anyone else play Yea Forumsidya to distract themselves from the fact they are complete failures in life?
Anyone else play Yea Forumsidya to distract themselves from the fact they are complete failures in life?
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>Average people don't self improve
Retarded opinion
I am a 30 year old virgin.
because everyone had to read self help books and lift to function in society
so you're telling me I'm trying too hard and that I just need to float along? thanks OP
>reading self help books
Also retarded
Nope. I always have been and always will be a loser.
you're only a failure if you fail to meet the standards you set for yourself. don't let society tell you when or when not you are a failure. you not having a family doesn't mean that you failed your life, there are tons of people that have a wife and a couple kids and i would never, never want to change with them. there's so much more to life than this stupid bullshit.
just be who you want to be, be based
I do. I don't even play for fun i just play so i have something to do.
I'm like 4 months away from that
Might rope
I find hilarious how anons believe that no masturbating will magically fix all of their troubles and issues.
this kinda falls apart when you realize 50% of the population are taking SSRIs or going to therapy or some shit
Despite of where you are people will always feel like complete failures. Most people who played football at my highschool are either dead by an overdose before 30 or had many children from different women.
High School isn't the end of life, I know many people in my hometown that are in their 30's now that haven't grown up and High School is still their lives. I thought I fucked up, but imagine being in your 30's hanging out at college bars telling stories about the fights you got into, or who your fucked with like anyone cares.
I blast music on high volume to cope. It's oddly euphoric when you do it in the dark
This is the kind of person who thinks that anyone with a skill was born with that skill and didn't suck at it for a long time and gradually got better.
I'm 37 years old and I've had sex only with prostitutes.
That OP pic reads like cope for being a lazy cunt.
literally me
literally not me
I have real life autism and I still played sports and got girls with no additional effort.
It's not about any of this you just have to look attractive and all the shit comes to you.
I was friends with an aspie but he was ugly so nobody cared about him. It's just about being hot.
Dude I watch people move up and down that ladder all day every day. People who were fit go getters becoming lazy, people with no self esteem becoming confident leaders. Hygiene standards, mental health issues the works. Anyone who actually believes pic related is a fucking retard just making excuses for his own lack of improvement.
If you're hot spending all your time playing video games and being socially awkward is seen as hot and cute by girls and guys don't give a fuck what you do if you get girls.
literally me except I'm also horny
That pic is pure cope
>it was always over for me waaaaaaaaaah
Cope. You could’ve done whatever you wanted and you chose to browse Yea Forums, that’s it.
Playing sports is self-improvement though
2022, the year everyone is an autist and a special snowflake. Did you tell Twitter about it you fucking faggot?
Based Kurosawa poster
All my girlfriends in highschool were pretty shallow and barely lasted more than a few weekends if that. I wasn't athletic or even all that handsome. I was just quiet and friendly. People that don't fall into relationships are usually un self aware assholes.
That is the right side. Left is outwardly presenting, right is how you feel
Statically I wager nearly 1/3rd of men are doing exactly that
I've been diagnosed with it since 2004.
Sorry it doesn't fit with your terrible excuse filled world view.
No I play guitar to do that.
You are and always will be a loser. All your life you were mocked, made fun of it, ignored and disregarded. You're the black sheep of your family. You had little to no friends. Women ignore you or are disgusted by you. No one seems willing to even try to understand you and your social quirks - they just dismiss you as weird or bizarre. And all your life, you've been surrounded by people who just seem to have no problem with all the things you suffer from. It comes naturally and easy for them, and they just don't get why a weirdo like you can't do it too. And then there's always the ones born into money or status, or with looks so good that it never fucking mattered. Remember that star quarterback? He was slaying pussy left, right and sideways with every popular girl in your grade, including your crush, and underclassmen, sometimes even 2 or 3 at a time. They meme that he peaked in high school, but he went to school for free on a scholarship because he could throw a lump of leather really well while you're still drowning in debt. And now he's some vice president somewhere, making an easy living, never lifting a finger while his secretary (who he probably fucks) does everything for him. And he now has a passing surface level interest in all the things he bullied you over thanks to mass media entertainment - comics, movies, video games, "nerd culture" etc. He got the last laugh. It's over.
