>Kills ACT and modding indefintely
kek. ffxiv raiding is embarrassing and loaded with actual cheaters. at least blizzard bans people who break their TOS.
>XIVFags shitting on wowfags for addons and weakauras for YEARS
>now they're using literal botting addons to auto-use skills for them, in pvp no less
I just started tanking last night, what are some good tips for new tanks?
The top raiders in XIV rely entirely on add-ons to run it for them and datamining raidboss boss moves/debuffs before the patch is live.
>at least blizzard bans people who break their TOS.
do tell, user. because the last time i played there were nothing but gold farmers
this kind of shit has infested xiv pvp for years
Face the boss away from others and if the boss applies enough damage-increasing debuffs on you swap aggro with the other tank
what is this
spin the boss around so the cuck melee can't land positionals
It's not 4.0 anymore, grandpa.
WoW raids are literally designed around having third party addons, which the devs themselves use.
>XIV threads are full of nothing but PVP shitters now
Yeah, I am certain they turned a blind eye towards shit like that if its only PvE. But now that you are literally fucking the console players over in PvP they can't ignore it any longer. Which is fucking sad, because some of the plugins like Orchestrion, Burning down the House and NoClippy are fucking godsends. Oh well it was only a matter of time until raid and pvp troons killed it off.
>paid cheats for trannies get updated
>meaningless screenshot spread everywhere
i've played 300 matches or so of the new pvp and never seen a single cheater.
Friend is live!
Until True North is removed that is objectively false
Is ACT actually dead? I might resub if parsecucks got blown the fuck out.
Oh no, my 10 potency loss now I will only hit a 99 percentile parse instead of a 98 unless I land three crits at the 2:08, 4:15, and 7:09 timers of the fight!
If you used WHM/WAR/SAM/RDM/DRG you didn't actually win your match and you also didn't actually earn your Crystal rank.
>just beat hw
pretty based
No and it will never die. The raiding scene and pvp scene are 3% of the population so Yoshida will just say "hey please don't do that or we will be forced to be strict" in the next liveletter like he says every single time something happens regarding cheating and add-ons providing upperhand. Meanwhile, he will cry on camera and apologize for the disasterous housing by delaying more content to 7.0 and delaying XVI.
Why does parsing scare people here?
Because it doesn't matter. You can clear fights with green and blue parses. XIV is not a hard game, even ultimates have tons of grey parses across the entire party.
Then you are blind.
XIV players scared that the competitive players from other MMOs will ruin the game even though MMOs are inherently based around players like parse-chasers
If it doesnt matter than why are people so assblasted about it when only a small community of people brag about it?
Fbk pls marry me
What are the chances they actually do something about the genetic dead end rejects who use mods in PvP?
Some mods are very useful and should arguably already be in the game by default imo though.
Look at AutoSynthesis for example.
Who the actual fuck needs to sit down and manually press the same 3 macro buttons to do their crafting for hours on end? You could use your time doing so many other things more effectively.
If their "Fix" to third party mods in PvP bleeds over to other actually genuinely honest mods like this one, I'll report every single fucking PvP cuck I bump into in Crystal that so much as fucking gives off the vibe that they're on some third party software shit. I'll report streamers for using shaders, and even go out of my way to fuck with the ERP faggots on an alt.
Dont care because the power gap is fucking insane between the other classes and CC doesnt give a shit if you are playing an "honest" class. When I swapped from monk to drg I immediately was able to turn matches in my favor.
Literally how do you kill a dragoon that's already in blue circle untargetable mode?
these are hacks, not addons.
Absolutely nothing. SE let cheaters and wintrading exist in the feast for 6 years, and their only solution to one of those in CC is no more party-queues to prevent wintrading. Which still happens anyways since a group of people can queue at the same time and either be on the same team to stomp or have those with lower rank throw the match.
If you don't report people who throw you're part of the problem at this point though.
You install the cheat that lets you ato-target and transmog any LB the instant it's detected.
I do, but nothing seems to happen.
>mfw SMN god and I still cannot win because our shitter squads cannot stand on the point to save their lives
because of autism
It generally doesn't until parsefags start crying about anybody using a job that's performing 0.025% less optimally than another job and stirring up shit every thread about how it's the worst job in the roster. 99% of the playerbase will never have that kind of extremely pathetically small number make a difference, but parsefags act as if this should all be common knowledge and adhered to by even casual players.
Alright Yea Forums, CC match just started. Are you
>going right on the point, plant your feet there and assert dominance?
>be a little pussy and let the other team come first
Which one is it?
>xiv pvp
Post a download link so people can report it to Square then.
Because parsers are the reason PvE jobs feel so fucking same-ish. They cry loudest about "MUH BALANCE" and SE listens, nerfing everything that makes jobs unique.
They will never scan your computer for these things.
Run a little further past the point and pop shields so I eat about 17 CD's before swiveling back to my team.
