Why did people get so assblasted about this? It's like saying fat women shouldn't have any rights...

Why did people get so assblasted about this? It's like saying fat women shouldn't have any rights, it's the least offensive shit ever. Short men simply aren't desired by women

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I hate double standard faggots so fucking much

you perpetuate this atmosphere of insincere outrage by posting about it all day.

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If you have a problem with this, then stand up and show this girl some respect.

You become fat.
You're born short.
Bad bait

>It's like saying fat women shouldn't have any rights
and any guy saying that would immediately get cancelled and blacklisted from everything

Yeah I don't get it either.
Like nigga just break your legs, use invasive metal straps to keep them somewhat straight and tada. In 2 years you'll grow a few inches.
It's the same effort as losing weight for a woman.

Flat enjoying neet bros... it is over for us...

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Pro e-sports players rely on sponsors. Said sponsors do not want their brand to be associated with Yea Forums-tier ''banter''

this article is written is such a faggy manner, I can't believe someone gets paid for this

manlets really can't be the bigger man and ignore that, can they?

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>no job
irony overload

>hates people with no job
>has no job
Self hating neets are so sad.

Americans ar born fat.

>hates manlets
>hates booblets
>hates joblets
this woman is based

She's probably talking about men with no job. Women can still be housewives while men have traditionally been the breadwinners

Does this woman think I can change my genes or something?

women don't belong in the workplace, faggot

Nobody gives a shit about that, people only got mad when they found out that she also talks shit about trannies and black people.

Self hate is a zoomer mindset.

You can't write an article this gay without taking cock at the same time.

I need a chair though

>makes having rights dependent on what's desired by women
yeah I'm sure this is likely to produce a peaceful and prosperous society

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It's almost as if this has happened before. I wonder when...

I can understand the "no job" part, but small boobs??? It seems this retarded bitch likes to focus on things that people can't do anything about. Such a fucking disgusting ugly degenerate bitch. Lots of guys prefer smaller boobs btw. I bet a cute small chested girl stole her bf and she thinks about it every day of her pathetic life

I thought it was stupid to cancel her over it. I thought she was pretty much joking?

>Why did people get so assblasted about this?
because they don’t like hearing the truth

no guys prefer small boobs, coping roastie

This was nothing but a psyops to invade Japanese culture with shitty SJW politics.

>it's just a prank bro

God I wish she was my girlfriend.

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>Speak the truth
>Get punished for it
Manlets aren't humans.

Well convince me otherwise. Not even trolling. Kind of a fucked up joke but still a joke.


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> barely have human rights
I'm so happy.

>Why did people get so assblasted about this?
I wasn't.

>be company who depends on manlets for profit
>your sponsor shittalks the people who are responsible for your profits
>"durrr Y peepill assblasted?!?!?!?"
This is why you will always be a NEET

>Caring what e-celebs think
>Caring what women think
>Caring what metricfags think
Fuck off back to normieland so I never have to see any more of your invariably shitty threads.

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I'm not here to convince you

Missed the cutoff by one inch. Go on without me bros....

Thanks for letting us know

Fuck off faggot, I bet you haven't left your filthy basement in weeks. REAL guys in the REAL world like small boobs (not all of them but lots of them do) and they don't care about the trash opinion of some dumb NEET on Reddit 2.0

I want to punch her in the tits with my tongue if you know what I mean

you're gay

She said a bunch of racist stuff too it was this prolonged unprofessional shitpost.I still oppose her getting canned because there's too much policing of speech now from all parties, even as a matter of professionalism I still think companies should back off too.

I was following this at the time, the entire thing was made up, taken out of context or mistranslated. Tanukana's been targeted by Japanese trolls for years, and they finally managed to cancel her when they dragged ignorant westerners into it. Western internet trolls are nothing compared to Japan or Korea, they will relentlessly target you like a government psy-op until you kill yourself.

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5'7 here, feels good

Every single tiny man is either an insufferable asshole or a weird loner. She's not wrong.

Human rights are a scam. You only need those brought up in defence of subhumans like pedos, criminals, politicians and other garbage.

that is really short though...

Shut up Ashley

Well try to you fucking faggot.

Flatties BTFO

normie brains are so one-track
I made my money already (crypto, then stocks), why the fuck would I get a job lmao

>I was following this at the time, the entire thing was made up, taken out of context or mistranslated.
If you've been following it shouldn't you know which one of those it is?


Whatever, I won't waste any more time talking to homos that don't find cute girls attractive.

