IDW is just void of soul, like it actively does about every wrong thing on handling video game adaptations.
Change my mind. Pro-tip, you cannot.
IDW is just void of soul, like it actively does about every wrong thing on handling video game adaptations.
Change my mind. Pro-tip, you cannot.
Other urls found in this thread:
Archie Sonic being as soulful as it was is basically what led to IDW being void of soul.
After everything that's happened, SEGA just wants the comics to remain a simple adapation of Sonic the Hedgehog a kid could find at a Scholastics Book Fair, nothing less nothing more.
Imsure it had soul, but it was convoluted and autistic. You should blame Penders for ruining everything. The canon would still be going on had he not sued Sega
Nah thats the OVA, archie is too inconsistent.
desu I feel like even if Penders didn't do his thing, SEGA at some point probably would of put their foot down and tell Archie to reboot the whole thing, just as Hasbro did with IDW's Transformers continuity that lasted from 2005-2018 (and now they're losing the license out right).
Or see how Nintendo basically violently forced the Paper Mario games to abandon the OCs in favour of stricly adhearing to the NSMB/3D World aesthetic. The sad truth is that we are far beyond the wild west of the media that was the mid 2000s, now it's all about just protecting brands and establishing standards.
It had soul in the way tails gets trolled or tamers12345 has soul.
The reboot was peak Archie, no autistic lore just the freedom fighters vs Eggman and his 12 bosses.
There is nothing of value about Sonic outside of the games (And not all of them)
I'd honestly argue that Archie is somehow more autistic than those two.
OVA is painfully disrespecting to source material and really as un-Sonic as it goes. SEGA is right to never, ever reference it.
Sure. Post-Genesis Wave Archie, at least. Most of the rest is pure shit.
You're playing a dangerous game posting about Archie Sonic here, user. Inb4 Archiefag shits up the thread.
This might be the worst Sonic opinion I have ever seen and I've been a Sonic autismo since 1999.
Why are OVAfags like this?
I like the IDW series. I know it doesn't do anything particularly amazing, but it's good comfort food for fans. I like being able to just open up one of the books and see my favorite characters doing cool shit, without having to worry about catching up on a huge clusterfuck of drama with Sally or echidna tribes or whatever...
Archie Sonic sucks ass and is the result of western retards trying to force a garbage, over written plot on a series that was always about coolness and style.
Sonic should never, ever be involved in any kind of organized fucking "resistance". He's just a guy who wants to be free.
Why are (You) like this?
>abandon the OCs
Most certainly not true. Haven't you seen our latest gimmick-of-the-week character that only functions as a tutorial for a gimmick and then gets forgotten? How about all of our new POC and queer characters handling representation?
I love how fucking broken Archie Sonic is
OVA is different from the source material in terms of world and story, but it captures the 'vibe' of Classic Sonic near-perfectly.
>but it captures the 'vibe' of Classic Sonic near-perfectly.
Nope, that's AOSTH.
>that's AOSTH
Look man, I love AOSTH as much as the next guy, but Classic Sonic wasn't slapsticky Looney Tunes stuff.
X >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ova
Well it is a comic incarnation of the character. It's a shame nowadays he won't reach Flash levels of bullshit overpowered. I'm not saying IDW Sonic needs to be racing death but hey, just something to butter your biscuit.
>Sonic should never, ever be involved in any kind of organized fucking "resistance".
Forces exists and is canon, unlike OVA.
>but Classic Sonic wasn't slapsticky Looney Tunes stuff.
It literally is. Sonic is basically the love child of Felix the Cat and Mickey Mouse. You don't actually understand Sonic.
Forces also sucks ass, what's your point?
I couldn't give less of a shit about "canon", I care about what's actually GOOD, faggot, and neither IDW, Archie, or Forces are good.
>what's your point?
That you don't respect the integrity of a franchise, and thus you should be always disregarded on discussing. You don't like Sonic.
