What's the biggest "what were they thinking?" moment of all time?

What's the biggest "what were they thinking?" moment of all time?

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Resident Evil 6.

Nintendo Switch Online

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Limited Inventory
Outside of Dead Rising 1, I've never played a game where it wasn't a bigger pain in the ass to manage than it was fun.

Xbox One launch. TLou2. Cyberpunk.

The sega genesis / 32x / cd monstrosity
That and Doom 3

Resident Evil 4 did it very well and then 5 decided to not do that again for some reason

I had a different answer in mind when I entered this thread but I'll go ahead and second this. Not much point to an action game that often takes control from you in intervals of just a few fucking seconds. Mercenaries was OK because the controls were great but most of the maps suck.

Devil May Cry 2 springs to mind

>Switch supports headsets natively
>Fortnite uses it
>Nintendo still tries to push their app
They've been fucking up anything related to online gaming since gamecube

My exact feelings on Max Payne 3. Both have great mechanics but dogshit pacing.

FFXIII, Chocobo GP real money shop, Triangle Strategy name and long ass dialogues...

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Blizzard outsourcing WC3 remake

For me, it will forever be the entire fucking half of Farenheit.
Jesus what a hilarious shitshow. How the fuck did anyone expect anything else David Cage work on not to be utter shit is beyond me.
And yeah, I know about the cut content. Farenheit would be absolutely fucking riddiculous and stupid even if it had ten times the running lenght and all the factions would have been properly fleshed out.

Everything about the Jaguar's existence honestly fucks with me still.

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Adding blacked to xenoblade

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Hey, I know that place! It's Consecrated Snowfield!

Ohhhh Elden ring....

The Kingdoms of Amalur remaster.

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They weren't thinking, they had 4 months to get something out of the door from another failed project

i heard that game was pretty good, what was wrong with the remaster?

>Zelda 1
>Game over respawns you in a dungeon
>Zelda 2
>Game over respawns you all the way to the stupid palace in the overworld

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Soulcalibur V in it's entirety

Xenoblade 2

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Well then my question would be what were Capcom thinking releasing that clearly unfinished game? Give it a few more months to cook and it could have been great.

I'm still mad about how unsatisfying the shotgun was

>virtual boy
>sega 32x and cd
>sim city 2013
>xbox one reveal
>ps3 price reveal
>wii u name
>mighty number 9 hype
>ouya hype

Top of my head

quite literally filtered by the better game

>Outsource everything to small studio that did the shitty mobile port of san andreas and expect them to remake 3 games in two years
>That studio outsources everything to India

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I'd say it was a thing of the time but they still release unfinished games to pad out their fiscal year profits.


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I mean it's obvious what they were thinking:
>who cares, they will buy it anyway
And they were right.

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i dont get it so did they nerf the games complexity for slow people or did they do the opposite?

you are presentign conflicting statements

>Community complained about the vortex campaign in 2
>Triple down on every negative aspect about it in 3

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elden ring of video games

I beat it twice, faggot. But it's undeniably tedious to have to walk all the way across the overworld just to get back at the temple again. What is even the point? Great Palace doesn't have that rule (as it should), would it have been so terrible to make every other temple like that?

God why hasn't there been a game with a decent durability system like dead rising

You hold one button to automatically attack, hold a button to automatically dodge, and sometimes you'll be prompted to hold square to guard.. A toddler could beat the game.

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Honestly this is a solid answer. Even when people defend it you can see them going through discounting like half the fucking game to make it work.

This is a pretty obvious answer. They were entirely out of touch and that resulted in them being on the spotlight on stage in front of a crowd of god knows how many people who are all booing you. He just said something out of nervousness.

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Being able to move while shooting is nice, but the entire game feels like a budget horror shooter from the Dark Sector era masquerading as remotely RE related.

This is probably the best recent example.
Imagine having your play testers and content creators all tell you the rift system is absolutely shit and then doing nothing about it.
The April patch should have already been implemented before it launched, but they ignored everyone for some reason.

how was the first game though? i've been putting off playing it forever but i've heard it described as a PS1 link to the past

It's offline MMO. The game isn't bad, has VAs all over for side-quests and there is pretty much a lot of content. Just like in MMO.
But it gets boring easily and there was no reason to remake it. That said I reckon user from was pretty baffled with odd choice to remaster as nobody asked for it in first place?

>virtual boy
Nobody from QA complained about headaches in first place? I wonder how R&D even passed with prototype.

Beating a clinically dead and now recovering in hospital horse at this point but no man's sky. The hype was absolutely insane, some of the shit they said still hasn't come true but they were lying through their teeth about it.

>wait for the cutscene to end so you can play
>wait for the animation to finish so you can move
>wait for the npc to finish talking so you can sprint
>wait for the other npc to finish giving orders so you can progress

the 3rd birthday

Money. They were thinking money. They knew they didn't need to improve the service in any way for people to pay them for it. It was literally free money for them.

is this the actual model from the game or an edit?

some developers just have massive egos and won't backpedal even if everyone tells them their idea is dog shit

Chibi-Robo level select roulette.

>lazy old man ruins everything
We need some Logan’s Run shit seriously

Should have titled it literally anything else

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Anybody has the "WH2 1 month later" vs "WH3 1 month later"?

I ask what the people pretending to give a shit about the original Prey were thinking.
Most retardedly forced melodrama I have seen.

I still don't get the connection to the original. Is there even a connection?

>making bf hardline a bf title and thus killing it
>bf5 and 2042 in general
>cod bo4 being mp only

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I used to think this was done out of stupidity and a desperate need of some mid-level suit in the company trying to avoid looking badly in front of the shareholder board.
Now I suspect it was far worse than that.

ff7 remake

irrelevant. why give your game the same title as a mediocre shooter that had fans waiting for news of a prey 2 for like a decade. it wasn't a creative decision, it was forced on the devs.

Because it's a good and catchy one word name and no one gives a shit about the original.

can anything ever beat this?

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do nintenidiots actually? golly

This but 13

It still bothers me that despite all its poor design choices, it still looks way better than Elden Ring

oh god

>tfw no nami arm and legstump
Oda is a hack for this and this alone

>irrelevant. why give your game the same title as a mediocre shooter that had fans waiting for news of a prey 2 for like a decade.
The simple and obvious answer is:
Someone needed to justify spending money on Prey IP in front of the shareholders in order to not seem incompetent.

But as I mentioned above, now I am convinced it's far worse than that. I think it was a deliberate decision to sabotage Arkane and start making grounds for his friends from HH to come back and defraud even more money from Bethesda.

And the whole fraud thing does not really bother me. I can't say I have ANY sympathy for Beth/Zenimax being utterly and completely incompetent in managing their own money.

But the fact that it was done at the expense of actually talented developer, as well as the insane arrogance with which they have done it, that does bother me.

It had good robo ass even the males too

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it genuinely sounds like what an out of touch nip suit would make "gaijins rabu rearismu" style

making the lives counter only go to 6

gothic 4

>But the fact that it was done at the expense of actually talented developer, as well as the insane arrogance with which they have done it, that does bother me
Sad because it wasn't the first time it happened to them
