Attached: asmongold.jpg (1280x720, 95.12K)

I haven't played GW2 in years. I don't think anybody cares, OP.

Can we please get an eceleb board

asmongold is based

Who fucking cares?
Shill your streamer faggotry somewhere else

GW2 is objectively a better game than WoW, it also has no subscription fee.

>Sad WoWman versus dead MMO community

Attached: icarenot.jpg (960x932, 135.19K)

>better game
>so fucking dead that FF14 dabbed on it
>so fucking dead it can't overthrow WoW

Attached: 1565392476919.png (591x791, 287.92K)

What, all 5 of them?

Is it true that you get a mouth and nose like this by breathing through your mouth?

Considering the amount of people in his room is more than the amount of people playing GW2, what are they really gonna do to him?

>Low pop = dead

Who cares about the player numbers? As a game its better than the shitty skinnerbox carrot on a stick simulator that is WoW.

>this ugly bastard is fucking this hot girl RIGHT NOW and you're fucking STUPID

OP really needs to be banned for this post

Who the fuck cares?

Reminder that this faggot casual streamer Asmongold is literally better than 80% of Fromsoft Drones plaguing this board at their games

Holy fucking cvckarooni

how much does he pay you guys to astroturf Yea Forums? Like $500 a month?


Eat shit, GW2 cuck

Just look at those chompers


>internet celebrities drama
Fuck off.



>Whole Guild Wars 2 community
So is that like 26 trannies and 7 people?

>Asmongold minions shilling on Yea Forums

Attached: ghgdfhfvbfcghbdgh.jpg (328x560, 33.99K)

>Three day ban from all boards for posting Chad Daddy because it's "not vidya"
>This fucking faggot is fine
I hate this place and I wish I could leave

oh nonono amongoldbros we got too cucky

what a retarded stupid faggot this kid is think his opinion on vidya has any relevancy because a number on his screen when he is streaming but good lord he is fucking trash at everything i seen him play, imagine being fucking dogshit at your job and then think your opinion holds any weight he should fucking kill himself

E-celeb faggot does something, people get mad.

Wat happen

A coping cuck

We've badly needed something like /web/ since at least 2013.

>caring about zoomer count
gw2 has better mounts, better combat, better open world content, no gear treadmill and no sub, wow can't compete.

>"what a re-"
Don't care. You lost, Troon Wars 2 loser.

Did she ever deliver ?

>Asmon boasting that he gets to fuck the girl while everyone else is simping for shitty pictures

Send this to McConnel

speaking of the malding GW2 community

>"gw2 has better- ACK"
>still fucking dead and forgotten

>Twitch streamer
>is a cuckold

i dont even play that fucking game retarded mmocuck tranny faggot you too should blow your brains out after you are done sucking the cum out of asmongolds stinky pencil dick

>It was Asmon in drag all along
So his fall back plan is to start an Onlyfans?

Asmo is a fucking loser. Jlhe is physically revolting. Imagine not brushing your teeth so you wipe the blood from your gums onto a wall by your bed and living in squalor because you're too lazy to throw trash away. Absolutely disgusting.

>w-who cares about player count in your MMO? lol! l.. lmao! Who gives a fuck!?
i might as well play a classic WoW sandbox server with that attitude, you fucking mongs.

Reminder that no matter what takes Asmon has, he is a literal wow addict andy. He is the type of player that enjoys the game even at its lowest(like now for example).

He also killed his mother with his sheer apathy.

>E-celeb thread featuring a game nobody cares about
IDK why you people even come to Yea Forums, fuck off back to YT and stay there.

Its never just pics, shes taking dicks too

population or popularity often have little do with the quality of the game and moreso how strong the games marketing is.

>still replies
keep malding, gw2 loser haha


WoW is shit, but cmon it’s not that shit to be compared to GW2

>have little to do
>said the dead game player ready to get his game ideas stolen by chad companies

all two of them? damn he's screwed

What an ugly roastie lmao
I bet she's with Asmoncuck only for money too

Not video games
Fuck off

so what did he actually say/do?

I'm rolling, fuck your eceleb thread, remember to put sage in options

Attached: pokeroll.jpg (1650x3150, 1.44M)

now fill me in on the spicy meme you are shilling op
I have 3.5k hours in guild wars 2 and want to know why all the redditors are righfully seething
god fuck the gw2 community

Because it's obvious asmond isn't the only one fucking her. Girls that post nudes of themselves for strangers don't just have sex with one dick.

So what's the story?

Attached: GW2_bearu.jpg (275x241, 11.03K)

suck a dick nigger guild wars 2 sucks for all i know but asmongold is devoid of any brain cells and sucks at any game he has touched EVER and no amount of dick sucking will change this fact

I haven't play gw2 since shortly after its launch.
You're just deflecting the point.