>Unleashed is soulful
Jesus christ shut the fuck up.
>"he's just a guy who wants to be free"
>user somehow doesn't see how this is the perfect characteristic for the leader of a resistance group
>but it captures the 'vibe' of Classic Sonic near-perfectly.
Nah. The Mania shorts are the ones who does.
Fleetway StC started out similarly to IDW Sonic -- lesson being, IDW editorial needs to push back harder (and not hire a Mark Miller or Kenders).
Archie and IDW are both fucking atrocious. Fleetway Sonic is the best because it’s respectful to the source material and doesn’t try to cram OCs down your throat every five seconds. The new characters it does introduce are interesting and don’t overshadow pre-existing canon characters.
Canon is a meme spook made to keep retards like you arguing about stupid shit. All that matters is what's good. If something isn't good, it doesn't matter, canon or not.
>>user somehow doesn't see how this is the perfect characteristic for the leader of a resistance group
Freedom to a fault you fucking retard. You can't be free if you're managing a bunch of drama-obsessed retards in a fight against a shit metaphor for pollution and/or facism depending on which writer is jacking themselves off that week, you're just a pawn.
>Fleetway Sonic is the best because it’s respectful to the source material
Stopped reading.
>Canon is a meme spook made to keep retards like you arguing about stupid shit
You're quite literally what's ruining Sonic at this moment. Get the fuck out and never come back, nigger.
Black dick speeds by, Sonic the cuckhog
Too small for the naked eye, sonic the cuckhog
Sonic, he preps his bull
Sonic, he's got a tiny tool
Sonic, he's the most cucked thing alive!
Look out when Penders sues, sonic the cuckhog!
Creampies, and rimjobs too, sonic the cuckhog!
Sonic, he preps his bull
Sonic, he's got a tiny tool
Sonic, he's the most cucked thing alive, he's the most cucked thing alive, HE'S THE MOST KEKED THING ALIIIIIIIVE!
Old Bunnie was hotter.
From the time Sally was pink.
>You're quite literally what's ruining Sonic at this moment
How, faggot? What good is there to come from Ken Pender's overwritten echidna-obsessed garbage? What good is there to come from the mediocre attempts by other writers to "salvage" his work? What good is there to come from Forces, a game that does nothing but jerk off and reference "canon" while simultaneously being the most vapid, bland pile of shit to ever exist?
Canon is USELESS when talking about quality. Get some fucking taste.
Sonic was an even bigger slut than Sally in Archie comics. And it was not like him at all to be that way.
Not my Sanic.
I mean I'm not going to defend the Archie comics since I've never even bothered reading them, but the idea that Sonic as a freedom fighter is inherently flawed is just retarded considering the first game is literally about Sonic making his way into Robotnik's desolate machine wasteland while freeing a bunch of his trapped animal friends to save the environment of South Island.
Sonic Underground is probably the coolest fucking concept for a Sonic the Hedgehog thing ever - Sonic putting together a massive resistance group from nothing through the power of his punk rock garage band - and the fact that they butchered it so hard is an actual crime.
She peaked at cowboy hat + pony tail
At least his psychopathic characteristics were present. Turning him into a slut just added another layer to his character.
You're looking at this from the wrong angle. Sonic fighting against Eggman's bullshit is fine— Eggman is a force of oppression and cold, heartless, unfeeling machinery. Sonic is by definition opposed to that. The issue comes from when Sonic is taking on the responsibility of organizing a full-scale tactical resistance, rather than just busting in and dealing with it on his own terms; it turns Sonic from a carefree spirit, natural and wild, and turns it into almost a political sort of opposition. The fact that Sonic doesn't organize his fights against Eggman, doesn't really recruit anyone aside from letting friends like tails tag along, that's what makes him the perfect thematic foil to Eggman. Eggman builds an army of cold machines with his own two hands, forces nature into his robots to suppress its freedom. Sonic waltzes up on his own time at his own (incredibly fast) pace and dismantles it all. The moment you have Sonic do exactly what Eggman does minus the robot-cramming, you've fucked up.
