Xenoblade 3

Goodbye Elden Ring, hello Xenoblade 3

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Is someone able to grab this pic from the mobile version of the Xenoblade 3 site?

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the HUD looks fucking awful.

Where's the booba?

Xenoblade 3 is too niche, it will never be as popular as Elden Ring even when it ends up being the better game.

Wouldn't have it any other way

anime looks kino, gameplay looks shite

>Xenoblade HUD keeps filtering normalfags

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The spear guy with “flaming” hair looks pretty cool, and that mech fight in the trailer that happens during his voice line also looks very cool, but I can’t help but feel like both of those are early on in the game

>Thicc tsundere childhood friend gets blacked
They are aiming for the American audience.

Elden Ring hype died down weeks ago, man.
It's functional all that matters

They don't live long. It makes people like Melia/Nia/Vandham even stranger.

Forgot pic.

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Where’s this from? It’s been hinted at that everyone in the world lives a short time but I didn’t know we had this kind of confirmation.

This game's gonna be fucking amazing

>Massive fantastical sci-fi landscapes
>Heartfelt journey

Kino is coming

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GameStop and GameFly both have this description on their product pages.

can't wait to laugh at the semen meter screenshots of this game.

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>high entia hair color
Ethel is Tyrea's daughter.

At some point Melia became absolutely mad and desperate and decided to create artificial daughter from her and Shulk DNA. This is how some blond with small wings was created.

Noel and Mio are reincarnations of Fei and Elly

Who is Noel? Is he more based than Noah?

Where is this from?

She's a big titty knight


I love Fromsoft and Monolith, the fact they are both releasing fucking amazing games in the same year is a treat. Don't know why you people need to be so tribal and can only like one thing at a time.

No pilotable mechs = no sale for your Monolith Soft


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how many times is this dude going to try and remake xenogears?

Until he gets the OK to actually remake the game on switch

needs this

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As many times as it takes

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We will never get a proper prequel or sequel to Xenogears and that will never stop hurting.

>tomboy and bro character banter and do physical challenges throughout the game
>will probably get together in the end
Based Takahashi

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According to a deleted tweet from NoE, the name of the weapons are Blades and they're manifested from the personalities of the users, like XB2 Blades or Zanpakuto or some shit.
Also apparently everyone from agnus and keves only has 10 years to live (yet somehow everyone in the party is 18-20 years old)
My guess is they're able to survive long by taking the lives from others
So it's pic related

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xenosaga is basically it.

Where are my waifus?

if it has mechas like X and gacha blades like 2 it might be the best xenoblade

I think at this point I'm going to avoid anything and everything released about this game until release. Seems like people might actually be starting to figure out the story at this point, and I wanna go in as blind as I can.

This is going to be the longest 3 months ever.

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We're figuring out stuff that is probably going to happen in the first 5 hours of a 100 hour long game. I wouldn't be too worried
For what it's worth, It's not like anyone figured out what XB2's plot was going to end up being like from the promotional material

It seems like it will have neither but the main questions for me are:
>Will there be alternate outfits beyond those associated with specific weapon classes?
>Will we be able to mix and match party members for new ouroboros forms?
>what is that mechanic where Noah turn his sword into a thinner blade and a gauntlet?

Xenosaga sucks, so it doesn’t count.

Yeah, but I'd rather build the habit of avoiding Yea Forums now before I actually have to go on an internet blackout when the NSP eventually leaks before release.
Given the amount of resident autists these threads have, I don't want to run the risk of running into someone attempting to spoil the game for everyone out of spite.

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it's 100% going to happen the minute the story leaks in its entirety
I've seen it happen in 13 sentinels threads for no reason other that it got a port and people started talking about the game again
people get really petty when annoyed

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>Cinegrid poster is ruining Xenoblade 3 now

The final parts of 3 feel close, but Xenosage will alwasy be a not-Xenogears prequel trilogy that even in it's own light is incomplete, ending right as it was getting so good.

What's cinegrid?

>Lanz and Sena having a pushup competition
>Mio and Noah sitting together, Mio likely writing in her journal
>Riku in the very back
Looks to be in the desert area, might be just before the Colony 4 attack, hard to tell.