If you're the team that waits for the other one to do something you deserve to get pulled and stunned to your death once the WAR gets you.
If you're part of the WAR's team and you don't play around him, you're never going to reach Crystal rank because you're a braindead retard who drools during a fight.
Cheat scripts for PvP.
I don't get it. What has this to do with ACT and modding?
I'm gonna
>thunderclap to the closest enemy
>press guard
>watch as they wait my guard out
>proceed to get cc'd and melted while my team sits there
>follow WAR into his stun
>get melted because the enemy team knows i'm the threat
Being the 2nd mdps is suffering.
Dragoon is a very honest job. It takes more damage from others in order to do more damage itself. it doesn't status cheese, its LB is heavily telegraphed, it just does damage and takes damage with the same purify and guard that everyone else has.Only bronzies complaion about dragoon.
These are actual cheating for PvP that adds automatic skill usage and responses to certain situations to give an unfair advantage. If this winds up proliferating too far it'll wind up causing a stir and forcing SE to respond to modding, which they normally don't do because there's usually almost zero reason to respond to any other form of mods, but something like this will be impossible to ignore if it goes too far.
google and dalamud reps show nothing of the sort
Look, I may enjoy the company of men, but even if I'm cosplaying a fag like Squall I don't want to sit there slurping up the cum dripping off somebody's hairy lumberjack balls all day. I know because I tried it day one and I didn't like it.
Keep Shirk on your bar.
Few people cared about PvP until now. There's a ton of people playing CC so there's going to be a much larger outcry against these cheating feasties.
Yeah but the problem with xiv is that they require them to be reported before taking any action.
They don't give a fuck if you call people niggers or use speedhacks like the retard I saw the other night doing it.
If nobody reports you for it, you get away with it every time.
It also takes time for them to check and majority of reports are for petty ass bullshit like some little bitch faggot getting offended for being called a nerd or something soft like that.
GMs are actual NPCs.
They claim to care about context but you should spit in their face for such lies.
Ever since they removed the whole your-combo-drops-if-you-don't-do-the-positional thing, positionals have been a minor dps increase that functionally don't exist against immobile enemies like Zodiark or Endsinger.
Because ever since WoWdrones joined the game this July there's more and more people condoning these addons/cheats.
Fucking hell Square just ban ACT already
for tank swapping purposes I take it?
Dalamud is just a framework, the cheat creators just use it to do this stuff.
Officially it's banned but they can't do a whole lot about it.
Let's just say... If the healer gets lazy, give him something to do about himself being targeted.
>Tank why don't you have stance on
>Ummmm are you going to use your mitigation?
>Use shirk on healer
Obviously. A lot of retards think it's useless and neglect it.
Also learn when to use your mitigation.
LOL they're not going to do anything about this you retard
They purged the RMT faggots a while back.
You're telling me they're not going to purge the cheating PvP retards?
Their shareholders would complain about that, so you know they will do SOMETHING about it.
Nothing wrong with discussing content, it's better than the usual faggotry for sure.
Also I want to fuck Y'shtola
It doesn't 'scare' anyone. Parsefags are just cancer, plain and simple. They overblow the differences between jobs because of their meta obsession which leads to homogenization. They're obnoxious to run content with because you get that fucking ninja that shukuchis into the wall if they fuck up their opener, even during prog this shit happens. "I NEED UPTIME, UPTIME, CRIT RNG, FUCK BAD OPENER LET'S RESTART PLEASE LET'S RESTART, UPTIME, UPTIME GUYS UPTIME LOOK I GOT AN EXTRA AUTO ATTACK IN BUT NOW I'M FUCKING DEAD" just fuck off. Only someone who's truly ill could run P4S day-in day-out chasing a pink number on a third party website.
How do you mean by learning to use mitigation? I've mostly just been using it in pulls so far by cycling through my longest CDs to shortest and using what biggest defensive CD I have during bosses when they're gonna hit me hard or something.
There's been cheating pvp cocksuckers for literal years
You can't ban them without proof. If they're not speedhacking or wall clipping you can't do anything
what im saying is that despite everybody being in an uproar about pvp cheating there's been no screenshots or videos of said cheats, just reddit threads and a discord screenshot
which just makes this outrage seem overblown. people call hacks when they die in competitive games all the time, i doubt there's more than a dozen people using cheat plugins in pvp
>every boss and mechanic needs to ensure parseniggers don't get rng'd out of muh uptime too much
so tiresome.
>I've mostly just been using it in pulls so far by cycling through my longest CDs to shortest and using what biggest defensive CD I have during bosses when they're gonna hit me hard or something.
Congratulations. You are better than 80% of the tank population.
shitters are afraid to get called out
pvpfags are cancer
It's why endsinger is such a garbage fight.
Disingenous lying niggertranny.
You can code checks on reaction time to enemy health going below execute threshold for MCH LB for example.
It's pretty yeah actually, yeah