Where were you when a they/them Trans orchestrated the fall of Nintendo ?


Shaming Iwatasan and being an insufferable cunt in general, why is this generation trying to destroy gaming just because they can't seem to win at the game of life?

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Nintendo is and always was for children so I don't care.

literally who

>breath of the wild 2 news in 10...

Call it what it really is.

It’s cool.
Nips can’t speak English.

Why is it always Them?
Why can't they just shut up
When will this madness end?

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>literal who
>twitter post
>no sources

so.... nintendo fires their employees?

I don't know. Why ARE you giving them attention which they desperately want?

They can’t do shit. NCL calls the shots. NOA is just a glorified marketing arm.

Whats this nigger even talking about?

>Not just a twitter screenshot thread
>An unironic twitter linking some nobody's post thread

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nintendo fired alot of employees apparently. that the only formal accusation made.

Go back and stay there.

xe was a contractor, not an employee

>Hi. I’m the reporter who broke the NLRB story today. Would you mind dropping me a DM? I’d love to chat
lol it‘s over. nintendo is finished

I don't see anything illegal in that. Just a bit of a shitty workplace? I got sacked from my job a couple years back right before I would have got benefits, it's shit but would not make any interesting news

>the fall of Nintendo
You just made me seriously hard

>American complaining about Japanese company work grind

of course it's not illegal, that's why they are venting on twitter instead of in court

Ninja Legged Robot Boys?

What the fuck are they even talking about like we're supposed to know?

can't wait for the 40 minutes analysis of the situation from my favorite youtuber after the reporters article about this!

I can't wait to watch another youtuber watch that video and react to it because that's what passes for entertainment now!

>how DARE you shitlords ask me for proof. did you not see my pronouns?

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>WoW: Moon Guard
imagine publicly broadcasting you play on an ERP server

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>Nintendo is and always was for children so I don't care.
as are video games.

Now that what i call a definitive edition.
All the im-deranged-as-fuck dlc included.


so they aren't actual employees and expect to be treated like them?

Nah, If anything Nintendo will just further tighten the leash on NOA.

Is this person in the credits for any Nintendo projects a time they worked there? Do they have a linkedin or something?

Chuds just keep losing

(The twitterpost is the source my dear ree'er)

I don't blame OP for this shitty thread, I blame all of the faggots that keep bumping his thread Myself included

Considering it's NoA, they probably just signed off on some packaging at one point.

No, it's the source. Why don't you get it. You should rise up!

>some random contractor larping as a Nintendo employee

Oh it’s nothing then.

Nintendo is untouchable

yeah why don't contractors get they aren't being employed. They are being you know, contracted?

>Literal twitter thread
>OP image isn't even the tweet, nigga linked the actual fucking twitter.com
Holy shit why does this fucking thread exist

All videogames are for children with the rare exceptions being for teenagers, max.

so why go to twitter and not court then?

I wanted to hide I am posting this from mobile and that I'm using Reddit as well.

I only call They/Them to individuals when its referring to multiple people or someone who you don't know if they are male or female. I do NOT recognise it is an actual pronoun for people to refer themselves too because that doesn't make much sense

As for trans people, they are NOT becoming the other gender, but they are trying their hardest to dress up and act like the other gender - a man will never be a woman, and a woman will never be a man.
Its just cosplay taken seriously.

"Pride" should be for everyone, not just for men to dress up as women, they should get help and get a grip of themselves.

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Courts require evidence.

So what? A bunch of people from Nintendo America got the sack so they just started making shit up as revenge?


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this xe just seemed to be a contractor

Only leftists care about worker rights. Fucking pinko.

So your telling me this faggot that was on a contract has decided to drop ass and spew bullshit because he didn't get a permanent position?

For the love of God, tell me at least some people are calling them out?

99% of trans are spawned by MMO ERPers who saw how much attention they got as women in video games and decided to go full on AGP.

This person openly says they draw porn and visit WOW erp servers and has nothing work related in their bio. I am to believe they would even be hired anywhere?

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>I'm just the damn messenger
So did this person work there or not? Contradictory statement.

Between this and the disaster that is the Advance Wars reboot NoA will be lucky to even have authority over a supply closet at this point.

>Nintendo is literally the WORST company ever to exist in history (45 hours long)
>5 picoseconds later
>OMG GUYS Nintendo revealed Mario Sex Simulator, they're the best!

>All these people who aren't lawfags talking
The NLRB doesn't issue the letters they do without investigation and finding there to be labor law violations. What Nintendo and their contractor company have been charged with are serious violations of US labor law. It's not just whining, it's people's rights being violated and you shouldn't cheer it on just because you disagree with them politically.

they haven't been charged with anything yet

>This just in! Company does whatever to save itself some money!
Nothing new and not exclusive to Nintendo or video game companies.