Well, why doesn't anyone play GW2?

hilda get

>Pretend to hate thread
>Post thing that'll keep it alive

Attached: Low IQ kids.png (231x243, 37.03K)

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That’s a pretty low bar user. Asmongold is also a better person than objectively evil people like Joseph Stalin or Martin Luther King Jr. Whats your point?

he just did a paid stream to shill the wow expansion with fake reactions. His opinions are literally worth nil.

Why doesn't anyone play or recommend it then?

Asmongold is retarded. He shits on games he hasn't even played and uses their popularity as the gold standard of whether or not they should be played. However, in this case his ignorance is actually helping him. GW2 is worse tranny garbage than wow.

>le dead game meme
whatever makes you cope, ff14/wow cuck

>literally better than any
>seethes at anytime the enemies hit him or dies
>instantly goes into: ohh man this game sucks dood
>this is just boring dood change the game for me so i can just win for my viewers dood
fucking neck yourself virgin

>I'm gonna pre-order and play Dragonflight because it's my job
lmao he's so fucking clueless about his own addiction.

>Reminder that no matter what takes Asmon has, he is a literal wow addict andy. He is the type of player that enjoys the game even at its lowest(like now for example).
Of course. He is a WoW and only occasionally stumbles to try out something else. He associates the game with happy times AND it's definitely the big streaming draw.

shit story
nonsensical combat
shit balance patches
ugly graphics
boring cookiecutter event
samey builds literally just dps with the occasional support
no endgame content except for grinding currency for """fashion"""" which is utterly shit except for maybe the samurai armor
gw2 is a clusterfuck t.3,5k hours

>spend 60 dollars
>make thousands

>I don't understand what derailing or sage is
ok newfag

bro i dont have to cope, my game isn't deader than my ex's miscarriage

But is it even a meme? Your like a russian, deflecting blame to things unrelated.

>wow shows idea they stole from dead wars 2
>asmon likes it
>gw2 community malds and seethes
>shit on asmon's forum and subreddit how his fav game is shit and he should play gw2 or they will ruin his reputation
>calls them losers
>gw2 community malds even harder
And I am just joining him to shit on Troon Wars 2, because I am bored

he gave up on elden ring

>spend 1000s of hours on a shitty dead game
>now 1000s of hours closer to death

it's true on mutt servers maybe, EU is more than fine

He’s at least making money from playing shit games. What’s /wowg/‘s excuse?

Would you recommend GW1?

Post vid bro


So, about five people total?

Attached: 266512731_3052172705101092_5293017109908074425_n.jpg (1080x1155, 359.81K)

nah, he beat it by spamming powerstance halberds jumping l1

where are the noods

Is he trooning out?
Look at those gums, and im not kidding. A lot of trannies have those weird pertruding gums and i hate it

Should he spend 1000s of hours in a shitty retail job instead?

Ok, so the game isn't dead but has low population and is shit? What is the difference between this and dead?

My point is he's justifying playing WoW because it's "his job" by saying the only reason he's playing it is because it's work.
As opposed to just admitting that he's insanely addicted and can't break it.

ok newfag

>enjoy career as a gamer
>no stop go sit in an office 8 hours pretending to work
Meanwhile you dont even do it for free, you pay for the privilege

I never played it but yes, it has cool companions and skill system

I mean who cares tho

He should spend 1000s of hours playing something else but yeah that too

If you make millions of dollars off your addiction does it matter that much?

WoW shamelessly ripped off all of GW2's mount mechanics from their last expansion


>WoW kills off Shit Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is 9999999x better than WoW though

Nah, because your game is still dogshit after BfA and SL happened

I played guild wars and it was so boring. I legitimately don't get how people like this game.
The quests were absolute dogshit-tier, I played with 4 friends for 5 hours, and we never encountered a single piece of group content.
There's no trinity, so, you feel like you have no class identity.

I just don't get why you'd play an MMO that doesn't actively focus on the MMO part.

Okay, who gives a shit?
Why is it news that Blizzard is stealing shit from other games and putting it into theirs?

Are you faggots really so young that you don't remember that's literally all Blizzard did in the early days?
They've been doing that since the start - stealing ideas and putting them into their own dumbed down versions of genres.

They did it with RTS, they did it with CRPG/Dungeon Crawllers, they did it with MMOs, they did it with FPS. This is just another in a long line of "stolen ideas" that they've used.

If anything this should be looked at as a step in the right direction since they're going back to their roots of stealing shit instead of trying (and failing miserably) to create their own ideas.

more like
>incompetent Nu Blizz copies superior mmo while pandering to furries for the 2nd time.

shut up you zoomer fuck, learn to sage

>superior mmo
In what fucking fantasy do you live in lmao

i hope wow gets better that way not that i liked mounts in gw2 imo they killed the exploration aspect and maps designed around them went to shit so did events but hey, everything that shits over gay wars 2 trany edition is good in my book fuck that gayass community

lmao as if you need trinity in wow's open world, shit opinion