no panties no play
bike shorts are censoreship and trash
I play games for pantyshots
Other urls found in this thread:
I play Sakura in SFV because I like seeing schoolgirl upskirts.
holymother of based
>male looking "females"
isnt that censored btw?
I use mods. Her skirt isn't even short enough to cover up her thong when she's standing
Play Crystar.
why are you like this
I might if you show me more.
i started it back then but the storry and gameplay is kinda retarded and emo
reminded me of black rock shooter X atelier series
What are your top 10 games all time?
There is some truth to this...
List of anime games where you can see pantsu available for either the Xbone or the PS4?
same but Akira who is actually of school age and not just wearing the outfit like sakura the hag
i deeply hate SV and despise every fag who likes it
is objectively the worst fighting game ever made
even worse then the shitty jap games like blaz blure
plus the females look like males with long hair and disgusting
what anime?
Too bad we won't see her in SF6 and enjoy the REngine coom mods
You sound unhinged. Plus, you don't seem to play many fighting games.
does it have many upskirts?
For me, its the pov from below
Blessed tastes in this thread
Why would someone make a stock image like this?
Pantyshots are a human right
there's barely any difference why did the devs even bother
Pantyshots are a human need
all games need a button dedicated to making the character fall over so you can look up her skirt
No and it's a hot mess of a show.
Good times.
You are a man of scholar.
name some hgames that appeal to pantyshot lovers please
Van seemed like a Giga chad in SRW at the very least.
I marathoned it yesterday, and to adapt a phrase from RLM; Taniguchi's writing is the anime equivalent of Homer Simpson's make-up shotgun.
Geass was lightning in a bottle and at this point it feels like Ryvius was a fluke, because holy shit his scripts come off like an excited 8yo giving you a quick run down of a much longer show.
>used to be able to crank one out to upskirts alone
used to . . .
>pantyshot era is fucking dead
this is why video games getting popular was a mistake
Happened to anime too, we live in the age of black holes and anti-grav skirts.
I stopped watching anime long time ago. Are lolis dead?
I miss this and based devs like this
Uhhh the based department called you
They want to give you an award for the best idea in years
>want to make game so i can put all these things in that trans and roasties hate like loli and panties
>cant code
Most of old flash gamers
Those were so much better than modern hgames
Fuck rpg maker
Ahhh i sniff
No but panty shots are dead
Ecchi almost as well dead
What game?
You don't need to code to make games anymore, just make it in unity or something.
When I say lolis I mean lolis with fanservice. I don't mean desexualized sidekick, I mean Kodomo no Jikan.
Like pantsu, they've basically been relegated to extremely rare and specialised shows. Ecchi as a whole has died a death, where it used to permeate the medium it's now a very specific and over the top subgenre that might as well be h-anime.
Tried. You need c # for it. Trying learning but i cant
>Kodomo no Jikan.
Lol no japan was castrated
Every anime needs ecchi elements and pantyshots
Tales of Xillia.
spats are blessed OP