Why does every new american game/movie have to have le sassy black woman
Why does every new american game/movie have to have le sassy black woman
American's version of diversity is stuffing your view with negroes. It's gross.
To give you fantasies of fucking the sass right out of them.
Why does every movie about CGI characters in the real world always have long drawn out scenes without the titular characters?
Name one other than Sonic.......
I thought Sonic was a Japanese franchise
more funding
Did anyone else spend the whole wedding scene just staring at her and the other black chicks tits?
Too be fair, not all have then.
Niggers are burgers holy animals.
I only hate it, because they’re never funny or add anything of value.
Because Fink says black women are worth more than you, white boy.
waiting for a home release to make my own cut, deleting everthing related with this nigger and making the movie smoother...
If someone could edit all of her scenes out that'd be great.
ITT never seen Sonic X. Secondaries get out!
Is that Renowned Sexual Icon Big the Cat?
name one (1) type of black woman better than sassy
They are so annoying every time they show up.
Crooning slightly-dom gf that knows what she wants and knows how to whisper in your ear just right to make you want it too.
Leftists whites get butthurt whenever they don't see black people
SBLs (Sassy Black Ladies) are pure SOVL. Imagine having a giant black woman throw you across the room onto the bed before she breaks your hips by riding you cowgirl.
if blacks vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?
My dick.
you'd have to replace them with imported chinks, and then you have a new problem
His dick
I don't even know
>and WHERE is cool cat?
I used that time to go to the bathroom after reading about it online
They're shoved in by out of touch corporations pretending to care about a cause.
Cute shy girl that calls me Daddy.
Stop hiding in the bathroom and go back to class.
Music. They’re pretty good at it. Whitey always frowns upon nog music but a few years later they copy it.
>Pre 2016
>Black Person shows up
>Haha Nig
>Post 2016
>Infinite Seething
holy fucking based
stop hiding from society and go back to work
Nah, fuck that.
They haven't produced anything worth listening to in ages.
>Music, they're pretty good at it
Marketing. They need to stick one in commercials because some fucktard in the marketing group saw that some mildly successful movie did it once, and that obviously means that putting one into YOUR movie is bound to make it more successful.
More or less, Hollywood is blatntly creativepy bankrupt.
>Add black people to meet diversity quota and to prove how not racist your studio is
>Make them all tokenized walking stereotypes to the point where you expect them to start talking about KFC and kool-aid
>If I call this out, I get called a race traitor and a coon by Twitter white knights with zero self awareness
"(((American))) culture is centered around..."
They have to introduce the audience to the new, live action characters that you don't give and never WILL give a fuck about. This also helps save money on CGI.
im so tired of seeing this ugly nigger in my youtube ads
Why do you always ask this question?
Sonic is in this weird state of being both Japanese and American.
Strangely the best things to come from Sonic as of late have been from the west. SEGA Japan really need to start stepping their game up because this is embarrassing.
It's okay, for me it just shows wich movies and games to avoid
Another bad faith race bait thread!
I think Team Sonic has been an embarrassment for years and years now.
Dancing. People like MJ are way too talented.
Awww hell naaw you didnt just slap mah boi Sonic! I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST SLAP MAH BOI SONIC! *finger snap* YOU *clap* DID *clap* NOT *clap* JUST *clap* SLAP *clap* MY *clap* BOI *clap* SONIC!
Then the hiphop starts playing.
Obama is there.
white people love Madea
Yeah, those bitches need to just get dismantled and/or replaced.
Because she killed her own children and was the first slay queen
Because America isn't an ethnostate and companies like money. Something conservatives are starting to wake up to. Money>conservatism to companies.
lmao sauce
Medea got dealt a pretty shit hand, but murdering her own kids was over the line.
Ghostbusters 2016
Devil's curliest hairs
>another chud thread
How do we save Sonic? Origins is literally just a re-release of the old games. I have 0 hope for Frontier
Agreed. I'd only watch this movie if she died
Take him out behind the shed and go Old Yeller on him.
Peacemaker has probably the best possible iteration of the trope even though she was a lesbian to boot where she has some basis of actual sense being related to Waller and is a fallible, kinda garbage at times human instead of a boilerplate of strong features, also she plays zero part in taking down the racist white man for brownie (heh) points.
I'm taking a MONSTER SHIT and you can't stop me
Imagine she has interactions with Rogue in the 3rd Movie, it would make her more relevant and redeemable
>Left can't meme
>steals their meme
Imagine Robotnik captures her and turns her into Rouge with emerood radiation lmao have fun fapping to that
You laugh, but before trap ruined everything, we had old school hip hop, we had funk, we had good old jazz, we even had ragtime and tap dancing.
What do Zoomer blacks have to offer musically now that's worth listening to?
Because she has big black titties so it's ok
use lefties meme against them using enemies own tactics and strategies is valid in any war
Choose your celebrity voice actresses!
Even iizuka said since SA2 he's an american IP.
I can't wait for someone to make a super-cut of the Sonic movies with
>a real sound-track
>all humans removed
I'd gladly take 1930's cards explaining any plot the humans added over them actually being in the movies
except for robotnik of course.
Naive fool. The powerful will always find some group to abuse. If it weren't them it would have been someone else.
This. The only bad shit they produce now is what's on the radio most of the time, because (((they))) force the ghetto trash on all the time to make them look bad.
Bring back the jazz and blues era and people will think otherwise about them I guarantee it.
A good deal of society, actually.
Professional sports would suck dick without black people.
Also trade would be fucked because suddenly everything we import from South America would die on the vine, plus fuckloads of minerals that they mine in Africa would just sit there.
Think it's hard getting a graphics card or PS5 now, just wait until the supply chain dies because nobody is gathering the base components.
The non-American is immunized against all dangers; one may call him a Chang, Ahmed, Ivan, André, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But ask him what country he's from and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'
the right can't meme
>seeing ads on youtube
She showed cleavage in the movie too unironically but if Rouge were to get in, they’d likely pull Lola Bunny on her.