Westerners be like

westerners be like...
>women? mmm that word is too spicy for me!

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such miniscule changes
who gives a shit?

It's not a "westerner" problem
It's an anglo problem

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just stop being sexist

yeah it doesn't matter. then why change it in the first place?

At what point does this shit stop. I know it’s after the violence, but when the fuck is that coming.

Pretty sure the problem is strictly american, as always.

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reading a translation in 2022 is like getting a tranny to read you a story and trusting them to not alter any parts of it.

Based. This is why I'm pro tranny. Erase all womanoids from anything.

this lol

>At what point does this shit stop
When paypiggies stop buying shit translations.

Based brown girl poster.

Do japs actually fall for this pathetic shit? Fucking retards see some trannies on twitter having a melty and think it represents everybody, even fromsoft has fallen for it with body type a body type b.

>who gives a shit
the cucked translator OP mentioned?
It's hilarious they are getting offended *too much* at words made by game npcs of all things

>reading sankaku

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The obvious response here is to just learn Japanese.

>sankaku is le bad because... uhh...
back to twitter

When you, personally, care about the quality of translations of videogames enough to commit physical violence against other human beings for the sake of stopping it. So, never.

ok Type A user

Because Yea Forums told him it is

Why are right wingers so obsessed with gender?

Literally who cares

EOP cringe. Learn Japanese. Imagine being such a cuckold you need trannies to repackage video games that already exist for you.

Americans should be forbidden from translating games, only Europeans or Japanese (with native knowledge of English) should be allowed

You will never be type B.

Pretty telling what feminists really hste when they gind the word "Woman" offensive.

I don't know about japanese, but languages I know translated word for word to english sound completely retarded. Translations are always up for interpretation

>I know these are bad guys. Real terrible people.... but they being sexist? That's a line not even they would cross


Then it's fair to call their interpretation shit and wish for a better done job.

Shut the fuck up faggot

Missionary segs.

>sankaku channel
Why the fuck do they try to be a news site. Why the fuck do they want to try and charge us for membership. Why are their ads so cancer?

Holy shit its a fucking terrible booru if only it didn't have more stuff better organized than gelbooru

>purposely removed any mention of 女
>uhhhh... it's ackshually a good translation, just different interpertation!!!

Retarded take. Yeah bro just begin a grueling years long undertaking on top of all your responsibilities so you can finally enjoy some decent entertainment as it was meant to be enjoyed.

Oh, those faggots that get paid real salaries to do that for you? Let's give them a free pass to be shit at their job and steal paychecks while bragging about it on their favorite social media!

>word for word
Who are you quoting? Who wants word for word translations, retard?

Curious how this particular question never gets answered, no matter how many times it's brought up.

I'm pretty sure its Californian problem
actually no its liberian problem

>that's it
What a fucking baby. There's nothing wrong with any of those translations.
If this shit is triggering you, you have no idea how bad a real bad translation is.

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How do you define "giving them a free pass"? Do you think the people who are learning or have learned Japanese are the ones buying their localisations? Or that they should be doing extra? What have YOU done to prevent or stop said localisations?

>that dosen't count because it's not as bad as this
Translation threads always attract the biggest of dumbfucks for some reason.

Pickles are gr8 tho


And always up for unchecked retardation as well considering the topic of this thread. Seriously, the only thing goes through the mutt localization is a twisted translation of a twisted view because of unchecked mental illness.

>Shitkaku Cuckplex

>Japanese (with native knowledge of English)
Just say you want britbongs to translate everything retard

"Dude who cares, just ignore it and it will go away"

-Yea Forums circa 2012 when this shit was creeping into video games

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>translators are instructed to not use the word as it could be "deemed offensive to Western audiendes"
holy shit this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read, conseratives are so retarded
trans women LITERALLY REFER TO THEMSELVES AS WOMEN who the FUCK is this offending?

You know, instead of bitching like this all the time, why don't we, start a translation company/group and take away projects from these loony troons. What say you?

Well, that’s disingenuous. The issue people would presumably have is that the characters see women as lesser beings. You don’t need to twist it around to criticize these people though; just point out that it’s silly to treat a work of fiction like it’s speaking for or advocating for a real point of view. Many of the characters speaking this way are meant to be repulsive, that’s the entire point.

>what about
Both translation can be terrible and unacceptable

I'm sure the translation would have been absolutely shit if they translated it as "woman", like the original said, instead of "traveler". Fucking retard.

You just lost yourself your title of senior pickle pal, my friend.

yeah that's gonna be a pirate from me dawg

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>thinking the word woman is offensive
>this is apparently normal
the west is really fininshed, isn't it?

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>he thinks conservatives are the ones doing the translation

To be honest what sense does it make to talk down a woman for being presumably weaker than a man in JRPGs where sex doesn't matter at all and everyone can be an unstoppable war machine?

Sankaku is bad because it's run by a greedy cunt who steals artwork and then hides it behind a paypal on their shitty booru. Also gonzo journalism is the worst kind of journalism and the biggest cancer upon journalism as a whole.

