Cagey Inafune is a failed broken man...

Cagey Inafune is a failed broken man. what do you think of his legacy and what do you think he could do to redeem himself?

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cant tell if someone edit JUST hair in so is that natural


He didn't even actually make Mega Man, just like how Naka didn't make Sonic. Simply the loudest person in the room.

He just started a company and devs hire him to work on games still so it seems like he's doing all right for himself.

Gunvolt 1 was good, but not great.
Gunvolt 2 was Great.
Luminous 1 was EXCELLENT.
Luminous 2 fucking sucks.
I'm very worried.

he helped get one of the best series ever made off the ground, but then he sent it off to die, so im torn.

is gunvolt better than zero?

in what sense?

No. Shooting something with two little pins and then holding a button down until it dies is fucking stupid. It doesn't approach Zero levels of game design.

You can see better whats coming ahead
And its alive

How is the coom?

Its not fucking stupid at all, it takes a lot of skill when you are doing it fast and go for score.
I used to have your opinion before I played the games before it does seem stupid on paper but not when you gitgud and Im glad Im not missing out anymore.

>Luminous 2 fucking sucks.
Git gud fag 2 has much better special weapons, music, level design and the saw is great when you know how to use it effectively.
change bad fags are cringe

He should just work behind the scenes and have someone else be the face of whatever he's working on, his name and face itself is bad publicity at this point.
It sounds sad but his own avarice led him to this.

no refunds

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>Luminous 2 fucking sucks
noob detected

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I haven't seen a single person saying they're not buying Gunvolt 3 because Inafune is involved with it.

>his legacy
zero was the best thing he created
>what could he do to redeem
this is fine actually, he can just promote other projects

gunvolt is gay, for faggots

>Inafune is involved with it.
it's over...

He's been in involved with the entire series.

Naka isn't the sole creator of Sonic, but he had a large contribution to the project with his programming. Do not discredit his involvement just because he didn't draw the character. He still deserves equal credit for his work in making Sonic a success. Those games being fun were very much the result of his hard work.
Inafune on the other hand was just an illustrator for a majority of his run and a producer for the end of it after Mega Man was firmly established. He coasted off the works of others.

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I remembered Luminous 2 was hyped to hell here before release.
Release happened and everyone went silent.
What happened?

I'm glad you have the correct opinion and absolutely everyone agrees with you, user.
autist detected

It should also he noted that Inafune's illustration contributions didn't really contribute to the success of Mega Man. His work was mainly used in Japan. The major international markets did their own illustrations and promotional material. Mega Man became a huge phenomenon without him. You could easily swap him out and Mega Man would have succeeded without him, and they did.

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There's a loli that shows her belly all the time in luminous avenger.

wasnt he the cause of capcom's retarded western push for an entire decade?

him and ben judd

the official promo art is still in the manuals even if the covers were wonky remakes.

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He looks like he is ready to star as the Tom Hanks character in the Jap version of Philadelphia.

Reminder, Inafune isn't the father of Megaman or even the X series, That tit le goes to Kitamura and Matsushima

who the fuck is matsuhima?

He got a big promotion in like 2010 and then began publicly belittling his peers.
Imagine how low the moral at Capcom must have been when one of your bosses is telling everyone you fucking suck and he keeps outsourcing projects to foreigners. This is all after he built all of his successes from work done by your peers.
I think this press tour he did where he was denouncing Japanese devs was the worst thing he's personally done. He talked up a big game about this shit and when he was finally put to the test, he couldn't deliver at all.

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>I think this press tour he did where he was denouncing Japanese devs was the worst thing he's personally done

The Japanese hate him for this.

>He talked up a big game about this shit and when he was finally put to the test, he couldn't deliver at all.

It was the height of Inafune's messiah complex and hubris. It wasn't just a one off thing too, he kept repeating it in interviews. In the 2012 Game Developers Conference he did a whole presentation on this. Of course he was goign to be the hero from Japan to save everything, and we know how that turned out.

Meanwhile Elden Ring and Monster Hunter, very Japanese video-game first designs, have sold gangbusters while Inafune's companies went bankrupt.

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Wild how things can change in 10 years? Japan was on the ropes, the west had won...

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Inafune: Japan, just give up. It's hopeless.

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All in all he's still better off than other hacks like Sakaguchi, at least he's still working and making money out of the stuff he produces without having to be Nintendo, or worse, Apple's bitch.

Japan: your games are dated.

Also reminder that Inafune does not play or even understand video games.

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I genuinely believe Keiji Inafune to be the worst human being Japan has ever produced.

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This nigga really did have to sign everyone of these doodles for a power point presentation?

Wish you cunts realized this before getting kickscammed like a bunch of retards.

I'll never forget that stream that guy did where he's playing MN9 and not saying anything other than "...but he made it..." trying to convince himself it's not awful. After a while he stops and just admits the game is dreadful.

He's just your average businessman in the industry, hardly anything to write home about, no different from currently acclaimed businessmen like Yoshi-p or other failed businessmen of his generation like again, Sakaguchi, they're all cut from the same cloth.

Then you re genuinely stupid.

MN9 is actually pretty ok

How would Mega Man or Zero do in that world?
How about Gubvolt and Copen in the world of MMX?

I dont even have the change is bad opinion and even I know doing big meaty hits will always be faster than that saw shit. Also they had the opportunity and setup to bring multiple playable characters/playstyles back and blew it in the worst possible way

Its fine to disagree but Laix is legit great its just way too difficult on "actually how it should be played" mode and it filters 99% of people which I think its excessive compared to any other GV game which also worked this way but the bar wasnt as high honestly but I liked the challenge.
Look at this, its 6 minutes, and only ONE of those minutes is spent not having the ability to infinite dash, which is what people not good enough at the game bitch about
LaiX2 learning curve is just steeper than their previous games and Im sure they will tone it down because of how much people like you complained they even caved and patched in a bitch mode for hard mode which I thought was unfortunate.
But I get it I still suck at the game myself but Im getting better

why does he refuse to change his awful hairstyle

How's he a failure?

Never understood his fetish for western vidya when he was in charge. Then again i suppose its because CoD were all the rage back in the day, breaking sales record every year like it was nothing, so i guess people were easily swayed by the constant news of crazy profit which were unprecedented at the time.

Dr.Light is being a tattle tale

Zero would rape the GV bosses. Because Gunvolt needs to do some gay anime posing shit to keep fighting, the bosses have clear tells and gaps in their fights. iX1 is the only game where some boss attacks might be undodgeable because it was actually designed around copen's multiple airdashes. iX2 bosses are standard mmz fare
Copen will do fine no matter what game he's put in. GV will not

Naka didn't solely design Sonic, but at the time he was one of the most gifted coders in the industry. Clearly, with all the promotions he's gotten he's let his skills deteriorate though.

Same voice actor.

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Megaman and sonic should have been in a game together, it fits better than sonic and mario

Zero would get absolutely destroyed by Gibril. He cant dodge Iron Maiden or any of her blood projectiles.