>twitter screencap thread
don't care
didn't ask
fuck off back to redit

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They said this was back before 2015, when Iwata existed and Nintendo Treehouse was busy shitting up localizations.

Honestly, there's next to no info on what specifically is going on besides hearing "they were treated horribly".

Cope, faggotranny

Every company makes games for children ages 8-60.

>getting mad when people ask for proof or more substantial evidence

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They have been charged, which means that an NLRB office found cause to accuse them and is investigating. Again, if they don't find cause they don't issue letters like they did here. It just means an investigation started.

Anything that hurts console gaming is good. Yes, even trannies.

What if youre 61?

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>it's people's rights being violated and you shouldn't cheer it on just because you disagree with them politically.
I want this person to show one shred of proof they worked there.
You're going to tell me they took a bunch of people about to retire (all at the same time, mind you) and told them they're fired? I'm sure it's happened to people before that were on the verge of retirement, but this statements sounds hilariously dishonest/exaggerated.

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I had to read like 5 comments of them replying to themselves to recieve even the smallest of context. I see nothing about rape, just that they have mass layoffs like the bad companies do. Is there more issues than the complaints on layoffs? Twitter is such a stupid format, people ahould not be coming here to post walls of text, another site should just be used or at least linked to in your Tweet.

Woah, Bing Bing wahoo company that had ties with the Yakuza are actually a bunch of cutthroat businessmen.

This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone with a basic understanding of Nintendo's history. They have always been control freak bullies, they have always tried their hardest to structure every deal they make 85/15 their way and if they could, 90/10. You should look into the deals they signed with third parties in the 80's.

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I just wanted to use this message to tell you that I admire your contribution, aside from that fucking kys and shut the fuck up you fat fuck, I bet you're american and greasy, stay the fuck away if you don't care because I don't care about you either why the fuck are you even here? You're nothing. Do you even lift? Sincerely, OP

>Shaming Iwatasan and being an insufferable cunt in general
I witnessed people on/v/ in the sticky about his death doing the very same thing in droves. I dont like it but irreverance is kind of the norm here, I doubt people with more serious critisisms to say would be kinder.

Snoynigger, this is about nintendo of america, not nintendo of japan

No. fuck you. Welcome to v/

>people's rights
Trannies and communists are not people.

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>Snoynigger, this is about nintendo of america, not nintendo of japan
Where do you think NOA gets their marching orders from? They are separate divisions but the basic business playbook comes from the same source.

>That sucks bro, anyway, show us proof

What does NDA and NOA means?

And why i should really care about some retard on twitter bros?

nintendo isn't alone in not giving a shit about contractors

no business does

Maybe Nintendo shouldn't have committed labor violations if they didnt want this to happen.

Labor rights don't mean you're a communist, dumb mutt.

I think you should touch grass and maybe try life irl because it doesn't really sound like you have the faintest of ideas of how a company operates let alone a big one like Nintendo.

who is this bitch and why should I care about any of this?

>NoA is connected to yakuza because japan or somthing

>unironically defending corpos out of contrarianism


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Are you telling me this thing isn't a communist? Are you telling me you, also, aren't a communist? If Nintendo has done anything illegal, it will go to court, pay a pittance settlement, and keep on keepin' on, and this commie will still be out of a job, as are you. Seethe about it, in whatever trash brown country you come from.

>Iwata making trannies seethe from the grave
Truly a great man.

Found the crying trannoid.
I don't work in their industry and jewing over trannies is supremely based.

>claims to have worked for the NoA
>says they're willing to sing like a canary
>shows no documentation or a shred of evidence you even had a contract with NoA
Look if Im honest I believe this story, I believe Nintendo would mass layoff like the rest of them, but that's just a hunch and I'll treat it as such until I get some evidence, some solid evidence that proves this person was even in the building.

NOA takes their marching orders from NOJ. NOJ had ties with the Yakuza, especially in the early days of the electronics division and that fostered a type of business ethic that largely persists today.

That being said I'm actually fond of Nintendo and how they do business. Them being control freaks doesn't bother me at all. I'm not surprised they treat their lower level quasi employees like trash.

>Now Iwata was somehow at every Nintendo office the entire world over at the same time leading and supervising all the office abuse
Sounds legit.

They're grinding over everyone you retard. White males suffer from it too. You corpo shill cuck.

Kill yourself OP

Doesnt the acting NoJ president have actual Yakuza ties?

Hopefully they destroy it in its entirety.