It's been too long already, it's the one feature that would make me hyped.
World of Warcraft needs player housing
Everquest 2 and Lotro had player housing in. Don't remember what either were like though.
What were garrisons?
Not customizable enough, expansion-specific gimmicks and limited to 1 zone.
No you fucking autists, it needs alternate shit to do endgame, like mythic+.
You hit max level, nobody enjoys WQ, and dungeons get old easy. What then? There is literally no other features this expansion. Its going to be another quit before the shitty raid comes out case.
>300 lockdowns
>it needs alternate shit to do endgame
so, player housing.
Tell me, what gameplay does player housing offer to the normal player? It is designed for sims autists who enjoy this shit, not mmorpg players.
>get instanced house in sw
>decorate with 300 furniture items
Wow, fucking great.
Garrisons are what you get if someone bootleg chinese translated a list of housing wants from fans.
Unironically yes, I'd farm content for furniture.
>Tell me, what gameplay does player housing offer to the normal player?
it lets you buy a house and decorate it.
>It is designed for sims autists who enjoy this shit, not mmorpg players.
nearly all mmorpgs have player housing, so it does appeal to mmo players, obviously.
Housing is in fact gay. Play animal crossing
What would I do with an ingame house?
Just play the fucking sims if you want to play house, WoW is otherkin trans timegated grind country.
you can only enter your house 300 times before it is automatically sold
i think it’s what you would call the tile where you put decorations
I say this with utmost confience, you are in fact a part of the minority here hence why they will not add it anytime soon just like Watcher said yesterday. Anyone and everyone I play with couldn't give a shit about housing and want actual end game systems like Torghast, Islands, Mythics. The fact that they all end up being shit is a different problem tied to Blizzard's staff
decorate, socialize, host an event, farm for furniture, etc
and what if i don't have autism?
>more goldsinks for the people that never stopped playing during legion
Why do I need to do that if none of my important gameplay npcs arent in the house?
>Torghast, Islands, Mythics
Muh autistic minmax grinds
>everyone I play with
Only autists and trannies still play SL.
This (thing) is either a troon, fag or an autist, I would bet my dog's life on this.
on one of the mmos I play it’s just a way to show how creative you can be with a zone
there are some dress up items, but beyond that there’s no real point to them in most games
>It is designed for sims autists who enjoy this shit, not mmorpg players.
Yeah, MMORPG players are well known for not being massive autists
not housing that for sure
Ask me how I know you weight 200+ kilos and obsess over wow e-celebs.
>and what if i don't have autism?
you play an mmorpg, so you do have autism.
>Why do I need to do that
you don't, it's optional.
Why do you need to farm gear and do raids?
i dont need 1vs1 but i dont want duels removed
because i'm not a 3 years old who doesn't want the other kids to lose their toys because i dont enjoy playing them
Because it makes it possible for my character to be strong enough to access and complete more of the game's content, hence progress, which sitting on my fucking ass playing barbies isnt going to do fuckall for.
>access and complete more of the game's content
why do you need that?
user are you schizophrenic
Define progress, how is experiencing more raiding content different to experiencing more vanity content?
Agree with second post, hearth to Draenor to play house faggot. Or join and RP server and claim one of the empty houses out in the world, talk about how one of the banshee spawns sucks you off against your will every night.
This is the average Shadowlands enjoyer/Asmongold fan sisters.
It seems the devs have managed to make portions of the playerbase forget the "World" part of "World of Warcraft"
They just want a shitty instanced simulator. Remove the world. Just have Oribos with portals into every dungeon/raid. Add a new floor for each expansion.
>It is designed for sims autists who enjoy this shit, not mmorpg players.
It is designed for people who play MMOs, which is why a game like FFXIV is beating the shit out of WoW currently.
no as far as i know
Trannies love minmaxxing and systems. They love repetitive grinds and numbers.
Nobody that plays wow cares about housing, sorry you are not getting it just like Ion said.
and trimming timers
thats why their main community is speedrunning and tranny mode
>people want to play a game and want elements of video game in their video game such as hubs
Holy fuck say it isnt so
>which is why a game like FFXIV is beating the shit out of WoW currently.
not even 1 million players have finished the MSQ lmao. the endgame is incredibly dead.
