push for the cultured appeal to override the fear response that’ll prevent women from biting the hook. Best accomplished with a well fitted suit.
All of this is of course predicated upon not being fat or short (under 5”10’).

>struggling on normal

and that's a good thing!

Why is it a bad thing that they all look the same?
If the one you have dies you can just get another one and it's like nothing changed.
That's handy.

You don't know any real women troon

Im half white and half asian, but i dont look as asian without glasses. I wonder if FOB women would be DTF...
i already have a brown gf, just wondering

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Just a reminder the gaijin who has the highest body count when it comes Japanese women is pic related.

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i mean, hes like a fucking sideshow attraction to him. he's still lucky, but its just a work thing

Seethe whitoid, foreign men are banned in JAVs except Tyrones.

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not according to dating app statistics. Blacks are so low in matches that its honestly just sad and pathetic

>has to be paid to fuck niggers


Only asian I fucked was a vietnamese and it was terrible. No ass, awful blowjob, wouldn't let me cum in her mouth or her face

He's living the dream.

Forgot pic.

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asian boys seething will forever be hilarious to me, like you guys even report WMAF porn for hate, it's fucking pathetic man, grow a spine and your women won't jump on white and black dick, that is the problem, not that every foreigner got a 25cm dick and is 2 meters tall

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>all NTR

he's also getting paid to fuck them user.

That's his specialty.

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it must be tiring for him. i feel bad for all people who are sexually fetishized for their race/skin tone (except women, of course)

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!! GEM ALERT !!!


JAV nigga gets to fuck pic related. He doesn't give a shit.

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Who cares about porn, look outside, It's WMAF all over the place.

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Its porn nigger, everyones being paid. Tired of what? Making money?

That guy fucked prime AIKA.

You underestimate deperate addict losers clucking for a (you).
People on Yea Forums in general (and other sites like reddit) are lost and need recognition.
On Yea Forums that is (you)'s. That's the dopamine here.

Shitposty threads
The same old tried and true threads that guarantee posts (think elden ring threads, FOTM, Smash threads)
Porn threads

Anything to get people to respond to you.
I suggest you don't, but take a look at Yea Forums and the sorry state it's in now.
The same regugatated threads all day, constant porn threads, social threads, political threads, blacked threads for angry responses.

All are the condensed, thread-types that get lots of responses. That's all Yea Forums is now, a (you) pit full of addicts.
Yea Forums is close behind, but people here can't hide behind the "random" part of Yea Forums that literally allows anything.
So you get threads like;
>What are some games that [vague description of non video game image they posted]
Where they only want to talk about the image, but make the most pathetic attempt to make it video game related possible.


no, they both lived in China when that video took place

Why are you faggots so obsessed with race?

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Niggers seething that Asian women find them disgusting lol

Literally free pussy.

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Rich easy mode. They think they rich as fuck.

If anything, the rate of white women with blacks that arent trashy low iq whores is crazy low.

If anything, I thank the blackies for helping filter out the blonde bimbos and baby daddy trappers. If you dont believe me, see for yourself how often when you see white women with niggers that the woman is some trashy whore that has a low iq, no income, and works as a wagie

asian women are the easiest it doesn't matter if your white, black, mexican, indian. just showing them a bit of interest guarantees you a lay.

why are you so brown lmao?

>be literally who armyfag
>get stationed in Japan
>somehow ended up working in JAVs
>gets to fuck the hottest whores Japan has to offer

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Its the new political divide user, conservatives love black men and liberals love white men. Get with the times chud

i'm sure he's crushed he gets to fuck prime nip pussy that white guys can't ever hope to touch

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I miss those days

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I dont understand these posts. Are they supposed to make me jealous that im not black? You do realize he's just a fetish on the level of fat old men in JAVs? Should I be jealous of those fat chink fucks because they have sex on video?

Bullshit. It doesn't work like that.

>global media

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Based Tyrone. Happy for him.

Its Yea Forums. They literally think they know everything when so much info they state is either wrong or fibbed for bait

Thats just your projection. Its just porn user

>I dont understand these posts

They are meant to trigger people and work them into a seething mess. See this guy >

Politics. Politics, bots and autism.

As a black man, no it doesn't get tiring. Fuck, as a MAN, no it doesn't get tiring when women have a positive sexual predisposition on me. That's gay as shit.

What's everyone having for dinner tonight?

I'm making some rigatoni with a vodka sauce.

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chinese women are bugbots so yes