Who is the target audience of this game?

Who is the target audience of this game?

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Unironically leftypol incels. This shit will flop hard

I don't see the charm in this. Aside from some parkour and flashy magic we haven't seen anything at all. Honestly, it looks like Final Fantasy XV part 2, but without the korean boy band and their antics.

>writer: amy henning
I just want a good game...


Wait, is it true? Is she the writer? Then why the fuck does it look so bland? Either she didn't put much effort into this or, more likely, square sucks balls at making trailers. Which isn't something new, seeing every trailer they've put out in the last couple years.

Onions guzzlers

>Amy Henning
One of the best Western vidya writers, but what is her full involvement since there's 7 writers listed right now?


Diversity officers in globohomo corps.

Jewish gamers.

It's for people who lean left of center

if blacks vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

Fuck off, i play Skyrim and Fallout

>uh uh yo mfugga

Both the woke crowd and men who like cute mulattoes.

That's a contradiction.

jordans and kfc stock


Larry Fink.

Amy Henning is actually great

Drug industry

more like forgotten

Her design is just bland. Ok add a black woman but at least give her a cool costume

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black women?

magic users since they are all liberals

She hasnt made a game in 15 years
Shes probably pozzed now

Zoomers, they mostly listen music by niggers and try to emulate niggers themselves.

Actually she dislikes pozzed since Druckman bullied her out of ND and she didnt want Ellie to be a lesbian. Joel executes a black woman and she is the one who made and liked Drake and Elena romance

This. It's more like they were imposed to make the protagonist a black woman. I bet the protagonist was pic related

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Has Square-enix actually ever done memorable black female? I can name several black male characters Square-enix has done but not one female.

Amy has bad luck
>no one will ever bring Soul Reaver
>last legacy of kain was cancelled
>Chloe mutted
>Ellie lesbian and blacked
>Now she writers a game that probably got told to use a nigger too
This too. I actually really like Nilin's design from Remember Me. I can't even tell what the forspoken bitch is wearing.

I swear nuns wear with more style these days

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Algorithms and propaganda have convinced companies that there exists a massive population of educated mulattoes with lots of disposable income who are chomping at the bit to spend their money on woke product.

Here's the problem: This population doesn't exist, at least not in the way they're portrayed. There is a huge brown/mystery meat population, but they don't have the attention span or agency to play anything more complex than madden/call of duty. Video games are also not taken as seriously as other forms of "entertainment," so game devs are not insulated and propped up by the powers that be when they produce these trannyware products. Hollywood can get subsidies for this shit to make up for the fact that no one likes it. Game devs cant. At least not yet.

Tl;dr: There is no audience. No one likes this shit. No one will play it.

I remember Fang from FFXIII. She was more pacific islander though, I suppose

Fran from FF12 used to be popular. There is also that one in ff2 and FF9 but they are more niche

>TLOU2 flopped
>Deathloop flopped
>Horizon Forbidden West flopped

Feels like Forspoken will flop, too. It'll be too bad if Luminous Productions is disbanded, but their talent can be gobbled up by Yoshida's and Kitase's divisions. Both need the extra help.

In all honesty the game doesn't seem too bad or anything hyper egregious politics wise. It just looks extremely bland and boring, like Deathloop I think any race shit is gonna have much bearing on the games actual quality.
There is an extremely important distinction between "ZOMG NIGGERS REEE" and some actually terrible shit like the Gunvolt Localization and other devs actively spiting the audience for politics during development of the game.
Square is definitely retarded but they're usually not malicious in that way regardless of working with Westerners.
Forspoken just seems like another boring tech demo game similar to Infamous Second Son but it's only being posted here because the MC is a Black Chick and it's ample fuel for incessant racebait shitposting.
Amy Hennig gives me a bit of hope that the writing won't be complete ass or anime shlock.

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The thing with Capcom is that they actually put effort in their designs, black women included. I bet Sheva is one of the most known black woman in videogames

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This, maybe not sports ball stuff or call of copypaste. But I prefer other things. If Square wanted my money all they'd have to do is make a 4x game similar to Distant Worlds 2.