this isnt true
t. ex chad
A failure to me is someone who gives up and doesn't still have some drive left to move forward. I've had my ass fucking beat by life, and I'm not where I want to be and shit didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. Have I given up? No, but there's a lot of time I had, and a lot of things I missed out on that I won't get back. When I walked out of those double doors for the last time, it felt like the actual first day of my life, and I just didn't know what the future held for me. I just didn't think it would be like this, even though I've had problems, a family who got me wrapped up in their problems, along with an intrusive, controlling, narcissistic mother, I still could have done better. Just when I was getting lifes punches, they were hitting me harder than anyone else it seemed, but I never gave up. Still today no matter how bummed out I get, I'm still trying.
It's both. You should focus on being a better you today than you were yesterday. You should be looking at what steps you can take today to reach that goal that's a ways off.
Pure loser cope and projection is delicious.
Ok peaked in High School guy, still hanging out at the college bar with your '97 Corolla you just got washed?
Same but 33. Still feel like a shitty virgin.
Like anyone here checks off all those boxes
based demoralizing thread
27 year old touchless virgin here
all because I am 5'8", zero self-esteem from bullying, dysfunctional or dead family members, zero friends, niche interests, live in rural shithole
it's over
It isn’t even always about that. Just be like half fucking decent and the women come. Most of the people complaining are total garbage men all around. They’ll be NEET, mysoginist or just ugly as fuck. Small dick, premature ejaculation etc. if you have any decent qualities and you’re a decent person it’s good. People can put up with some shittiness if there’s good there.
Literally me but I've been actually diagnosed with it.
Normalfags seething because it exposes the lie that they worked to be where they are. You didn’t, I’ve seen it firsthand none of you suffer. At least not enough.
What the fuck? This shit gets worse, how did you not touch or get touched by a girl ever? I literally had two gfs and had sex with one of them, kissed, held hands all that shit. Touchless? God damn bud.
Could be way, way worse.
t. Borderline.
most people do some form of exercise and yes, most people also read about health
so yes, a so called "normie" would learn the same thingsjust in a normie frmat. I read how to win friends and influence people in a university management course. Its basically the entire philosophy of redpill in its natural nonautistic form
thanks for listening to my ted talk
but i hate women
what can I do about that? i can't stop it showing.
Someone who genuinely wants to turn his life around wouldn't browse Yea Forums
Normies leave.
I feel personally attacked by this
Then why do you want a woman?
this literally describes 40% of society
what a load of bullshit lmao
bullied in school, literally zero self-esteem, wasted my youth in front of a screen, ugly and short, parents constanlty fighting, wasted my youth daydreaming of a better life, but never tried to accomplish that, still walk around alone talking to myself, laughing my ass off at shitposts i read on here
atleast i dont drink or do drugs, i wouldhave probably purposefully killed myself with that shit by now
Go be a piece of shit then. That’s how society works. By exclusion. You have undesirable traits? You get excluded and don’t breed.
Move and stop being a lazy sack of shit? I’m 5,7 and have no issues. I’d argue height isn’t even a real concern amongst women. Just manufactured. It’s not something I’ve ever had seriously brought up
No, I have a doctorate and a great job as well as a fulfilling relationship. I play video games for fun. Also, this image os absolutely retarded - I only got all of the above because I made a conscious decision to improve myself. This included sorting my diet out, exercising, socialising more, taking more care of my hygiene and appearance, etc. No, the average normie does not have to do this, because the average normie doesn't let their life spiral out of control like the average NEET on here does.
Use tiktok normie
Not demoralizing, just the cold truth
>have well paying, comfy dev job, can listen to music while doing work
>can work from home
>have average looks but somehow still pull chicks left and right to the point it annoys my friends
>have no intention of settling down with anyone because that means less time for vidya and other hobbies (like sleeping)
im far from a complete failure in life but i'd much rather just sit at home and play vidya 24/7, just like when i was a kid.
in essence basically what this guy said and i'd also never fucking trade this nice, comfy and entertaining life of vidya just to 'fit in' with all the normalfags that have families and raise kids - and why the fuck would you even raise kids in a world that's fucked almost halfway to hell?
i sometimes wish i could just be a house cat
this text... it hits too close to home.
