Rate my desktop Yea Forums

Rate my desktop Yea Forums

Attached: image.png (1920x1019, 2.79M)

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>aura kingdom
I'm surprised that this thing is still alive.

Clean it you weirdo

that's funny, heh

open the "read this motherfucker.txt" file

yo mate, your desktop is disgusting but what is even more disgusting is you are using OpenOffice which is basically dead lmao, use LibreOffice

rate my desktop

Attached: 1620305913836.png (1920x1080, 330.69K)

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-16 095322.jpg (3840x2160, 1.53M)

Its an old screenshot I'm pretty sure
Nobody uses u torrent anymore


based and soulful
no icons trannies get the rope

rate mine

Attached: deskie.png (1920x1051, 3.51M)

I win

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 3.4M)

tranny detected

yeah you win the "retard cup" when I see the ccleaner


Attached: 1641440528433.jpg (425x503, 33.41K)

there's nothing wrong with ccleaner

>there's nothing wrong with ccleaner

Attached: 1633677771718.png (562x375, 374.71K)

i win

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.75M)

what should I use instead? or should I manually delete files for an hour like an autistic NEET such as yourself?

Attached: 1643476236959.jpg (1024x658, 44.96K)

>thinks bimbos laughing at you is a bad sign
They are the ones paying me to clean their messy computer after hundreds of badly uninstalled programs

Attached: 1592166473133.jpg (1252x1252, 146.32K)

if you don't manually delete files yourself then you didn't beat the game

Attached: forsen1.png (112x112, 19.31K)

My desktop is a cluttered mess of cropped cunny, cunny, and guro.

Attached: 1344466016666.jpg (310x310, 32.8K)

I need to try harder

Attached: 324234534123235342.jpg (4096x2160, 1.53M)

oh boy he doesn't know

Attached: 2022-04-22 00_54_42-.png (2560x1440, 2.07M)

You have good taste in vidya.

other than that 6/10

Attached: 1606152921621s.jpg (248x250, 6.03K)

How big is your 4k screen that you have windows on 100% scale still?

You made sure to turn off the built in reporting on you to google right?

>FLV converter
>G total security
>HP welcome
>Team Viewer
>Team speak
>Logitech g hub
Damn, bunch of retards ITT

Attached: desktop.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

>talks shit
>doesnt show own desktop


Attached: 55 Q80T QLED 4K UHD HDR Smart TV (2020).jpg (1600x1200, 177.32K)


Attached: Screenshot_20220421_095805.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

nah, I like google holding me hand
makes me feel I'm not alone


yay a shitty desktop thread

Attached: image_2022-04-21_100107309.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

g hub isn't great but the blue software makes my mic sound pretty good, I had to stop automatic updates though it kept fucking up the drivers

Why call it "desktop Yea Forums"? Because you have vidya on your desktop?

Also any wallpaper reccs?
I still use the default W10 wallpaper because I can't find anything else

CCleaner, Team Viewer and Team Speak are fine, retard

NCS background/10

Attached: Screenshot_20220421_100207.png (1920x1080, 2.32M)

This TV has 3 HDMI inputs at 60, but 1 of them goes up to 120. It takes a high speed HDMI cable to transfer that fast, but it looks great. Bought this prebuilt and replaced the SSD, RAM, PSU, and AIO cooler. I rarely play at 4K resolution. I prefer 1440 windowed. If it's a game that uses controller instead of kb+m, I'll sit back and use fullscreen.

Attached: tower-1.png (1181x952, 539.15K)

No they are not. CCleaner is a meme from the boomer era of computing when windows didnt do what CCleaner does automatically.

Team Viewer's been replaced by AnyDesk and no one uses TeamSpeak.

>Little Witch Nobeta
Garbage taste

I'll live.

Attached: 1631575097244.jpg (680x785, 73.32K)

enjoy having most of them not run properly or stop working for no reason randomly

Nobeta isn't even a Loli
Nobeta ruined Loliposting


All my games work on my machine
I'll live.

Attached: screen.png (3480x1119, 3.51M)

Either put icons on your desktop so we can see what games you play, or remove the recycle bin. The recycle bin ruins the whole thing.

No. It was used mainly as a "one-place" app to clean up a computer. but now it's still useful to clean junk files. Windows and its "memory sense" or whatever the fuck is called suck ass. Try using your pc for more than two years without formatting C like a retard and see how you're wasting gbs

AnyDesk is the same shit. And me and my friends use Team Speak sometimes because Discord fucking sucks.

I opened your desktop image on my 58" 4k tv and the icons are way too small for me. I don't know how you use it like that.


Attached: 1645262960078.jpg (640x416, 63.02K)

I never bothered to deactivate the recycle bin icon. I fucking hate desktop icons. I guess you're right and I should get rid of it.

this is amazing bait to see how many anons have crippling autism

There's only 1 Linux user ITT and of course he runs Arch.

Attached: 1631622998026.png (657x527, 43.92K)

noooo I have been baited! everyone has seen my desktop how will I live with the shame


>he honestly thinks that turning a few options off stops his data from being reported
>while posting from his cellphone
lmao you kids never fail to amuse me.

I've had the same windows install for over 5 years. Whenever I did check with something like CCleaner at most I would save a gigabyte or two of space which is fucking nothing.

Manually defragmenting, Manually cleaning junk files, etc. They are memes from another era. They used to have their purposes but today they are no longer needed all of this is done automatically under the hood.

try hard linux nigger

Attached: 1648061134728.jpg (844x962, 170.18K)

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

How could you possibly tell he runs Arch, all he posted was a wallpaper and a taskbar

Attached: manjaro.png (2560x1440, 2.42M)

I honestly thought that was an iPad lol I forgot that Gnome still existed.

Attached: 1641845882010.jpg (996x843, 91.37K)

Imagine having Microsoft Store in your taskbar

Attached: 1649709708592.jpg (896x896, 49.83K)



This nigga is running KDE. There's 2 linux Autists here. They escaped from /g/ somehow.

>use trannix
>play windogs games via copelayer
are linux games really THAT shit?

Attached: DESKTOP.png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

A gigabyte or two justify the program.

What kind of fucking virus is this shit, the image is taking an eon to load. No thanks

Loading this picture reminds me of the good old 56k modem days

>having icons on desktop
for the love of that has ever existed and will exist please I am begging you, remove yourself from the gene pool

I use it for wsl bitch

My linux machine runs most of my games better than my windows machine. I have 4 computers. Windows is trash.

Attached: 1641836459956.jpg (462x500, 46.12K)

There are three linux desktops on here

Attached: 1644356125023.jpg (2160x2160, 767.15K)

>*596440143 was banned: bwk pics*

I'm posting from a pc and have never used ccleaner on this rig. I gave up on it back when the google reporting thing got added in.

this isn't a wallpaper thread guys if you don't have icons on your desktop to show what games you play then just don't post

>My linux machine runs most of my games better than my windows machine
anecdotal evidence, sure.

>if you don't have icons on your desktop
Why the fuck would you have icons on your desktop

literally this

>icons on your desktop
The tech equivalent of collecting piss bottles in your room. Use your taskbar (bathroom)

Because navigating to different launchers is retarded

NEET broke niggas
>guys I use LINUX look how epic computer hacker I am.
your average trannix user, on the internet or IRL.