Digimon World 2 is fucking terrible. No wonder why I never beat it as a kid...

Digimon World 2 is fucking terrible. No wonder why I never beat it as a kid. I thought I'd have a better time with an emulator speed-up button and a better understanding of video games as an adult but this really is hostile to the concept of fun.
I still love World 1 with all my heart, warts and all, and though I didn't like 3 as much, I understood the appeal.

Does anyone exist with 2 as their favorite?

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it's only saving grace is that isn't 4

It's bad, but not as bad as 4

I'm scared to ask, what's so wrong with 4? By the time of its release I had fallen out with Digimon.

It looks like shit, it's basically a shitty Diablo clone that doesn't have anything to do with Digimon, it PLAYS like shit, the entire gameplay revolves around stunlocking (either you stunlocking enemies or enemies stunlocking you), you don't even get to evolve until you beat the fucking final boss, the story is boring as hell, and you use WEAPONS

I never played 2, playing 1 now and loving it, hard to get into though

Usually not emotional at all when faced with nostalgia but this one just hits different.

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i played DW2 for like say atleast and 1000 hours
cant say for sure
game went from great to prolly one of my most beloved games when i used a cheat code to make my digimon lvl up after one battle so i could DNA fuze in a matter of hurs instead of a fucking week
it shit alls over DW3 but is worse than 1
4 is just a trashfire

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Does the combat ever get more engaging beyond press X to win?

I can look at this map and immediately call to mind exact screens and the background music of each and every location.
Love this game to death.

its a digimon raising simulator, i was there for that
combat is very basic but honestly it has Soul
DW1 was cool cuz you raised your bro and then literally shouted and cheered the guy to do his best, you cant really beat that

What in god's name were you even doing for 1000 hours? Raising every single digimon to max level? Why?

> why did you play diablo 2 for 1k+ hours and try to get every item in the game ? are you insane, you trying to have fun ?
copy and paste every game etc etc

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More power to you dude for having fun, I just can't comprehend targeting this godawful snail's-pace game in particular for completionist devotion.

i was an after war slav kid from ex yu with a modded ps1 and a limited amount of games i could buy for a burned 4$ per disc
FF9 is still my favorite ps1 game cuz that shit costed 20 $ and i played that shit on disc 2 untill i was lvl 99 on my every char
to put things into perspective
same reason slavs play heroes of might and magic 3 still, its very good, can be played on a potato and you can hide the fact you live i na fuckign shithole

That does put things into perspective. I had the privilege of simply playing something else.
DW2 being so goddamn slow might even be a benefit because it'll keep you occupied longer.

I'm downloading Digimon World 1.

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I don't know why, but I absolutely loved upgrading the tank thing. I really enjoyed the game until I learned about digivolve points and started grinding. A cheat like mentioned almost makes me want to pick it up again.

Me. I had guidebook ordered from the USA.

But even then I thought it was a bit challenging.

good lad, music and digimon sounds that are super basic make the game for me
also as a kid you learn to grief over your fucking digimon when they pass
its a incredible game, especialy for kids who lost pets etc, even tho i know burgers dont get overly emotional over trivial things

Have you played it before?
If not, keep in mind, the game is a marathon, not a race. You're more likely to enjoy it if you stop to smell the roses rather than worry too much about Digimon lifespans.

>you don't even get to evolve until you beat the fucking final boss
u wot

When it came out, but not since then.

Damn someone who plays games on v

Played all the world games as a kid and my favorite one was by far 3. I was blown away by its world and how amazing it looked at the time. Tried playing it again last year, and while it oozes soul, i just cant get into grindy games anymore

I couldn't beat 3 as a kid due to the slow game speed and constant random encounters but with an emulator and a speed-up button it really wasn't that bad imo.

dude i played dw3 for like 14 hours a day to lvl up my beelzemon, got it to lvl 99 only for the fucking JAPS fuck me over without giving the fucking beelzemon blast mode chaos flare, or corna eater i think it was from the anime, and give it the fucking basic gunx6 attack
aslo the game looks AMAZING world wise, then SHATS ALL OVER ITSELF whith the fucking garbage visual style battles

no nigger

Well I'd hope so

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You're in for some comfy shit, if you can get the "gist" of it. It can be a little obscure at times but it all adds to the charme.