I would unironically give wow another try if there was player housing
t. FFag
>RPGs should be reduced to arcade raiding simulators
You housing fags always say this shit, but housing has not managed to save, redeem, or make interesting a single fucking MMO it has been in, and it has been in a lot of them.
Yes. Take your faggy roleplaying bullshit to second life. You should love it since it's free.
What are you talking about? Wildstar is thriving!
Do you remember what the R in MMORPG stands for?
it's a cry for help from the palest of basement dwelling neets who have no other means of ever living an idealistic life
The game is called world of warcraft. It's about combat. Because starting out with a weak character unable to kill shit and then getting stronger and stronger fulfills a power fantasy whereas you playing with dolls in your tea house fulfills a faggot fantasy
You think you've got that user in some logical trap but I think the estrogen pills are fucking up your capacity to think. There's no contradiction in his logic. Now that doesn't mean WoW couldn't implement a housing system, but arguing that a housing system in world of warcraft shares the same importance as playing the actual content the game is built around is retarded.
Someone post the dancing Lalafell.
you will not be able to afford a house in real life, and you will never be given a house for free* in an mmo you spend all your life on either.
I already have a house, I'm European.
i wouldn't mind player housing in wow if it was done RIGHT and was the center of an expansion - we travel to a new world / new alternate dimension / different time line / whatever and there are new cities that are designed to be player cities with a hundred ++ houses in each city and each city having lots of phases. blizzard's phasing tech has advanced a lot. they could phase each plot of land in a city and could have it so the visible houses in "your" city prioritize people on your friend's list, in your guild, etc and just have an street sign for each house that lets you browse all the people who own that plot and then you can "favorite" some and have those display over others. etc. blizzard phasing tech could really shine in a housing focused expansion.
you could have parts of the player city get invaded/attacked like garrisons, but use phasing and have different invasions/events show up for different players based on level/faction/etc. the way events and world quests happened in the big cities of bfa, even drawing opposing faction players in for pvp - it all made those cities feel more lively. now fill it with custom unique player housing.
wow has so much content they can go back and add housing items to. a majority of toys could just be stuck on a housing hook and "used" when clicked. pets could be let loose, popular NPC charactes/followers that we leveled up in past expansions could populate our housing plots and maybe defend them, etc.
i really believe it would have to be central to an expansion or else it would just be some minor tacked on system.
some games with good housing systems blizzard could learn from are turbine's lord of the rings online, genshin impact(unironically), and amazon's new world(lol - the housing system and player controlled cities were interesting)
>nearly all mmorpgs have player housing
Name ten.
Because it feels good to become objectively superior to enemies and shake them down for loot faster.
Are you a faggot?
>but housing has not managed to save, redeem, or make interesting a single fucking MMO it has been in
you could use this braindead argument against any common MMO feature.
Role as in tank healer dps and maybe sometimes support for buffs and debuffs but no body likes having to bring a downs syndrome buffer on top of heal sluts.
>Nobody that plays wow cares about housing
-11 million players
>not even 1 million players have finished the MSQ lmao. the endgame is incredibly dead.
Exactly. People don't care about endgame rat mazes, you add casual content like player housing and you suddenly are more attractive to play than WoW is. Hence the higher sub numbers.
What do people even do with player housing in mmos?
>people in this thread are actually too autistic to realize that they are the minority and the people who actually have kept blizzard afloat all these years don't give two shits in fuck about roleplaying
Why do you need to waste time grinding for virtual money to buy a virtual house, when you can improve your own living conditions in real life by grinding for tangible money to buy a tangible house?
we used to attack guild cities in swg
Instanced housing is garbage but owning a house on an actual part of the map in Ultima Online was amazing.
such a retarded take you dont even get a (You)
>nearly all mmorpgs have player housing, so it does appeal to mmo players
most don't and even then they have a shitty version of it like FFXIV does where it is just instanced amongst thousands others with artificial scarcity
real housing is rare, like SWG has
Literally fucking nothing. It has proven to be a waste of dev time every time it has ever been implemented. A fraction of the playerbase uses it and that's not nearly enough to return a net gain when other actual systems of the game could be improved upon or expanded that the majority of the playerbase is actually making use of.
social stuff, since it's an mmo.