>10 years to live/fight
Given the cast are all in their teens, at least, presumably this doesn't include whatever years count as their childhood?

It's ten years to live from the time they join the army. We know that Noah decided to join at a very young age and has been referred to as a child soldier. Eunie and Lanz followed Noah into the army, so they also joined young. Mio seems to have joined young as well, but she was a year older then everyone. So she probably joined at 10 years old too and has literal days left to live before she turns 20. Sena and Taion might have joined young as well, either on their own or because of Mio.
Mio's comment about how it must be nice to have all that time compared to her is probably her not realizing that Noah also doesn't have much time left, she might have assumed that he was a fresh recruit, he's got 10 years left to go and then Noah tells her that he and his friends all joined 9 years ago.

>Move the Arts on the right and left more towards the sides
>Make the enemy health bar a lot thinner
>Turn the chain attack gauge into a thin bar and move it to the upper right
>For the character portraits on the left there should be a orange highlight only around the current character you're controlling, not on everyone
>The Art icons should look distinct like in previous games, not look the same

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>That godawful combat HUD
Why can't Japs into good UX/UI??

it's just monolith being bad

There's really no reason the chain attack gauge needs to be that big
Feels like they're jsut taking the piss

I think that's the best quality available.

>move the arts
Nope, because of the art fusion. They want it to be closer so that it is fast to 'connect' the arts in the animation. If it's moved, it will just further clutter the screen, not declutter it as you are thinking.
>make enemy health thinner
and make the bar harder to see for portable users? Man you are really bad at this. The bar size is fine.
>chain attack thin bar and move it
No, chain attack bar becomes the extra damage indicator during chains and the upper right has even more information during chains It's in the same spot that Blade combo requests were in 2 and the map controls were in 1, you'll filter it out and that is a bad thing that will especially get worse if you make the element any smaller.
>Character portraits
You can easily tell who you are controlling just by the camera, you don't need the game to highlight it. Highlight serves to make the health information as visible as possible
>art icons should be distinct
That would undermine the fusion arts, which get icons depending on what kind of art it is. They aren't going to make however many permutations of art icons for fusions. Most of 1's arts looked the way they did because they were to remind you of their effect and position required, we don't need that anymore, so they don't require a distinct look. You are honestly really bad at UI design, stop trying.

>There's really no reason the chain attack gauge needs to be that big
Yeah it's weird it sized fine in 1 and 2. I don't get why they made it a big ass icon down near the arts pallet

Are we still pretending to hate Sawano?

Ah, I see
So maybe something about being able to summon blades drains your life force?
Damn, I'm pretty excited. Also, child soldiers is pretty interesting territory for a JRPG to explore

It might just be a timer before the apocalypse starts to happen?

>so that it is fast to 'connect' the arts in the animation
That's retarded and makes no sense at all.
>If it's moved, it will just further clutter the screen
No it wouldn't it would be just like XC2 which was fine.
>and make the bar harder to see for portable users?
Did you play the other games? It was fine in those and I played both 1 and 2 only in handheld. You really are a retard. And they were so concerned about making better in handheld they would use different colors for the elements like in 1 and 2 to make things easier to distinguish.
>No, chain attack bar becomes the extra damage indicator during chains
Then make it smaller then? It doesn't need to be so big and thick at all.
>You can easily tell who you are controlling just by the camera
It's not being easier to tell it's about not cluttering the already cluttered screen with uncessasy elements. They have no highlights around the portraits like in DE for all I care, point is to not have so much shit on the screen that isn't needed.
>That would undermine the fusion arts
No it wouldn't you retard.
>Most of 1's arts looked the way they did because they were to remind you of their effect and position required
2 and X did the same thing for the same reason, their effects. That only one who's bad a UI is your retarded ass.

Maybe, but 'given' in that sentence makes me think it's not some outside event that's going to end everyone's lives. It makes it seem like they're allotted this lifespan from on-high, perhaps the tatoos everyone has is some sort of nanomachine which induces death in a person after a ten year period.

Elden ring doesn't shove shit like pic related in your face
they know the majority of players are male

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