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AAAAH buy at regular price veggieman you piece of shit. I can't get it to 3200, fucking keeps throwing veggiemon at me

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Yeah, the battle system definitely weights it down, not sure if they were trying to copy pokemon or whatever, but it was a complete miss

i honetsly never recruited that fucking dinosaur
and i fucking tried, i REALLY tried

It would've been on par with PS1 JRPGs if it weren't so fucking slow.

does anyone know how to unlock the true ending without using gameshark codes? when you use them a new location appears and you can go back to hte real world then the game ends

I only played World 1 and 2 back in the day. Honestly I love them for different reasons so it's hard to compare.
1 was cool but the evolutions sucked since the requirements for half of them seemed so fucking specific and weird
2 was just more grindy in my opinion, and could be an absolute chore if you needed to redo a level

what do you mean dude ? you follow the story, beat the mega dude and you unlock a lvl 99 floor dungeon thing that you cant finish cuz you ran outa battery moves ?
also is it true you cant capture a baihumon or is it just me
cuz i tried, for like a hundred hours before giving up
keep in mind i last played the game when the internet was not in homes in ex yu, i had to go t internet caffes to google shit and was hard to find

>be an hour in a domain
>return bug

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>what do you mean dude ? you follow the story, beat the mega dude and you unlock a lvl 99 floor dungeon thing that you cant finish cuz you ran outa battery moves ?
With gameshark codes you could activate some shit that spawns a new location on the map and when you go there and follow the dialog you get a cinematic where you return to the real world i always thought you needed to find something in the 99 floor dungeon but it wasnt the case

I watched this vid on youtube

Is this game really just a dungeon crawler and battler? This looks boring as fuck, only the most hardcore autistic boring virgin could legitimately enjoy this game.

Being a dungeon crawler isn't a bad thing on its own. The issue is the combat simplicity mixed with an unreasonably slow game speed.

What are the best Digimon games?

Don't forget about the traps

Why is Digimon World 2 so different form the first game? Why didn't they just call it Digimon World Digital Dungeon Explorer if they wanted to keep the Digimon World name?

Doesn't seem like they had a fixed formula for what they wanted the series to be, 1 and 3 are the only games that are sort of similar in that they're open world games, but they're obviously still very different

I can almost see DW2 as a distant sequel to DW1, to the point where in my recent attempt to replay 2 I was wishing for more story context.
But the real answer is probably that the game developers have never had any idea what they're doing with Digimon. Maybe slapped on the name for recognition or more sales from unsuspecting kids.

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it was balanced around co-op with three other players at a time when you were lucky to even have one friend who still cared about digimon, let alone three.

“What… the fuck?” - me, age 7 in 2000 after playing it long enough for Agumon to shit himself and digivolve into that pile
of shit

>doesn't upgrade bugsweeper
>runs into bug

This is hard to answer because they're all a little fucked up. There is to this day no single Digimon game that I can recommend without fair warning.
World 1 is my favorite, but it requires vast patience and a special kind of taste for strange, obtuse games. If it's made to your taste, though, it's a buffet.
The safest answer is probably Cyber Sleuth because it functions the best as a video game. But I personally didn't care for it because the writing was both terrible and voluminous to the point of getting in the way of trying to enjoy the monsters.

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literally the same shit whats killing games right this very second
dude younger and hip shit is cool wer gonna pander
if you value the quality of game desings back in the day compared to now with all the fucking tech advacmenets
its fucking garbage
its just market shit
we should be fucking flying in cars right
let that sink in
instead we have electric cars imitating actual cars cuz its the next shit
we need fucking WARS on a world scale to progress the society in any way, cuz people are just compliants in every fucking way

>Do you have a Digivice?
>Do you have friends?

