If making PC games is that much easier, why do devs even bother with consoles

If making PC games is that much easier, why do devs even bother with consoles

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pc gamers never buy games so that's why they bother with consoles

we don't buy console trash because it caters to the braindead console gamers



Sweet consolepoor retard money.

you don't buy anything because you're broke, dumb, and killed your own physical market.

>console peasant seething this much
I actually bought a game this week

I barely pirate anymore and if I do it's usually test out something I'm unsure about before I buy it or some old game that you couldn't buy anymore except maybe in GOG

>I actually bought a game this week
>follows this up by saying I only commit crime sometimes
this is why you're so stupid

>seething continues
I'm sure you pay for your movies and tv shows too

Money as console gamers spend more money over time. Less sales and more controlled pricing

PC players are a shitty to deal with, they pirate your games and complaing about their meme 1000:4 resolution not being supported.

With a console the specs are set in stone, not as much as they used to be but much more so than PCs ever will.

if its so easy to make games on pc why is the optimization so ass huh

The PS4 and Xbox One were consoles with relatively modern at the time GPUs tied to absolutely abhorrent low end tablet-tier CPUs. That made developing games difficult on them and also limited the types of games they could make (which is one reason why that gen saw gameplay advance very little).

I was hoping that the new consoles would mark a clean break from that as they have good CPUs, but everyone has this dogged determination to keep putting their games on last gen hardware.

>you are broke
>gaming pc costs $2000+
choose one

They can’t make enough new hardware to meet demand, probably won’t be until next year that they catch up.

>but everyone has this dogged determination to keep putting their games on last gen hardware
probably because most people can't even get the new consoles

It's, basically, true.

The console market is bigger for Japan

Also This


Why not both?

If I’m not mistaken non-Nintendo consoles are trending downward in Japan. It’s why Sony is focused on US and Europe now.

If you can afford to pay $1200 for a gpu you aren't broke.

Now are last gen consoles.

But for the Japanese developers the huge market is still on the basic consoles and partnerships

But the developers look to the whole pictures of the console market.


This was a classic constant.
And the only reason that makes some jap developers to still makes port with caution, like Altus

Like every developer in the world.

Even Indi


Probably a software learning problems.

Now Unreal, with the years, it's starting to become an almost standard


Just like the teachers on schools.
Or a scientist in his own lab.

>pc gamers never buy games
Steam metrics disagree

Also This

Steam has made a huge difference, since his first conceptions, for making the PC market competitive

>making PC games is that much easier, why do devs even bother with consoles
Are you fucking retarded? The game developers are pushed to design around consoles because the company wants money from consoleniggers. It's fucking obvious.

I think that more Americans and Europeans developers can think that.

But not the Japanese developers

Sony was very impressed with Zero Horizon Steam sales enough to port more games to Steam regularly

Like people that buy games that have already played on GamePass.

I suppose

Then why do you keep begging for our games like a starved African child?

>If making PC games is that much easier, why do devs even bother with consoles
Because consoles are what 99% of people in their home country play?

That was just circumstances direction, obviously.

The Sony strategy was to port more games on PC, regardless of the success of one single game

What the fuck is zero horizon?

eat shit, cope tard

>and killed your own physical market
Console players are doing their best to follow the trend, sadly

Unless he use streaming service like Netflix, probably yes

I think some devs are waking up to it. There's some massive successes with PC releases from franchises that used to be console only like Monhun.


I don't know how much Horizon Zero Dawn sold on PC.
But I just said that the Sony strategy of porting more games on PC it certainly wasn't a Horizon result

Because piracy is just too easy on PC
>b-but muh studies saying piracy doesn't damage the industry
Fair, but that doesn't matter. If a dev perceive PC as "the piracy market" they will think twice before putting a game there.

>killed your own physical market
why would this matter exactly

Why would they reduce the sales of their console hardware if they HZD didn't sell well on Steam?

Honestly Steam is so easy compared to piracy that I'm way more likely to buy a game just to have it on Steam than to pirate it these days.


But there's still someone undecided.
Like Altus


This is also true.

The big pirate market is something that many Japanese developers like Nintendo fear today


One candle of 10000000000000000

Because they have circumstances problems of mass production.

Sure Horizon can sold a lot, but if the people can't play the PS5 version, the only other best option is PC

I'm talking about the first game which was on PS4 and Steam.
the 2nd game is only on PS5

you outed yourself being a troll dumbass who doesn't know what he's talking about

Depends on what you mean by ''afford''

That's because Steam put a lot of sales for a lot of games.

Unless someone is looking for a physical edition

Japan really loves their handhelds for some reason

More or less.

Specifically market money by partnership with the big 3

stop typing like a fag

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I didn't know that.

But I guess that's the point is that Horizon 1 on 60fps is PC only?


Maybe it's because of the game performance?

True, nothing you make is worth buying. Or even pirating.

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how embarrassing
just buzz off already

Companies said that it's okay to commit crime if it's for a good cause. I listen to benevolent companies.

>physical market
Who cares? Digital games are superior to physical any day of the week, so much so that you have to link them with DRM just to make them look worse. Then you act like there's no way to break this DRM.

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I buy games from directors I enjoy. Make a good game and people will buy it. Simple as, put out ubishit games and pc players will pirate like good boys.

I'm pretty sure Catherine and Persona 4 did well on PC. They should stop hesitating and release Persona 5. People will eat it up.