That said, just because sankaku posted it doesn't mean it's without merit. Basically an ad hominem attack instead of addressing the issue instead. Garbage translations are a problem.

>he still says w*men instead of womxns in the year of our science 2022

no conservatives are the one reading this made up garbage and actually believing it

>he thinks France will be spared
"lol", "lmao"

They are, but the point is that Fates is a good example of taking translation too far.
Like in pic related, the fan translation is certainly too stiff still. I wouldn't go full "Father is probably an amiable but bad butler" as that just sounds more awkward than I think was intended.
But good lord who the fuck thought to change those two lines to "If you can buttle, I can buttle"? That's taking the naturalizing of it WAY too far and just trying to make it a dumb joke, like fucking 80% of the relationship translations in the game.

The stuff in the first posts is nothing compared to that. They're all fair enough translations and still get the overall point across while being less direct, which is more fitting to how it'd be said in English.

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>the west is really fininshed, isn't it?
Nah, only america

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Americans pozzed shit is slowly creeping to us too sadly
t. french

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America is currently spreading their pozz over the entire globe and has so every since WW2.

>I don't know about japanese, but languages I know translated word for word to english sound completely retarded. Translations are always up for interpretation
101 Peeminists gaslighting

lack of self awareness is amazing among leftoids

The translator clearly gave a shit since they changed it.

incelbros, are trannies our greatest allies after all?

People here will literally read shit like "Western media is being FORCED to literally never use gendered pronouns for ANYTHING" sourced from a tweet from a guy called BasedGroyper1488 or something and actually believe it
If you hate troons so much do 5 minutes of actual research on them so you're at least complaining about the right things. And stop being such a gullible retard

>it's just a coincidence that they removed the word "woman" bro!

Yeah the examples show it is the intended purpose. But hey, let them get offended more than usual because...uh because the word 'woman' is offensive in all cases. Period.

I wonder how these special snowflake trannylators will fare being in charge of butchering the english dictionary.

Globohomo wants to destroy the concept of men and women and replace it with gender bullshit where you can be whatever you want. It's a brainlet mistake to think it's the trannies that are demanding it, trannies make less than 0.001% of the population they don't have such power, this is late stage judaism, another step in the plan to enslave the world by making everyone "equal" in the most disgusting way possible, by erasing their identities and making them into literal NPCs.

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Localization arguements are almost always overblow. Remember the mess about River City Girls Zero's "literal" translation? Fates is the only game where I've seen people take more "artistic liberties" with it.


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>official translations aren't trustworthy
>but this random on twitter who could be anyone is!

That strawman is the only argument they have ever had.

I just want this industry to crash. What the fuck happened to videogames? 20 years ago, games were made by a bunch of dudes with pure passion and soul and it was a hobby for awkward nerds and social misfits. Today we have games dumbed down to appeal to normie streamers and trannies. What the FUCK happened? I just want this industry to crash hard.
Call me an edgy jaded faggot, but I don't believe that anyone who truly loves videogames is happy with the current state of the industry.

We've been translating japanese stuff for longer than the US, and our translators are professional enough not to do this kind of shit

What’s the issue here?

if it's so miniscule and unimportant, why did you need to change it?

damn thats an ugly motherfucker

You're an edgy jaded faggot.

they didn't though
look at this post
no argument

Xenoblade translation tends to go pretty far to cut out any mention of anything relating to Christianity. The most obvious one was changing "The Holy Grail" to "The Aegis". But iirc there were plenty more. I think the BLADE acronym in X was like that too.

op literally posted comparisons of the original japanese version, retard-kun

Change of context, as with all shit translations.

If you're truly enjoying how games are made today, then good for you, user.

>this is what trannies actually believe

>Do japs actually fall for this pathetic shit
they do and are extremely cucked about it, there's a series of im@s animated shorts that are watched by basically only nip fans and they still had to release an apology over "blackface" (some of the characters got a heavy tan because they dressed as gals) because they had a couple of western trannies on twitter complaining about it
Nips fall under the slightlest pressure

Well that's the point of those evil/dumb npcs. In every piece if fiction and even real life there are such characters. Why should anyone get offended by words from these little shit unless they are shit themselves?

White """""""people"""""""" need to be dragged on to the street and be kill off in the most painful way possible one by one

I was surprised when a game like Elden Ring got away with this line in 'current year'.

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sjws don't exist
it's all women and their "husbands" (simps)
just ask any married man. "sjw" behavior is literally just what women do when they have control over male entertainment outlets.
You never heard about "muh sexism muh racism" even from the soiboys until HR started putting women into the industry
sjws influence over entertainment will NEVER be resolved unless you remove women from the environment entirely.

>Fates is the only game where I've seen people take more "artistic liberties" with it.
Then you need to shush because trannylators have been changing shit to their own liking for years and years.

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This but with niggers

Won't happen. When the economy is bad the gaming industry does well because people have either more time or more desire for entertainment. When the economy is good gaming does well because shit is fun and people have more money to spend on it. What you're referring to is shitty western devs. Unironically acquire a taste for JP games and your outlook should get better.