>Who is the target audience of this game?
People who don't buy video games.

Shart Enix loving zombies.

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4channers, we are clearly in a shill thread

Even her real clothes she shows less than a fucking old nun. Seriously just look at her

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Ellachads. Well it would have been if her in-game model didn't look like shit

Jack game was awesome

It was Nioh 3

>Nioh 3
It was SE unknowingly providing funding for Nioh 3.

It's literally a generic action movie in the form of a videogame, down to using a trap beat for the trailer music because the MC is black which EVERY movie and game does because they're hacks.
I'd honestly have more weird stilted JRPG dialog than generic as fuck Marvel Quips we hear in what they've showcased.

Why is Balan Wonderworld ranked that high?

PS5 version

Problem is Sheva is too attractive. She's fit, "light skinneded," well spoken, and competent. That doesn't go well with the humiliation ritual aspect, which is primarily what this is about. No one is demoralized by a character like Sheva. In fact "chocolate" anime girls are wildly popular and no one bats an eye. Nah, this is about putting massive girl-rillas like lizzo, Breonna Taylor, etc. front and center and forcing you to choke it down and pretend you like it.

Releasing a month before Starfield. Well, at least that isn't as dumb as Horizon though.

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At the very least, they'd be mediocre/good games.

I get this weird feeling that this game might actually be really fun with actual agreeable and deep protagonists for some reason.

Every time a game is hyped up it ends up being soulless and lots of quickly forgotten games end up being some of the best. Or maybe I'm just coping after ER. Anyway I hope it doesn't end up as just another le bitter female screams at sky for 60 hours while fighting "le resistance"

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It's just Infamous with more Marvel quips and tech demo particle effects

First generation Mexicans who spend all day fantasizing about being oppressed because the USA is not Mexico.

Certainly not me.

>Black Character in literally any modern media
>Use low energy trap music or SoundCloud Rap for their music
We got Jazz, Funk, Afrobeat, Reggae, Blues, R&B, Ska and a bunch of other shit but NO, we get the exact same trap beat every fucking time.

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I personally believe it has alot to do with how the covid farce fucked up the economy and now we have 'game devs' who shouldn't be in the position of power they are in getting free money from blackrock any time they spew out more woke shit.

The propaganda says that times are changing and anyone who isn't on board is the biggest bigot the world has ever seen. Reality says it's one of the biggest astro turfs I've seen in video games since fucking Gamer Gate of all things.

Fang was a fucking Australian butch lesbian
You can go fly to Sydney/Brisbane whatever and probably find her exact real equivalent walking around easily

Black women just kill sales. They should also fite the trannies uglyfying the females
>Aloy first design looked cute and actually cool
>Returnal protagonist was going to be a Jill Valentine instead of generic karen
>Chloe's game forced with Nadine Sue instead of with Charlie
I wouldn't be surprised if even GOW2 sales tank after showing that nigger
It wouldn't be so bad if the designs were good just like as they said, Capcom, who makes good designs for males, females, whites, blacks....

But this looks really mediocre.

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The real question is why, in a capitalist, free market economy, do companies CONTINUE to produce products that do not sale as well as they could? Obviously its because money isn't their motivation. So what is? Congrats, you're a nazi now.

I swear companies must be getting some clause where they get money per nigger appearing per minute. Playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider and I have this fucking ugly nigger glued all the time

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By the logic of this thread the only games that should ever be made are Mario, COD, Fifa and Gachashit because those are things that have previously sold. Nothing else should be made by anyone ever.

Demoralization and insecure trannies helping other trannies to get jobs. You can't tell me they decided to make Aloy ugly just because. Some tranny boss told them to

Happens with movies and series too. I feel bad for Cavill in The Witcher being surrounded but realy orcs lmao

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Reminds me of how /pol/ flipped shit over an Invisalign commercial, also concept art is never final and that interview about her breaking a nail is fake

>Mario, COD, Fifa and Gachashit because those are things that have previously sold. Nothing else should be made by anyone ever.
This but unironically.