Mario Sunshine or Crash 4 completion?

Which one would you rather? 100%

Attached: Sunshine it's about time.jpg (1700x2000, 650.62K)

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Crash 4 because I like the other crash games.

Mario because crash games are pretty cancer trying to 100% even a single level
>Currently rushing through crash 4 and haven't played sunshine

Probably Crash. Fuck the lily pad. Fuck the pachinko. And fuck the boat

Sunshine is way easier to 100% and shorter, just don't collect any blue coin before you get all the other shines and you're good. Crash 4 100% is pure cancer.

Mario Sunshine is a much easier game, so that one. Crash 4 is extremely unfun to try and 100% the vast majority of levels

>just don't collect any blue coin before you get all the other shines

Thrash 4 is a shit 4 hours games padded out to 100+ hours to get 100%
Definitely sunshine.

I've never played Mario SS and I'd still pick it over the trashdump true 100% Crash 4 is.

Sunshine definitely. It has enough useful glitches that can be exploited to make completing it more bearable. I also would use a guide to know whwr3 all the blue coins are

Crash because it's just bland, not tedious

>replaying the same level 6 times
>can't die once
>not tedious
Strange definition of not tedious you have

A bit unrelated, but is the Crash N Sane Trilogy a 1:1 remake of Crash games? Like, are the level layout exactly the same or there have been some changes?
I'm asking because I'm intrested in emulating the original games since I like platoformers and wanted to know N Sane trilogy any different from the original games.

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I have played both Sunshine and Crash 4.
If you're just playing normally, Crash 4 is better, if you're going for full completion, Sunshine.
I don't like base Sunshine, but it is leagues beyond fully completing Crash 4, don't even fucking bother.

Are we talking about Crash 4 100% or 106%? If it's the former, then I might choose Crash 4; if it's the latter, then Sunshine for sure.

The level layout is the same. Buy the N Sane Trilogy

Different collision and controls (albeit the collision and controls are consistent in all 3 games), no changes to the base level design unless you count the addition of Stormy Ascent to Crash 1, Future Tense to Crash 3, Time Trials to each game and the cosmetic option to play as Coco in most levels.
Crash 1 on the ps1 gets replaced by the NST version, no annoying saving, no annoying physics, no annoying "no death" gems except for the Colored gems, better voice acting (for what it counts) and Stormy Ascent is available from the start.
Crash 2 gives you the Crash Dash when you beat Cortex and you need the Crash Dash to get all the Gold Time Relics in Crash 2.
No changes to Crash 3 except for Future Tense.

Most people swear by the original but you're fine with either, do a coin flip if you can't choose.

Pretty sure they are exactly the same layout, only changes is that they were remade to look better, that's the whole point of the remake.
They added time trial relics to Crash 1 and Crash 2 when only Crash 3 had them in the OG trilogy, and Crash 1 is balls hard to time trial because since the levels stay true to the originals with the same layout, as they weren't designed to be rushed.

Sunshine is the better game and the better 100% experience and it's not close.

Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played or is a mouth breather


i don't want to play crash 4 at all

I am a speedrun autist and can 100% sunshine in like three and a half hours, so I'll take that one

I've never played Crash 4, is it any good?
I like Crash 1/2/3 and the two Crash GBA platforming titles, and played other Crash titles but weren't as good.

Sunshine because I'm not a fucking furry and I don't play knockoff mario games

Base game is great, but 100% is a fucking nightmare.

Crash 4 easily, that game was great. Sunshine's good too though.

Attached: 1615709532704m.jpg (2048x1448, 522.65K)

Sunshine is a far greater game but can be difficult.
I'm old and hardly play games anymore so I'd 100% Crash if I HAD to.

user probably mentioned that because blue coins are hard to keep track of in the game; there isn't any sort of checklist. So if you pick up a blue coin guide later you'll have no way of knowing which ones you've already gotten. Honestly I'd just pick them up as I saw them it doesn't seem that worth freaking out about

Crash 4 while playing normally is great but if you do play it normally you're looking at a 4-5 hour game here unless you go for 100% completion.