>Name ten.
ultima online
asherons call
anarchy online
dark age of camelot
everquest 2
star wars galaxies
star wars old republic
lord of the rings online
new world
elder scrolls online
black desert online
genshin impact
the first m in mmorpg isnt supposed to refer to your weight you fucking neckbeard
Do you understand how many people farm transmog and old mounts?
It's the same concept. You use the system to add relevance to the old world, old dungeons, old raids. One of WoW's biggest strengths is how much previous content it can fall back on while you're waiting a year for your next patch.
Genshin has housing now? How is it?
is genshin impact a mmorpg?
honest question . i played it a few months ago and i didn't saw a single player
>is genshin impact a mmorpg?
no. not sure why they listed it.
>9 mmorpgs out of 13 with housing are dead
So is this trying to prove that housing is a mistake?
user, you dont fucking farm shit while being afk inside a static fucking setpiece
i liked garrisons
i loved spending time in there working on it
if i can just get khadgar to teleport my garrison to wherever the fuck i wanted and have a lot more customization to it i would be happy and probably resub
Yes. You farm shit to use/upgrade in your static fucking setpiece.
>have to leave the house to farm the transmog and old mounts
>no reason to arbitrarily go back to said house when you can just backpedal back into the instance portal then start travelling to the next farming area once you reach your fun limit temporary suspension
Until it shuts down like Tera is in June, it's not dead.
When people talk about player housing, they mean a fully customizable space they can build and decorate as they please. Not a mission table with buildable additions that give you access to specific systems.
They should make an expansion that's just a load of flat space, and you can build houses, cities and defend them from the other faction.
damn... look at all of that success...
>player limit 1/1 because phasing and 5000 empty servers
yes, several of those are among the most successful MMOs ever created. glad you noticed.
I did too but it got shit when it become
>Send x guy on a 24 hour mission
It was fun to unlock shit and build it.
I wish it had more customization, being stuck with orc buildings was gay.
>What do people even do with player housing in mmos?
in asheron's call: housing was limited and there were lots spread around the world, some where in useful locations and you could 'recall' to your house. housing was also the main source of storage outside of alts and gave a way to transfer between alts without having to dual log. there was also guild housing which everyone got a recall to, had more storage, and had unique housing items you could earn that would provide portals to hard locations, temp buffs that stacked with regular buffs to let you reach higher skill caps by a few more points, and also the h ousing was really good for decorating. almost all the quests in teh game gave goofy housing rewards. furniture. decorations. etc. the devs added a portal system throughout the world that connected the various new housing settlements with established npc cities, these portal networks also enabled faster player travel throughout the world with the added bonus that it "forced" you to go through the player housing towns to get around the world quicker - thus giving everyone a chance to show off their houses to all the people zipping through their towns now on their way to a travel shortcut. there was a whole market of people camping/waiting for abandoned houses leases to expire so they could loot them and sell the houses to other players. created fun drama which i feel is essential to good mmorpg community. asheron's call housing system was one of my favorite housing systems.
in star wars galaxies you could build player cities and the housing had different bonuses for your guild and you could earn rewards by destroying enemy buildings and there was enough customization to make it interesting but i just never really liked it much.
The "World" you're talking about is nothing but a 3d chatroom for atleast 3 expansions now. Nothing WoW is all about m+ and raids.
too bad most of those companies are in the shitter now
Knowing Blizzard, player housing would be expansion specific.
too bad 90% of that shit is dead as fuck
Well according to the leak, the player housing that will be introduced is going to be a space with buildable additions.
You would get bored of it in less than a month.
If they make them like player houses in OSRS I think it would be cool, but it will likely just be a decorating sim.
The only player housing wow needed was those leatherworking tents in warlords of draenor that increased all of your stats and attributes by 5% or some shit for staying inside of it for 10 seconds. Blizzard removed them entirely because much like pokemon you have to arbitrarily abandon features as the games move forward
yeah, agree
i just want to continuously build, expand and customize it, not the phone game stuff
WoW Classic should have been WoW + with cut content added in, like player housing.