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Sorry user but you didn't answer my questions.
Would like to know your ideas to solve this issue that aren't just waiting for someone else to do something.

this but unironically
literally the whiniest motherfuckers on the entire planet

Sony introduced the casual audience to gaming with the ps1 and also moneyhatted and lowered standards to n gain na foothold.
Microsoft then saw how easy they had it and joined in further fucking things up.
Once gen 7 hit standards shifted from game quality to graphics and in the middle of the gen they began appealing to gays which led to the tranny appeal of today.


Whitoids are the nigger of race

>Western media is being FORCED to literally never use gendered pronouns for ANYTHING

You see, the problem is that we have reached such insane levels of clown world that what seemed like crazy parody a few years ago is now reality. Give it a few years and that headline will be actual news. And I don't say that lightly, there's a really high probability that laws will be passed in regards to gendered pronouns in public speech. It's already being implemented voluntarly by some private companies and government institutions.

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I play indies, AA and Japanese AAA so I don't have any problems.

>that whole fucking scene where they make out in a pool
>needed a direct declaration of love

****kaku Complex is a joke of a website, the fact that you read it proves your hentai addiction has gone too far for your brain to function any further

I like how every excuse for """localisation""" is basically : we think our audience (american) are too retarded for subtilities and understanding other culture

>beyond the logos artificial destiny emancipator
>builders of a legacy after the destruction of earth

probably because the character is meant to come across as an asshole, its just characterization

Gaben looking good.

Some of these translators have such big egos. They think they're some fucking co-writer of that game so they feel obligated to change shit to theyr liking. Fucking hate these faggots so much.

A true incel game. They do know their autistic audience well.

>we think our audience (american) are too retarded for subtilities and understanding other culture
That may even be the case but I, non-burgeroid, shouldn't have to suffer americanizations.

I mainly play japanese games and they are butchered in localization, like OP's pic, or the series is put on eternal hiatus, like old jrpg series.
There's no escape.

French translations do tend to be better than English translations but it's not like some French translations aren't garbage.

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>but I, non-burgeroid, shouldn't have to suffer americanizations.
Yet here you are, on an American run website.

>Give it a few years and that headline will be actual news.
No it won't lol. Most troons use gendered pronouns so they would get pissed off at that as well.
And I'm having a hard time believing the same countries that are trying to ban social transitioning for under 18s and reintroduce conversion therapy are going to be doing something as wild as that LOL

Hmofa website ran by some azn.

Modern Yea Forumsirgins are not interested in playing good videogames anymore, they just want an excuse to be mad at SJWs.

Europe started it when they saved the jews

hiroshima is american?

My country didn't :^)


HRT is not meds
stop taking them

do you really think that the character shitting on women is supposed to come across as a cool good guy

Created by an American and Hiroshimoot also lives in America now. Read Rule #1.
He is now. He moved to America a long ass time ago.

meant for

>f you hate troons so much do 5 minutes of actual research on them so you're at least complaining about the right things.
You've yet to point out how any of the examples in this thread are wrong.
But that's okay, I'll wait ;)

>defending trannyslators by citing the time they got pissed at the prospect of being exposed
You scum are dishonest to your very core.

only looked at the butchered translations. nice of you to get offended and stand up for your troon friends.

guess a mangled body can only create a mangled piece of translating work after all

>Right wingers

>America is currently spreading their pozz
LMFAO Europe is doing the same shit! You're just as guilty you delusional fag.

Every thread
>these localisations fucking suck!
>something should be done!
>no, I won't learn Japanese to remedy the problem for myself!
>what should happen is
Every time, whining like women without ever putting forward actual constructive ideas on how to combat these kinds of changes. No effort put into even semi workable plans. Nothing.
You deserve what you get.

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Puto negro maricón soplapollas de mierda.
What I told you homosexual dicksmoker is up for interpretation.

Me learning jap doesn't fix the translations.


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Europe is controlled by Germany which in turn is controlled by the United States of Zog which in turn are controlled by kikes. It all comes down to them.

>"Don't like that video game you recently played? Make your own."
>"Don't like that movie you recently watched? Make your own."
Doesn't mean it's free from criticism. Here's how to solve it: Fire them. And hire actual translators.

>mfw I live in a country with language that already has gender neutral pronous and don't have to deal with this retardation.
You will never be women anyway.

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It's not just about troons. Transgenders is just the current thing they use to push their policies, once they milk that cow they'll find something else. There's already talks about normalizing pedophilia, they call it MAPs and it's the next oppressed group of perverts in line. I'm not saying they will succeed because it's a really sensible topic for normies but so were gays and trannies so who knows, they sure as hell are gonna try though.

It's a mistake to think it's about "the gays" or "the trannies" or "the minorities" and not seeing the big picture, it's much more sinister than that.

>it's another "brainlets seethe online because they're too stupid to learn japanese" episode
You have no one to blame but yourselves.

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