Biggest dissapointment of the decade

>hope for the original's themes of identity, industrialism and planetary fuckery
>instead get wacky compilation marvel multiverse bullshit where split in THREE (3) FUCKING PARTS

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>getting hyped for a remaster


The 2nd game will flop so hard that there will be no conclusion.

It was literally the best FF game in 20 years and stayed insanely true to the original, also time and multiverse fuckery has been a staple of the FF series since the very first game, as well as 6, 8, 9, 10 and 14. Its a fucking great game no matter how much you seethe Barry.

I wouldn't care about the changes or the writing if it wasn't called a remake. Why wasn't it called FF7-2 instead?

this is what did it for me. The second sqenix said they were going to have 3 parts I was out. Maybe in like 10 years when you can buy the complete game on sale for less than 60 I'll give it a shot but I'm not paying $ 70 dollars three times and oh btw don't forget to tip for however many dlc's we decide to release. Fuck those greedy nips.

>>hope for the original's themes of identity, industrialism and planetary fuckery
This was kept and even improved on remake because it was on fucking midgar retard, they didnt have to rush anything and it went deeper on the whole avalanche vs shinra conflict

you faggots zoomers have never played the original, the game completely drops the whole industrialism aspect after leaving midgar, which was by far the most underdeveloped part of the game

genesis when

Lol this game sucked and is for people who are bad at video games

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Because they know damn well people would associate it with X-2 and XIII-2 and they would be right. The remake is just as retarded
That says more about the state of FF than the remake's quality. Also
>7 Remake is better than XII

>stayed insanely true to the original
>time trannies bullshit
>stretched 3 hours of story into 40 hours of slog
>horrifically bad combat that's designed to waste your time
FF7R was the worst game I've ever finished.

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It was a disgrace. Time travel ballsack ghosts. Complete utter dogshit.

played original on release, seethe harder. Game is kingdom hearts level retardation

>played original on release, seethe harder.
And you completely forgot about it. Congrats.

I enjoyed Final Fantasy VII Remake

the remake is fucking retarded. Defend time travel ghosts pls

read and dont waste my time
we werent talking about time ghosts

Don't give a fuck. Give me Part 2 already, Timmy.

>Game is kingdom hearts level retardation
Pretty much
Why do they let Nomura write and direct? He's awful at both. He's an artist and isn't really good at that even

>Why do they let Nomura write and direct?
Becaus ehe has talent for not giving people what they want but make them anticipate what's coming next.

>everything I don't like that everyone else likes is "marvel"
rent free. the last two avengers movies really mindbroke contrariancucks didn't they

>we werent talking about time ghosts
>everything is good, except for the part that is bad and ruins the other themes

Either bait or you're the dumbest guy alive. Sorry for replying, God.

This whole metacommentary bullshit would have been perfect for KH3, he should have done that there to get it out of his system before going into FF7.

>make them anticipate what's coming next.
what a horrible way of appraoching story telling

Worked for Kingdom Hearts. 20 years and going strong.

pathetic. The game is kingdom hearts level dogshit, but please continue to pretend half the new game doesnt exist you complete dunce.


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>stayed insanely true to the original
Congratulations on this exquisite bait, here's a (You) award.

don't know why people are asking for 6 or 9 for that matter to get the remade treatment as well. Like nomura isn't going to take a big fat stinky dump all over the story of 6 and shovel in mountains of KH level retardation into the story.


well we know FF9 is getting some sort of remake/remaster due to the nvidia leak, they wouldn't rope in Nojima and Nomura though, they weren't involved with the original FF9

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> stayed insanely true to the original
delusional retards

They stretched first 5 hours of the game into entire 30+ hours AAA title.

There's plenty of things wrong with 7R. The pacing is dogshit, there's a ton of fluff, some new additions like Roche are absolutely awful. The hyper-generic Midgar NPCs are probably Remake's weakest part, but nobody is going to give a fuck about these nobodys in Part 2 and beyond. My main complaint is getting interrupted on an ATB action wipes out that ATB entirely. I get there needs to be a consequence for fucking up timing, but interruoting the action -and- wiping the ATB is a bit much. They really need to fuck off with the boss changing forms midway through fights and stopping your damage and all that bullshit for the sequel though. And fix aerial combat.

Even if the 3rd will come out it's gonna be like 6-8 more years until that happens because pt2 isn't even close yet.
This should have received massive hate as soon as they revealed that it's going to be episodic.

This this the new king of emotional damage on Yea Forums?

shut up and post big titty tifa mods

That`s your own fault for expecting anything of it.

autistic tifafag in the other thread was going absolutely fucking nuclear because not everyone considers the game flawless, so I'm going to say yes

Literal dumb ape. Sakaguchi would've dropped a hot turd on his head if he was there.

Based and kino reply

>It was literally the best FF game in 20 years
That doesn't make it good though. It's a huge disappointment and a shameless money grubbing scheme.

You have to understand the "golden age" of FF happened due to Sakaguchi literally tard wrangling clueless interns such as Nomura and Kitase into making something fun and soulful. The moment he left Square, we got a series that went off rails and completely lost its original meaning. Nomura, Toriyama and Kitase have been driving Final Fantasy straight into kusoge cave with Sakaguchi gone to keep their bullshit in check.

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25 years of the same 50 schizo shipper waifu fags arguing on the internet is all FF7 ever had. Its surpassed Evangelion at this point.

Hope they make it into more than 3 parts. There's lots left to go.

>completely lost its original meaning
What was that original meaning? Can you post a link to Sakaguchi stating what that is?

Ok but who was supposed to tard wrangle Sakaguchi?

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>stayed insanely true to the original
Hold on lads, we are shifting this bad boy into MAXIMUM BAIT!

The original meaning of adventure and human bond.

This is Sakaguchi's sin; a movie not related to anything. The others sinned by ruining what was once the most popular RPG ever into episodic hyper linear button mashing shounen sold for full price.

>b-but Spirits Withins
Meanwhile Sakaguchi had a successful career after Square while Nomura, Nojima, Toriyama and Kitase have done nothing but rape Final Fantasy to death.

>best FF game in 20 years
That’s hardly an accomplishment.
Look at the crap that came out:
FFX-2: 2/10
FFXI: 5/10
FFXII: 3/10
FFXIII: 4/10
FFXIII-2: 6/10
FFXIV: 6/10
FFXV: 5/10

FFVIIR was 7/10.
Wasn’t bad but it wasn’t very good either.

Lets just forget all about that part where Sakaguchi caused the financial disaster necessitating the Enix merger and bail out with his Kojima tier movie director delusions. None of this needed to happen.

Did they ever confirm that? I thought they had no idea how many parts it would actually have.

>and stayed insanely true to the original
Fucking idiot.

I've played it 6 times and love every second of it. Well, the summons system kind of sucks but that's my only complaint. I'm actually stunned by how good it turned out.

There's a dude who does this thread every single day now for years. He's both sides of this "argument" where he pretends to be a zombie like fanboy for FF7R stupidly defending it from the same criticisms thread after thread. What causes someone to do this?

I liked it, but I didn't play the original so make of that what I will. The only shortcoming were the sidequests. Some of them were fun, but most were just kind of mundane

Do you have evidence. I like making note of the named autists like ACfag and Barry

>20 years of hype
>Only 5 million copies sold
>Got outsold by Elden Ring in a manner of weeks
I hope the Sony and Epic bribes we're worth it.

Whats the best selling single player FF game?

Citation needed for those review scores.

i will never not be mad about how they massacred my favorite FF game.