I just beat 999 and The Nonary Games comes with VLR as well. I've heard VLR and ZTD fuck up the story, is that true...

I just beat 999 and The Nonary Games comes with VLR as well. I've heard VLR and ZTD fuck up the story, is that true? Should I just skip them?

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VLR is imo a great addition to the series, some consider it better others consider it worse but it's still very good. ZTD does fuck up the story but if you play VLR you have to play ZTD as well because it's such a huge cliffhanger.

So basically the question is if it's worth to stomache ZTD so you can experience VLR. I'd say yes.

VLR is unironically a very good game. However, it ends on a massive fucking cliffhanger that was supposed to be followed shortly by a game that would tie up all loose ends.
Said sequel only came years and years after and by that point the author didn't want to proceed with the original script planned, ending up with a okay game, awful fucking sequel

Basically they take 999's BIG tweest and dial it up to 3000 such that the 3rd game is almost a whacky comedy.

Which big tweest? The morphogenic field stuff or who Ace is?

No 999 is the worst of the Nonary Games, unless you count ZLR, in which case that one is the worst.

Morphogenic shit. ZTD is really funny though, I'd recommend both games just for that

ZTD is unintentionally comical and extremely absurd at times but I'd say it's worth it as a farewell to the series and closure after so many cliffhangers
It's a shame it ends with yet another cliffhanger but at the very least a lot of stuff does end up getting solved

If you go into ZTD already knowing it is a trainwreck and keeping your expectation down you will have the fattest laughs of your life, it's a gem of unintended comedy, it's worth just for it

There's really no payoff for VLR, so consider 999 a self-contained game, with any unresolved questions remaining a mystery. VLR imo is far better than 999 because 999 shit the bed so hard with its ending. Skip them and play Raging Loop instead.

I actually forget, why exactly is VLR necessary after 999? I thought it wrapped everything off, aside from the All-Ice mystery, which doesn't even get fucking addressed in VLR aside from a few mentions in relation to Alice.

No, VLR's better than 999. ZTD's a bit of a mess, however...

VLR isn't "necessary", like you said 999 basically wrapped everything up. VLR is just a good follow-up that has a horrible sequel.
>Raging Loop
I thought you wanted user to avoid playing a game that shit the bed with its ending?

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> played the incorrect version of 999

Hurry hurry and look for a DS let's play of the final puzzle to see what you missed out on. I'm so sorry user ;_;

VLR is great, and many like it better than 999.

What you should be aware of is that 999 is a complete story. You can walk away from the series now with essentially nothing lost. If you venture into VLR, you're getting a great but incomplete story, that you need ZTD to finish, and ZTD really doesn't finish the story either. ZTD is also a pretty lackluster game, compared to the original two.

>It's a shame it ends with yet another cliffhanger
I don't really consider the ending of ZTD to be a cliffhanger. It's more like a "the future is what you make it", Back to the Future trilogy type of thing. No, it doesn't spell anything out conclusively, but I think that was supposed to be the point. It's not a coincidence that BttF is specifically mentioned in the story.

Play VLR just for Luna. She's the best character Uchikoshi has ever written. I mean this in the most non-waifu way possible.

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now you play the original

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>It's a shame it ends with yet another cliffhanger
*The same* cliffhanger, just with a bigger number.

I played Never 7. It sucks. I'm not getting all these endings.

VLR is alright. It's not as good as 999, but then 999 wasn't as good as Ever 17 anyway.

>She's the best character Uchikoshi has ever written.
She's just a boring mary sue with literally no faults and perfectly innocent. You don't know what a well written character even means.

That's a weird way to spell Carlos

vlr is the best of the three. ztd is weird but still worth playing if you like the first 2 enough

Being anti-confrontational and unable to reject her programming and do as she pleases in every route besides hers is a flaw you dingus.

>I just beat 999 on The Nonary Games
You did not beat the game

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the zero escape games have much better pacing. you can get an ending in like 5 hours, and the escape rooms fill a lot of the play time

Yes it was Ever 17 sucked 90% of the time

Already beat em. I'm gonna move on to Ever 17 and then Remember 11.

To be fair, if told you have to replay the whole game to get the different endings instead of using the timeline most people wouldn't bother with the DS version.

it's not a cliffhanger. delta stops mindhacking the decisions so the choice is up to carlos. they cut the game on the choice to empathise that it's out of delta's control.

>Ever17: Completely recontextualizes what you've experienced so far and doesn't even need forshadowing because it uses your own assumptions and genre savvyness against you
>VLR: Doesn't really change all that much, forshadowed in an incredibly clumsy manner
pic related

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That's what you'd call getting filtered.

I really VLR was shorter, with fewer rooms and somewhat self-contained, though the reveal that the dead woman was Akane was interesting but totally unneeded.

As for Raging Loop - I'll agree that it didn't have the best ending, but my suspension of disbelief remained unbroken the whole way through RL, unlike 999. I guess it's somewhat hypocritical to recommend RL, having a similar enough premise to 999, but overall more enjoyable when compared to VLR.

Her ending was legitimately gut-wrenching. Felt horrible every time I betrayed her during voting.

