Games for this kind of feel?

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mario kart

Never had a drop of alcohol in my life. Am I missing out?


Having sex while drunk is a lot of fun

Being literal, drunk driving in Grand Theft Auto IV, or any other game where getting drunk fucks your movement up, if you aren't hung up on the driving part. Yakuza 7 did that.

GOAT is EverQuest and beer goggles while grinding your alcohol tolerance stat.

>Going sideways at full speed without looking at the road
Ridge Racer Revolution. I used to fucking do 360s in the opposite direction to the turn I was making in the arcade to dab on the shitters who tried to race me.

I think he's going the wrong way

It's fun, I try it and see if it's for you. If you love it, don't get carried away -- it can fuck up your life if you get hooked. But lots of people just have a few at the end of the day.

>Drink while playing games
>3-4 drinks in
>Performance legitimately improved, act decisively, execute tricky shit without even thinking about it
>One more drink
>Performance tanks to half that of what it would be sober
It's a fine line to walk

one of the worst drugs, high price for a mediocre intoxication

I've always wanted to play the Yakuza series, thanks for the encouragement.

It’s fun to get buzzed, but if you get to the point of puking and passing out in public like I did once you really regret it.

LGBT take

>mediocre intoxication
My guy there is no other substance I have ever used that gets me so fucked up I literally can't remember what I did the next day. I've never ended up spending a night in a cell smoking weed or taking eccies.

My Summer Car

>had no interest in drinking as a teenager after seeing my friends make complete asses out of themselves
>life has since become so shit that if I started drinking I would invariably become an alcoholic

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but muh whiskey dick

the price is the only good thing about alcohol, though. you only need about $20 to get wasted. weed dealers don't even sell 20 dollar bags anymore, you have to ask for an eighth if you want them to even read your text.

Stick to the golden rule: Never drink alone.

Best way to get drunk is green chartreuse
Plus it smells nice

No. I'm an alcoholic and would not recommend it. Even worse is that my whole family are, and they look at me like I'm insane for quitting. Saying shit like
>You weren't drinking THAT much user
>I didn't REALIZE it was such. PROBLEM for you!
Meanwhile I'm losing weight like crazy and my whole life is turning around.
Do yourself a favor and only drink socially, don't fall into the trap like I did.

thats rape

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you're a faggot and you should kill yourself.

Not really, no. You have some fun but it's really not worth it, especially if you're not into the whole "drinking to socialize" thing.

Go back to twitter, nigger faggot

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Alcohol is like viagra to my dick, makes me last longer and harder.

Best thing to drink is whatever the cheapest, strongest spirit you can drink straight from the bottle without issue. For me, it's shitty spiced rum because that's what I started drinking when I was 16 and now I'm in my 30s it's like water to me.

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>shitty spiced rum

I only did it once and it took everything in my power to try to get my girl to finish while I tried not to throw up from the sloshing liquids in my stomach. I had to quit out so I could run to the bathroom to vomit while profusely apologizing that it wasn't sex with her that made me vomit, it was the alcohol that made me vomit.


he's probably talking about calypso or something

>no other substance I have ever used that gets me so fucked up I literally can't remember what I did the next day
a) casual, b) it's good for getting fucked up and only for getting fucked up

not talking about the price as in dollars, but even then alcohol isnt that good really

part of me wants to say no, but i have some very cherished memories of going out getting pissed with my friends when i was younger.

you didn't miss out on the cost of drinking and the damage it does to your body.
you did miss out on having good times with friends.

lmao stay mad retard, you don't get drunk and have sex?
Know when to put it down man, I don't drink that much.

i'm a retard, second one was meant for

Ill never understand people that unironically decide to get black out drunk on their weekend and feel like total shit for 2 days

I drink with the Captain.

I fucked with opiates but I am terrified of getting addicted so I cut that shit out quick.

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An alarming number of civilisations across the world all independently invented (or dependently innovated) a form of alcoholic drink. The happiest and/or most successful countries have some degree of drinking culture and the average person in these countries will drink socially regularly.
If you ask for opinions on this forum you will get answers from extremist retards that will say NEVER EVER or I ALWAYS DO IT TO THE EXTREME. In reality it's fine. Just fine. I like it but like coffee, there is an initial bitterness that a lot of young people don't like and the correct course of action is to just wait until you are older, not replace it with overengineered sugary messes like spiced pumpkin lattes and ridiculous high percentage soft drinks.

>have sex
you shouldnt take everything said on this site serious. I dont care if you fuck pass out drunk birds

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It's crazy how people just don't notice or maybe care. My friends used to have to literally carry me home every weekend I would drink so much but when I quit they couldn't understand why.

oh look its one of those straight edge alpha guys

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Cope more alcoholic faggot

Only maybe on the social lubrication aspect. i.e. being out with friends and acquaintances and getting a nice buzz and surprising yourself by how loose and funny and charming you become and how the night sort of glides by on an elated auto-pilot. But as far as solo drinking, no it's overrated.

for me its single malt whisky

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good on you, I bailed pretty much everything, but I still stand by my point that alcohol sucks compared to most other drugs

GTA 5, down a few beers and then go for a drive

dude i took shit you never even heared of, which is why i'm saying its one of the worst drugs.

That's the only way I drink

This. The worst opinions are "omg you NEED drugs to have fun??" when really it's just a way to put a fun twist on something to have fun. If you drink frequently and feel addicted, get help.

>tfw can't stop having dreams about getting into a car accident
>brain makes me think it's real every time before I wake up

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Have you been in a car accident?

Never, I think I just have driving anxiety - especially if I go somewhere I've never been before.

No, it's genuinely a shit-tier drug.

But if you don't do drugs in general (which I assume is the case for you if you've never even drank in your life) then you absolutely are missing out.

Ever get any late night phone calls from a guy calling himself Indrid Cold?

Everquest drunk was like a fucking salvia trip.

I hope the dreams settle as you continue to drive.

Not that everyone has a problem because that isn't true, but to admit you have a problem means they have to admit they may also have a problem and that they enable you so they feel better about their problem. Crab bucket mentality.

The inverse is doing something good and everyone shitting on it at every opportunity. That's the more obvious version you see in the wild. The former version is more subtle but just as common.

t. mental health professional.

still better than cigarettes
shit effect, high addiction, ridiculous price

absolutely. the added bonus of being a non-smoker is the buzz you can get off them if you smoke on special occasions. smoking a ciggie while being hammered or rolling is good shit.

Fun if you're a shy neet like me, when on vacation with normie friends during the summer I usually drink about 2 liters of stout beer (which gets me, since I'm skinny, to the perfect drunk level of being retarded but not sick) every night and become chaos incarnate
I pretty much only drink beer and mojito (which I make myself), anything else is disgusting either for the fruity taste or too much alcool %.
If I'm alone I just drink a bottle of beer or some wine to get slightly drunk and study/play games better.

I may sip a pear cider during Christmas time if mother buys a few cans but other than that I never drink.