It's all three, genius

>Why did people get so assblasted about this?
her sponsors dropped her unexpectedly, shes pretty well known for being trolly and unserious in the tekken community

Thank you for shutting up Ashley

>no new bikini pics this Evo
I'll never forgive manlets

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>tfw 175cm

Made the cut lads, gonna get me some cute jap schizo wife. We're all gonna make it.

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I want to strap her to her gaming chair and leave her there until she pees herself and then screw her soaking wet filthy pusy and then strip her naked, still with her piss everywhere and bring in a translator hotter than her and also like a year older and well dressed and professional looking to ask her if she has any other smart comments to make.

I'm not short though so it's not really a comeuppance, I just think it would be fun to do


>Made the cut
Uh, no.

This is pretty much the female version of LTG, how come women always end up being so unfunny?

Social proof of fitting in with day-to-day society

What's her body count?

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Because women aren't funny

I fucking demand you to. Listen to me or else.

>That feel when I was laughed at by my teenage cousin for only being 5'9
>She's 5'2
wtf bros is this what women are like these days? 15 years ago none of them give a shit how tall you were as long as you were taller than them.
I feel bad for you zoomers.


>yeah I'm sure this is likely to produce a peaceful and prosperous society
I mean (((we))) gave women equal rights after like 4 thousand years of human civilization and the world as we knew it ended in 100 years, literally.

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>mfw 175 cm's

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>It's the least offensive shit ever
Try insisting as much to fat women, who will literally turn feral if you imply they're undesirable because of their weight. Disliking someone because of their height is dumb as fuck too compared to weight. At least you can do something about weight.

I wish people stopped using "we" or country names when they actually mean small groups of people that they aren't even a part in
such as "heads of state" did this, not "we" did this or "country" did this
you'd very quickly realize who is causing all the problems in the world


Society is collapsing.

Heh, just made the cut. Cya manlets!

Dumbest comment of the year

170cm chadlets rise up, we fucking won, she would fuck us

>mfw 182 cms


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No offence, but is English your first language? There were so many different articles and posts about it. Some were made up, some were taken out of context, some were mistranslated.

Just for one example, there's the story where she tells someone to commit suicide. The context? She's been targeted by trolls who have been saying things like; "she's an ugly bitch", "she doesn't even have a job", "she's shit at the game", "she should kill herself for being so useless", "she must be transexual if she's actually beating men at Tekken", "they're just letting her win", etc.

So someone in chat says: "Is it alright for a pro-gamer to tell people to commit suicide?" So she says something like "Yes! They say things to me like 'just off yourself, you ugly *****', why can't I say the same thing back?"

Another comment: "What if they really do commit suicide?". She responds something like "Good! I'll cheer them on! They've made the world a better place." I wouldn't say this is a politically correct response, bit I've also not had the Internet harass me for years. There's also the angle where she speaks Kansai dialect, and that will sound really rough and crude if someone just translates it literally to a westerner.

In short, people fell hook, line & sinker for a sensational story and someone got cancelled for it.

>mfw 170.1 cms

We won lanklet bros

>163cm manletGOD and still had sex
why does the internet make such a big deal about height?

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>the cut is 170cm
from based to cringe in one second

It was pretty simple in my opinion, newfag. Go back >>>/reddit/

QRD for both girls?

the manlet uprising is finally starting based manlet jews that control everything

It's just a scapegoat
>be short
>Oh man my life is a mess and it's because my height, none of my fuckups is my fault!
>be tall
>Oh man my life is a mess but at least I'm not short

>hates short men and girls with no tits
Something about this is telling me she dated a short man, and he fucked a chestlet during their relationship, and she never recovered

I'm 5'5 and why should I care?

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>It's like saying fat women shouldn't have any rights
Because this would get a man fired. Ideally no one should be fired, but if men can't criticize women then women shouldn't be able to criticize men.

Not sure why faggots can't immediately understand why people were cheering, as if pretending the context of the other side of being censored just as badly doesn't exist.

>It's like saying fat women shouldn't have any rights
Saying this line as a public figure would certainly get you cancelled.

>mfw beaner and 180cm
Nothing to brag about whiteoid.

stfu jew

Sooooo she described herself

user what did I tell you?

Mankind needs to be cleansed and restarted.

honestly unless your dwarf short height really dont matter if you have money or know the right people to look famous to women

Do you have any idea how many short men use those simp services?

>Asian girl
>Doesn't like girls with small boobs
No one else gonna call out the irony?


The memes