Has control over Kris actions and forced them to do horrible things

>Has control over Kris actions and forced them to do horrible things
Why people are so fucking retarded?

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Other urls found in this thread:


People with no self-reflection will never point fingers at themselves

I like being the villain for once

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They are often kids who never played the game or don’t care about the lore too much. Honestly, a lot of people are just dumb period.

"You're actually the bad guy" really isn't a good plot twist beyond the shock

Similarly, why do people usually portray Chara is coming from a village or such where if you go by the NarraChara theory, Chara has opinions of anime as the save point in the area where Alphys talks about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 1 being better is called the “Bad Opinion Zone”.

People say that?

All the fukcing time. Just watch some theory video on YT

I'm gonna breed Noelle

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Do their voices change in the Dark World too

It's not a plot twist.

Why should they?

Holy crap! It's Sans Undertale!

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I don't know. I'm just imagining Berdley's voice changing to Vegeta.


It's toby's fault for setting it up that way in underfart

NEET Asriel when?

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>take control of a teenager
>force him to make agreements with a weirdo that lives in a garbage can
>force him to be close and affectionate with some weird magic clone of his older brother and his school bully
i can see why kris might have a few issues.

Mike WILL BE canon mark my words.

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Several things point to Kris really liking Susie, though.

Kris wants that dinoussy.

Can you state the things pointing to it? I genuinely don't see that much even though I want too

Alright, strap in.
>defends Susie from King without the player's input
>gets angry when MK and Snowy start talking shit about Susie, again, without our input
>calls Susie a friend when on the phone with Toriel
>when answering Alphys's question about losing sleep because of Susie, the "I did lose sleep" answer comes out with no negative inflection, as noted by Alphys, meaning Kris does not want to convey the message "I don't enjoy having Susie as my partner"
>the character teas clearly reflect both the perception and likability of their respective characters in relation to the drinker, Susie gets a 120 heal from everyone because she likes everyone, Kris only gets a 120 from Susie specifically
>when asked who he would take to the festival by Susie, all options except "you" come out forced
>potentially misleading because Asriel is the one who checked it out originally, but "how to draw dragons" happens to feature a purple dragon, and kris knows where the book is, yet won't return it

>but "how to draw dragons" happens to feature a purple dragon, and kris knows where the book is, yet won't return it
>kris is a monsterfucker

>>kris is a monsterfucker
does he really have a choice?

>Asriel is the one who checked it out originally, but "how to draw dragons"
This is kind of a retcon, as in the demo the book is under Kris' bed and there's no mention of Asriel whatsoever.

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>horrible things
Like what?
Hitting monsters until they run away?

Kris unconsciously clicks on a "monsters 4 humans" ad in the Poppup battles, implying that Kris is unconsciously attracted to monsters AND that there are enough humans that interspecies dating is a choice and not a necessity. Also Kris does not like looking at the pictures of humans in that one book, indicating that Kris might not like humans very much in the first place. This also checks out with Kris wearing the fake horns and asking when the real ones are going to grow in.
I don't remember the book ever being under Kris's bed. It was mentioned by Berdly at the end of Chapter 1 but never located until Chapter 2

>He doesn't know about Snowgrave route

You can be from the village and still watch anime

I don't care if I'm having a mandela effect, it's real and canon in my mind.

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>kris is a monsterfucker
Fuck being the villain I'm gonna be a hero for this lil nigga

I love NEET Asriel!

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Snowgrave Noelle best route

Oh yeah, and something that just came to mind after typing out that last part: Kris wanting to be a monster would be another point in favor of Kris being the second voice in the vessel creation screen.
>voice speaks like chara
>kris acts like chara and possesses similar traits
>voice says "no one can choose who they are in this world"
>kris had to accept that he wasn't actually going to be a monster and would stay a human
It might have been Kris who interrupted the process and snatched you.

thinking chara/kris is their avatar like courrier or chosen one

Post the rest

Nice try, OP, but if I REALLY had control over Kris' actions...then why is there no option to make him barefoot?

>hates humanity
>loves control
>is the adopted brother of Asriel Dreemurr
Which human am I talking about?
Hint: they wear a brown collared, green long-sleeved shirt with a horizontal yellow strip in the middle.

You forgot
>loves chocolate
>has an affinity for knives

Fucking faggot.



i bet you suck off niggers cocks right now cuck

>He doesn't know

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Beeg doe...

break the doe

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I want to marry asriel

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>Still no art of KFC + Susie
>Still no art of Frisk getting scammed by Spamton
>Still no art of Susie baiting Frisk and Chara into doing retarded shit for her amusement like most kids would do to impress a cool mother fucker
God dammit these fuckers are SLEEPING ON THIS SHIT

(you) are not the villain and im tired of pretending (you) are

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This makes me think that ralsei maybe a creation of Kris subconscious desire to be a monster.

>regularly spills large amounts of water

Darkners are no doubt influenced by Lightners. To me, Ralsei is most likely meant to mirror Asriel: Kris idolizes Asriel, who has all the trophies and fondness from the town, etc. So in turn Ralsei idolizes Kris, who just so happens to have a room in the Dark World that is exactly like Asriel's side of the room, awards and everything.

I really doubt it'll be the TV head design fans have flocked around but I'm all but certain Mike will be the main villain of Chapter 3. Jevil namedropped Queen back in Chapter 1 so it'd make sense for Spamton to namedrop the next chapter's villain.

Mike is actually a microphone

uncontrolled kris has literally only existed at his home and just deflated some tires
while you can just kill literally everyone in a world if you want to, including your classmate

that's a OPs whole point

Mike is a cuckold cat that wears a scarf

>play undertale
>genocide all of the monsters
i thought it was a fucking plot point that chara loved monsters and hated humans
how could anyone miss this

On the normal route, obviously no. On the weird route, you absolutely are.

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