Cause I just went with the flow and now I have a home, a wife and 2 kids
>atleast i dont drink or do drugs
If you drank and did drugs you'd probably not be touchless any more user
>Normalfags seething because it exposes the lie that they worked to be where they are.
Yeah, some people actually do something with their lives. They're given confidence and have had support that they needed early in life to become the "happy", successful people they've become.People that haven't can, and have done the same thing. It just matters how much you give a fuck and what you get done when it needs to get done.
>get touched by girl
and then you complain that women have been with several girls when there's obviously such a large subsection of men who have never been touched.
What are you expecting the equal subsection of women to do? live frigidly until you leave your house and have a wash?
We don't take kindly to your folk here, outsider.
more or less the same. It's why I try to lurk more than comment in these kinds threads
How are normies who go to clubbing every weekend to bang chicks afraid of intimacy and lacking assertiveness?
do you regretti your spaghetti?
this is not the description of a normal person, its a description of a retard who born with a cute face.
They struggle with life after that 26 year cornerstone suddenly "going with the flow" doesnt work when you have to make tough decisions and really show an intelectuall skill.
A few millimeters of bone determine the outcome of a man's life.
My life is great, married my best friend, we both earn 6 figures, DINKs for life. Still love some 4X tho.
I made a conscious effort at age 20 to get fit, go clubbing, approach women and get laid. I even read a few self help books. I'm married now.
Most important thing is getting over yourself (ignore your anxiety) and maintaining friendships. You're not going to make it on your own.
I'm not a normie, but I've seen the term "failed normie" and I find that a bit more accurate. As much as I tried, I couldn't and didn't have good teen years that left me developmentally stunted, and fucked up emotionally, socially, and mentally. I just got lucky for a short time.
>that's right.. give up all hope, never improve, become flabby, malleable objects that can be easily controlled
I thought the average user looked like Gogachad or Ryan Gosling
have average looks but somehow still pull chicks left and right to the point it annoys my friends
That is because you ar e6'2" - 6'5", women care about height more than anything else, even if you are an ogre, at 6'5" you will still slay.
yep, same age, same situation, same feeling. Sex by itself is fucking soulless
Why do NEETs think normalfags live some kind of a movie lifestyle? They just go to work, and go to bars in the evening, and get a pity fuck once in a while. Only 0.1% of humans actually live fulfilling lives.
Normies leave.
Do you think people who don't get to have sex are just a made up urban myth?
They don't.
Keep coping with your jordan peterson videos you slackjawed subhuman.
>Just exist
That's what I did yes
It describes 40% of this website and close to 100% habitual users.
>tfw I had a great upbringing, am reasonably attractive, basically couldn't ask for anything more
>squandered it all because I'm too lazy to work at anything
Seriously for real. Anyone that thinks this is right deserves it for being a degenerate. The “average person” doesn’t let their life fall apart or hyper focus on hobbies like gaming and anime.
Normal people don’t do this shit dude. Who goes clubbing every weekend? What kind of loser is going clubbing past like 26? It isn’t healthy people in there.
Simply not true
I just picture a lot of Yea Forums as HS kids and a few oldfags with that one oldfag that has no life but must REEE
Always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but never went forward with it. Now I don't know how to learn without a professor
>always called a gentleman, such a nice guy, someone who puts others before himself, etc
>have secret narcissistic feelings and a general contempt for others
>still greatly fear being disliked by anyone
I want to be more like the left, but the right one does describe me.
If you've ever had sex, get outta here! Go use Instagram or Facebook.
Tell the truth Yea Forums
How many girls ever gave you the lip bite?
Real shit, average male who has sex now would've been in the top 5% in terms of looks if it was 1980
Everybody who's average and fucks goes to the gym
Everyone who fucks but doesn't go to the gym is either rich, has status or amazing face/aesthetics
You have to IMPROOOOV aka workout & cut like a pig to have sex. Your father didn't but because of internet & hypergamy that's where the bar is
>that pic
You know... I may be a social retard and I may have no friends left, and I may not even have touched a girl at the age of 34, let alone been in a relationship, but here's the thing:
I realized that, if nothing else, I am at least fit to deal with a modern world full of loneliness and alienation.