Jesus, this game really starts off HARD

Now post the official TCG artwork of DW1.

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cyber persona is proly the worst offender
all those digimon and watered down with shit hubs filled with literal hours of dialog none fucking cares aboutthe best one by far is a fucking Digimon Digital Card Battle game and im not even kidding
has a ok story, gameplay is amazing, game actualy has anime chars relevant to the shit in it AND it really tires
the fact it never got a sequel is a crime agaisnt humanity
saying that digimon rtumble arena ONE (1) is also an incredible game to play with your mates
sad thing is it got an sequel that was an abosule dumbster fire

I just wish your Digimons wouldn't die of age. I know it was supposed to imitate the v-pets, but that just doesn't translate well into vidya.
Any way to remove that feature?

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Good music, monster catcher and gym fighting. Boring exploration but that's fine. It's not bad game for it's time and was based. It has soul at least.

Why do all Digimon threads have this romanian seething about Cyber Slut?

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That's different game. 2 is dungeon crawler and monster catcher. 3 is amazing turn based and your digimons don't die.

>. 3 is amazing turn based
3 is trash the game has like 20 zones total that you go through over and over and without a guide the game is completely impossible to finish like sometimes you have to backtrack half the world to find an npc that spawned only at that point in the game. Also 1v1 fights with no strategy involved whatsoever and insane grinding and backtracking

Loved how this map would be naturally more dangerous with encounters the further you went from the city, and had that natural circle

Not him but hate it too since it felt like atlus game also fetch quests and bland environment. I like they increased ecchi even though sluts are kind off old. Still one of worst digimon games. Gameplay sucked too.

Personaly I gotta say Digimon World 1, but it's kind of a mess that doesn't tell you important information you need to play it properly. There's also Digital Card Battle and Rumble Arena wich people like but I never played them so I can't say for sure if they are good are not.
Aslo Cyber Slueth is mediocre as fuck, don't bother with it or at least don't pay more than $10 for it if someone manages to convince you to play it.

Finished it as child and I can't read language that said I did stuck sometimes.

Every fucking thread about a vidya series has at least one sperg crying about whatever is generally accepted as popular

I thought Digimons did die of age in DW1. Am I wrong, ESL-Kun?

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digimon world 1 really tries to keep that a kid that you should be playing that game cope with the fact that nothing is ever lasting
like you can try and do yur best with fishing those fish that expands your digimon lifespan and those mellons that do the smae but in realitty
digimon 1 was a just game expand on their yoggi thing that you had to car efor to make jap kids care for shit, and thats my take
when you see digimon digital battle monsters and type that shit in you tube you see tai fucking yelling greymon to fuck someone up to save his family or his sister or whatever
not some slice of life garbage that was pander of gameplay along
DIGIMON IS about you rasing your bro, do fights that you win and hear FUCK YEAH
whoever jap is thats not getting this shit that digimon is not modern anime is out of their fucking minds
story ? ancient digimon cool, stop at fucking that, every digion season was liek that
you your digimon and friendship not fucking teen drama
and ye im very drunk

Shit, OP here, I should try to finish Card Battle instead of beating my head against the wall that is Digimon World 2.

Cyber Sleuth is annoying because it's propped up as Finally a Good Digimon Game when it misses most of what made Digimon appealing in the PS1 days. I don't give a shit about these human characters who won't shut up. I think I'm in the minority here on Yea Forums but I also really don't like how the designs of those human characters have tried to grow up to appeal to more grown up audiences. I just want cool monster game.

It's kinda amazing how a skip dialogue option would've made Cyber Slut's story far less annoying. I don't even mind going through the dialogue of the main questline, but the side quest? Jesus fucking Christ, why?

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It just sucking yet getting praised makes me hate it more than I should. And it being successful means there'll be more games like that instead of the kind that I want which just adds for fuel to that fire.