I never was into hardcore completionist for the Crash games because I just couldn't be bothered with the relics.
If in Crash 4 you have to beat levels like 10 times to get everything + relics then its hard pass, I'll just play the base game.

I've never played a Mario. Should I start?

That guy makes some killer porn of those 2 human men fuckers

Is that Gex on the TV

Yes, with either Super Mario All-Stars or Super Mario World, they are objectively the best place to start.
mariofags will shove "DIS GAM BAD DIS GEAM GUD" down your throat, ignore them form your own opinion.

>mariofags will shove "DIS GAM BAD DIS GEAM GUD" down your throat, ignore them form your own opinion.
Unless they are talking about NSMB2 3DS, then they are objectively correct. An easy genenric waste of time platformer where the game over screen is the rarest thing to happen to you in the game when not purposely dying over n over because you have 99-lives by playing casually from all the coins.

I just refuse to listen to them.
64 good
Sunshine worst
Galaxy good
Galaxy 2 good
3D Land good
3D World good
Odyssey good
Bowser's Fury best
Fuck you.

>Sunshine sucks
>All other games listed good
That's actually a based opinion.
NSMB2 is the worst 2D entry and Sunshine is the worst 3D entry, simple as.

none of the NSMB games are actively bad, they're just the same without anything to change up the formula, if they're anything they're consistent.

shit taste

crash games arent actually fun when you try to 100% them

I don't get galaxy. It's one of the most boring third person platformers I've ever played. It's also the only 3D Mario game I've played.

But the first three games are the only ones that are fun to complete?

Is that Ape from Ape Escape in the tree?

What about it didn't you like?

>That Timon reference

Not that user, but I just thought it was rather boring due to how slow it can be at times. It's kind of like the level based games like SMB3 (with few quasi-SM64 levels thrown in), except it slows down to show various set pieces every so often. Mario also has rather boring moveset compared to SM64 or Sunshine.

Mario sunshine, I've never cared for crash

I just longjumpspined around, way faster than just running.
The Galaxy games are the midway point between 3D Mario and 2D Mario, where as games like 3D Land and 3D World are direct translations of 2D Mario to 3D Mario. In that sense, Galaxy is trying to do both, it wants to have its cake and it eat so sometimes it just gets confused.
Mario's moveset is simplified rather than boring in my opinion, why have a punch and a kick when you have a spin that does both of those things at the same time, it's like that for the rest of his moveset, it's not like you need a dive in Galaxy because if you want to move further in the air you have a spin, so why implement one? My guess is that they just wanted to streamline Mario's moveset for the games going forward until Odyssey.

This. also it has a shit camera.
Planet sucked in Ratchet and they suck in Mario

The first NSMB game (DS, handheld) and second (Wii, home console) I'd at least give a pass because they were the first original 2D Mario's on console and handheld in years, NSMB2 and NSMBU really had no excuse of being generic and that's why, despite me thinking NSMBU is alright, holding them with in lower regard to the first two NSMBs.

It's not that I need a kick specifically, it's just the movement options feel a bit lacking, and even oddly slow at times. Mario's jumps in Galaxy somehow feel oddly floaty, which is probably made to account for some of the unconventional level geometry.

tawna tummy

why does Yea Forums hate sunshine so much?

Too slippery (it's not "smooth" fuck off sunshitters) and Blue Coins.
That's all it takes for a potentially great game to be shit.

There's even an in game checklist for levels where you get every blue coin

There aren't 2 Crashes on that image

Super Mario Sunshine

Mario Sunshine. Crash 4 is a fun game, but getting 100% is horrible.

are there any games that are legitimately fun to 100%?
I feel like even mario games are pretty tedious & have a lot of boring filler stars

FFVII Remake

Sunshine, by a wide margin. Blue coins suck but they're nothing compared to having to play a ten-minute level over and over because I can't find the unfairly hidden 147th box.

Depending on your mood, a few of the Banjo games are.