So I may be a social retard and I may experience the "hardships" of being a social retard, but the thing is: I don't suffer as much, as the "normie" that is hit by the same fate.
And they are hit by fates like that. That pic is unrealistic in so far that it assumes it all just comes naturally and its smooth sailing for them and that's that.
But that isn't true. The last two years must have made this very clear.
And me?
I lived like a fucking king in that time. I didn't need to adjust. I was always like this.
So in the end, how miserable of a life is it really?
Most people are losers.
If you're not having sex and saying "I don't get to have sex", you haven't actually tried. If you have there was a couple of times it didn't work out and you shut down. Shit, look at that and apply that to the rest of your life.
>bars in the evening
Mostly on weekends, and the ones that do go out on weekdays it's an occasional thing. "Normies" usually don't indulge during the week because they have more important shit to worry about.
>self improve
What the hell does this even mean? Improve what? Why?
Nah you weren't lazy, you were a coward, that's what brought on your "lazy" spell was fear, fear of failure, fear of commitment, fear of embarrassment, all those and more likley is what brought you to where you are today
t. manlet
Maybe 3. I avoided women once I got into college.
average young guy sits at home playing video games and his "clubbing" is just getting drunk with guys and hoping a girl gives him a chance of a smalltalk which he is going to fail at anyway.
Did you ever been to a club? Its like 5-10 guys who fuck and the rest is just avarage jakes and erics "putting themselves out there" getting pussy one a year at best.
>nooo juden peterstein said I need to self improove
IF you're young and you have social problems, fix them now, do something about it now. Trust me, don't get yourself into the situations I did where I was stuck and didn't get to really socialize or go out a lot. I'm almost 32, I literally feel too old for the bar,and event scene outside of it being appropriate for my age, since people are usually going to be younger.
>B-but people of all ages go out :D
Yeah, and there's a time to hang it up too.
>wasted my youth daydreaming of a better life, but never tried to accomplish that
Improve yourself, your social skills and personality
THIS KILLS THE KIKEPOSTERS (their responses will prove this)
You get one life, why wouldn't you do anything necessary to get the very basics of what you want.
Self improving to get sex is cringe but there exists probably nothing more pure and great in this world than self improving for learning purposes.
Based. Why is Yea Forums full of fags depressed that they aren't getting MAH PUSSY and hanging out with normalfags, once you get to that stage, it's nothing but worrying about dumb normalfag bullshit when you could just be worrying about beating the next boss.
>easily controllable
Nigger you believe strangers on the internet
>was an outliner growing up for not having a gf or a life
>now as an adult I'm still an outliner because I had sex, have a wife, and a good life
I'm starting to think the simulation is fucking with some of us.
My dad never drank in his life and met my mom because she pittied him. I shouldn't even be here
Genetics is the sole determining factor in whether you end up like pic related even if you're a bit of an autist like some of us. Attractive guys slay, ugly guys get nothing, simple as.
>people fall for these psyops
you fucking niggers are so weak willed, nut up faggots
I also build plastic models and do photography aside from vidya. Creative hobbies are useful when dealing with being failure. The only person who don't think Im failure is my mother (dad too but he died years ago) and Im thankful for that. For everyone else, I am - 32 and still virgin with no apartment on my own (rent is higher than average monthly pay). Nobody even consider my phd in physics worthy anything because "it doesn't give money" (minimal wage or slightly above is common for science in my country). It was just too sad when one of cousins asked me if I considered making photography for a living - just like if my 10 years of studies isn't worth a damn in my family eyes.
To be honest, if not the fact that I have research to carry on and mother to take care for, I would kill myself already. But mom would be too sad and I cant do that to her, so I have to endure. At least when I get deep into hobby activity, I forget for a moment about how hopeless reality is.
>you weren't lazy, you were just X (which made you lazy)
From the failure that is life
>be born, get shoved into school
>told to play nice and trust the system
>it is utterly broken, built on lies and predatory as all fuck
>want nothing else than fuck off to the woods
>all bought by the goverment and billionares
>be a wagie and work yourself to death with a smile while having kids to repeat the cycle
I didn't fail, the game was rigged from the start.