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god i want to sex
Taimanin Square Massacre
Cute piggy
>starts raping faster than m&m's
>works as a prostitute at the villain town
Where did her life go so wrong?
built for fat orc cocks
I've never really been exposed to NTR. Could some anons help me understand? From what I have gathered NTR is the girl being fucked by someone who is not their boyfriend or whatever and a large part of the work is dedicated to the emotional suffering of the person who is being cucked/NTR'D. Is that what NTR and this VN is like? I think the character designs are cute as fuck, but if the the text is just the POV character lamenting how he's getting no pussy and his GF is being taken away from him I'll just be annoyed as fuck.
Play the game if your interested. Don't play if you aren't. Find out for yourself if you do decide to play it.
Stop asking people to explain sexual fetishes that's fucking retarded.
built for brutal permanent brainwashing!
NTR is masturbating to the feeling of jealousy. The rest of the context is there to spice things up for specific tastes.
She looks like she cucks human men.
I love my Chinese wife
so when do i get to see her raped by orcs
More like, Taimanin Cube Massacre
cute racist
Her character design is too cute for a fucked up hentai game
what is the functional purpose of the pink led over her cunny
Probably never, she is Gremory/AT's donut steal.
Actions are pure. Pure!
Listening to her higher-ups.
>"Your mom has been kidnapped by the guys who break women down and reshape them physically, mentally, spiritually and even genetically into sex slaves. Here's how we're going to rescue her. You're going to surrender and let yourself go through that, putting you at a tactical advantage by losing your equipment, getting brainwashed and losing the ability to communicate to HQ. But hey! You get an exploding tongue tattoo!"
>"What could PAWSIBLY go wrong?"
Her design really is top-tier. Hentai is one thing but her VNs being the dumbest NTR plotlines (Even by NTR standards) is a travesty.
>That "Rinko is an AV superstar with a bunch of orc pals" doujin still isn't translated
Best plane too
Asagi wife!
Post her ass
>make a cute flat petite heroine
>make her mom a tall huge titcow
>have zero oyakodon scenes with them across all games
Lilith is retarded
I wish there was a way to farm tokens so I could craft this outfit sooner
any time and any where someone has sex and it isn't with me it's NTR
I know nothing about this series besides that it's porn and apparently all the girls are ninjas, and I guess cubes?
yeah basically
although it's just the 1 girl that gets cubed
The mobile game is porn and tragedy free, it's the timeline that ends with 0 rape, so you get to actually see the girls develop as characters for (you) and get OC's like Noah and her fat ass and Su's tight muscular body
That's the lame depressing cuck shit, alot of NTR is more focused on the corruption of the protagonist, focusing on their changing psyche and morals. Having another reason to not be a whore makes the corruption sweeter.
i want to breed an user like a taimanin!!!
NTR is lame
Anal only.
>literally became so unpopular they brutally killed her off and she never returned
waste of a decent design
Tragedy is used for romance now.
God I want to see Su in a Chinese rape dungeon.
She's never been killed off, a bad alt history version of her from the future came back in a spin off game for threesomes with her current timeline self
best girl
they are
>no oboro
I just want some more Su lewds man, it's unfair...
>literally became so unpopular
She is one of the most popular girls in the franchise, along with her mother, Rinko and the titty half-oni from RPGX (currently the top grill).
Thoughts on new model
what bizarro universe are you living in
So can anyone please explain wtf is this series? I've seen the different hentai animations with the same characters but different situations and shit tons of art but how did this start? Is it a VN? Doujin? Are there more moments of Oboro corrupting asagi? Please help
user don't look know but I'm afraid your game is in FUCKING ENGLISH
tfw still no mari
It hurts.
Maika sex
her universe is genuinely interesting and is basically the most anime thing to ever conceived (ninjas, magic, demons, cyberpunk, big titties). too bad we will never get a normal anime or manga out of it.
There is fair amount of Mango and LNs around well as ton of drama CDs. But Lilith didn't seem to want step out of comfort zone till somewhat recently.
But so far they only tease.
We're getting there.
Are her games the lame depressing cuck shit or the other kind?
when is annerose getting into action
You have Action now if you want to read Lilith's political commentary about the current state of the japanese government (and also their theories about fate of Taiwan and an eventual cold war between China and America) without having to watch their erotic allegories about corrupt politicians ruining the lives of the japanese youth.
It's more about corruption than dumbcuck crying about it. Still have some vanilla moments.
Sounds cool, I'll check it out. Do you know any other similar works?