I explained this to a friend who only played the Nonary Games, and she thought it sounded like a gimmick. She fully understood that Junpei's nonary game was a recreation of Akane's, that Junpei was helping Akane solve the puzzle, and the full story. To be honest, it is pretty gimmicky. "You were Akane the whole time" isn't even a twist when the game fucks it up with the ID cards. You also get to read Junpei's inner monologue so it's obvious that you're not exclusively playing Akane the entire time anyway, you have more of a role as the omniscient narrator

She didn't beat the game.

It's not really a game, it's a VN
And the new final puzzle is actually a bit harder than the original Sudoku, and less retarded because
>japanese girl being unable to solve a beginner sudoku
Yeah right

Ignore everyone seething about the VLR cliffhanger. It was a joke ending implying directions for certain characters but ZTD decided against it. That’s all. ZTD is fine.

I actually liked ZTD despite its obvious flaws
It wasn't a bad game. I think the main problem was that people had unreasonable expectations. Hype was too high. Even then, it was still received pretty favorably

When I first saw the "flow chart fragment" system I totally believed there would be a twist in the end where you'd re-arrange the fragments in a new and surprising way to achieve a different outcome.

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>delta stops mindhacking the decisions
But there's an entire route where Delta is dead and you can still make decisions, therefore it can't be Delta mindhacking the choices

>but my suspension of disbelief remained unbroken the whole way through RL
I absolutely don't know how you can say that when the end of Haru's route turns the plot from small scale horror mystery to trying to prevent a giant country destroying monster. I enjoyed Raging Loop overall, but that and some later things really soured me on what was a 8 or 9 out of 10 VN up to that point.

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I just replayed 999 since it was on the goy pass and it's been years so I figured why not. I was curious how the final puzzle was going to be handled. Turns out it was completely butchered... what a shame.
I still really liked it though, other than that.

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nigga this game would never have gotten ported to the PS4/Vita/Steam/whatever had it not been for that twist. It's what gave 999 its cult classic status and the visibility to continue the series.

Yes the key card puzzle is a massive plothole Uchikoshi acknowledges, but they've been quite consistent on what goes on at the bottom screen for the game.

999 is the only one with some semblance of closure
VLR is enjoyable but technically unfinished without ZTD and I think it's a crime to recommend someone to play ZTD

Nonary Games adds a bunch of stupid lines to every character's script just in case the player doesn't miss anything important from the NOVEL screen while playing in ADVENTURE, but it also adds stupid exposition lines so you end up with typically anime exchanges where the characters are describing the room they are in to each other in the most boring and repetitive way possible.
Not to mention they all have their ZTD voice actors, and voice direction wasn't great in Nonary Games, so conversations don't flow naturally. Look up the Funyarinpa scene if you want proof.
Nobody's fault your friend is okay with complete schlock.

I guess it was because everything was still a mystery at that point, and I was waiting to see how that and everything else will be explained and resolved. Even though the ending was a massive hack job, I was still somehow able to go along with it because I could somewhat follow along without thinking too much, yes even the "who's Haruaki Fusaishi?" section and the botched 3 elder wolves sections.
The insanely long exposition with the doctor caused me to almost get fed up with it as there was so much unnecessary details there. The myths and changing of the kanji was something I just had to accept, so any clever aspects were lost on me, reading it in English.
If I actually had my suspension of disbelief shattered, I would have been far more critical of the vn, because there is an awful lot to criticise. Luckily it wasn't, and was able to enjoy the experience!

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VLR is better than 999, ZTD is really stupid.

VLR has a way more interesting atmosphere than 999. They are both good games.

>this is how a brainlet going through a mystery novel with no gameplay

If you have any critique, please share it, I'm open to discussion, and perhaps what you say could help me look at things differently.

I had no expectations going into ZTD and I still hated it. I'm never going to touch anything Uchikoshi has a hand in making ever again.

I mean, the "who's Haruaki Fusaishi?" section was fantastic, I love plot twists like that.

I already made my own observation about you. Nothing is needed from you anymore.

Is this actually from the game or is it edited. If It's actually from ZTD I might need to play it.

It's not from the game; it's OC which is the only thing ZTD is good for.

Did you play AI: Somnium Files?

I actually had noticed that Haruaki lied about college when Chiemi pointed out that every time he lies, he stalls for time with an "ehhh" before the Rikako encounter. I didn't really expect him to be using a pen-name, but more hints at him using a fake name would have really helped smoothing out that scene (and many others, like his ex-girlfriend). My issue was that the ending portion was so rushed that the story beats kept swinging and missing over and over again (much like 999 for me).
In hindsight, I have no idea how my suspension of disbelief wasn't shattered a thousand times before the ending.

I'd be happy to hear your observation!

Same, I'm not going to give him a fucking dime. I don't care if his new games are supposedly good, I don't trust the rat bastard and I'm not going to waste more of my life on his games.

I just read a synopsis and what the fuck.

vlr is unironically one of the best games ever made

>"You were Akane the whole time" isn't even a twist when the game fucks it up with the ID cards.
What was the ID Cards problem, again?

Didn't play AI. Basically, what said, though not as harsh.