This. Whether you want to admit it or not, Penders was the best thing to ever happen to the Sonic IP.
>and turns it into almost a political sort of opposition
Being carefree and wild is also political though. That's anarchy.
It's a blue quick hedgehog fighting against a maniac manchild doctor. You really don't have to make an essay out of this.
user, please, treat your autism. You're becoming woefully insane.
These Archie Sonic comix were the only ones I ever liked. My first issue was Heart Held Hostage (parts 1-2 wow) and so my first taste was full of
>quality art
>interesting story about how Sonic is such a player that he’s got all these furry bitching pining for his blue spine
>gang of jackal thugs with guns take the half-naked squirrel princess hostage
>cute mongoose babe tried to help only to receive the ultimate cucking by catching a bullet meant for her competition
>arc ends with everyone in the hospital, an in memoriam for one “Minerva Iffle” or some shit
Yep I’m thinking they sure don’t make em like they used to
Not if you don't write it like that, no. Sonic's attitude should be handled almost like a literal spirit of nature, a force that acts without direct motivation. Obviously Sonic himself has the motivation of "this guy is causing trouble and trapping animals in robots" or whatever, but the implications behind his actions shouldn't be delved into beyond the simple notion that's a guy who loves freedom. It's all a matter of execution; if he just does it out of a desire to be free, it's just the nature of the soul. If he does is because he's logically opposed to the oppression of thousands of animals and wishes to dismantle a system via organized reisstance, then it becomes a wish for Anarchy. Sonic shouldn't delve into that sort of shit because, frankly, it's just fucking retarded.
We're in a thread with faggots seriously arguing that Archie Sonic is good. Autism is a forgone conclusion.
But that's exactly it.
Sonic's "army", if done right, isn't built from oppression and forced lobotomization, that's how it contrasts against Eggman's, it's all about the REAL superpower of teamwork, according to the man himself.
Plus it's not like you can't have one without the other.
Again, to come back to the Sonic Underground thing, a story where Sonic goes through a desolate and hopeless world doing his anti-authority thing by himself but also inadvertedly sparking the light of hope in the people who meet him until he has everyone rallying behind him to take the fight to Eggman is something that could legitimately work well.
>OVA Sonic is disrespectful to the source material
>Not the Sonic movies
>Some fat lazy hack obsessed with star trek, capeshit, and old James bond films and forcing that shit into a comic about furfags was the best thing to ever happen to sonic
That'd be like Nintendo hiring a bunch of literal who celebs to voice their characters for a movie
Oh wait a God damn second...
Scrib, what're you doing in this thread?
Get back to gamedev
do you have to be a furry to appreciate the archie comocs sonic, or does reading that shit turn you into a furry?
>Fang gets the best stories
What a shock
>OVA is painfully disrespecting to source material and really as un-Sonic as it goes.
Maybe that’s why it’s the greatest thing to come out of the franchise (aside from the music across the games)
I don't think you and I actually disagree, come to think of it.
>Again, to come back to the Sonic Underground thing, a story where Sonic goes through a desolate and hopeless world doing his anti-authority thing by himself but also inadvertedly sparking the light of hope in the people who meet him until he has everyone rallying behind him to take the fight to Eggman is something that could legitimately work well
This is correct, and the way Underground handles the general pace of "Sonic wanders around and helps people of his own volition on his travels" is a pace I think works well. I still think Underground sucks ass, but in a better writer's hands, that could work. The issue is that this isn't how Archie or Forces frame Sonic— he's not going around, helping people, and then leaving them to be inspired to do good, he's actively building and recruiting an army, with some of the Archie comics even going into the internal politics and struggles of the group. It's shit. It's always, always shit, and shouldn't be done. Again, the moment Sonic goes from a free spirit to an organized leader, you've fucked it.
Shut up Penders!