Copyright filters are having a bit of a moment in Washington D.C. The Copyright Office is moving ahead with a process to determine what,
if anything, constitutes a standard technical measure (STM) that platforms would have to accommodate.

There are numerous concerns with this plan. The parental controls would in effect require a vast number of online platforms to create sy
stems for parents to spy on—and control—the conversations young people are able to have online, and require those systems be turned on b
y default. It would also likely result in further tracking of all users.

The new proposal, cynically titled the SMART Copyright Act, gives the Library of Congress, in “consultation” with other government agenc
ies, the authority to designate “technical measures” that internet services must use to address copyright infringement. In other words,
it gives the Copyright Office the power to set the rules for internet technology and services, with precious little opportunity for appe

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Other urls found in this thread:

An upcoming proposal from the European Union Commission could make government scanning of user messages and photos mandatory throughout
the E.U. If that happens, it would be inconsistent with providing true end-to-end encryption in Europe. That would be a disaster, not j
ust for the privacy and security of citizens in the E.U., but worldwide.

Earlier today, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the dangerous EARN IT bill. We’re disappointed to see the committee advan
ce this misguided bill. If enacted, EARN IT will put massive legal pressure on internet companies both large and small to stop using enc
ryption and instead scan all user messages, photos, and files.

Encryption is under attack. In liberal democracies, elected leaders are giving lip service to our right to privacy—while seeking to crea
te a system where they can scan any data we send over the internet.

Earlier this month, the U.K. Home Office spent public money on a high-priced ad campaign that bad-mouthed encryption, portraying it as a
tool used by criminals. In the U.S., a Senate committee is about to vote on the dangerous “EARN IT” Act, which could lead to widespread
scanning of private messages and photos. In both countries, the excuse is the same: lawmakers say they need to get into our messages so
they can prevent crimes against children.

While Apple’s plan would have put the privacy and security of its users at risk, the EARN IT Act compromises security and free speech fo
r everyone. The bill would create serious legal risk for business that hosts content—messages, photos stored in the cloud, online backup
s—and, potentially, even cloud-hosting sites like those using Amazon Web Services, unless they use government-approved scanning tools.

A group of lawmakers led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) have re-introduced the EARN IT Act, an incredi
bly unpopular bill from 2020 that was dropped in the face of overwhelming opposition. Let’s be clear: the new EARN IT Act would pave the
way for a massive new surveillance system, run by private companies, that would roll back some of the most important privacy and securi
ty features in technology used by people around the globe. It’s a framework for private actors to scan every message sent online and rep
ort violations to law enforcement. And it might not stop there. The EARN IT Act could ensure that anything hosted online—backups, websit
es, cloud photos, and more—is scanned.

This week, the U.K. government launched an unprecedented and deceptive effort to kill off end-to-end encryption. They’ve hired a fancy a
d agency to convince people that encrypted messages are dangerous to children.

Im too tired to honestly give a fuck
Im going to play the same old shit i have in my shed, get tired of that
Boot up some gatcha garbage
And eventually give up on entertainment media in general
Im tired bros

I'm not reading all that.

the right can't meme

I have no idea what this thread is about, I haven't read anything that was posted in it
Just want to say that paypiggies shall go to hell

Is everybody on this board an iliterate nigger?

I am going to copy a shitload of nes, snes, gba, ps1, ps2, gamecube games on multiple hard drives tonight. That's it. I'll entirely stop buying anything. Elden Ring will be the last game I bought.
Fuck kikes.

No, just lazy

Scanning of user information goes directly against gdpr.
Is this the joo overlord speaking now? It's either one or the other.

What about VPNs, proxy services and IP spoofing?

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Yea Forums is a board of retarded underage turds.

you can whine to your local representative as your boss commands you to, you can try and scare newfags on Yea Forums, you can shill anti piracy propaganda but you will never, ever take away my free vidya.

Thats not the problem
What to do is
For the few people who still care

>Scanning of user information goes directly against gdpr.

Obv the gov can make an exception from GDPR, the gov is always exempt from its own rules.

You don't have anything to hide, right?

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.

Windows 11 exists and so do tpm chips that will be mandated. We already lost dude.

Then why make data protection laws in the first place when they'll null it in a few years anyway?

True. There's nothing to pirate. Fans are shit, movies are trash, series suck ass, books are boring and music can't even be called as music anymore. There's literally no reason to do so anymore except preserving existing content.

Zoomers are known to be the laziest generation by far

>don't live in the US nor EU
Guess I'll continue pirating everything as usual then

>EARN IT will put massive legal pressure on internet companies both large and small to stop using encryption and instead scan all user messages, photos, and files.

and just like that, for no reason at all, the internet became useless

welp, back to weed and skateboards.

You know, when I think about it, I'd rather be surveyed and judged by "god" rather than the state and people. With "god" at least whatever I'm doing is my own choice, if I were not to adhere to "him" at most it does nothing to me directly. Disobeying the government and people will take away my literal freedom. I'm not championing the idea of a theocratic government, I'm just against any form of government that goes out of its way to control my life.

you and everyone else.

I am utterly demoralized and have been for a while. I have read through what OP posted, and indeed was aware of most of the elements of it before this thread, but it is my firm belief that the Internet will inevitably become a top-down medium a la newspapers or television, that The Powers That Be realized their grave oversight in allowing it to exist with such liberty in the first place, and that such a transition is in fact already mostly complete.

But more importantly, I believe the majority of people want this. People want to be censored, people want to be spied on, people want to be exploited, and they will destroy YOU if you attempt to prevent their beloved masters from putting further chains around their necks.

So fuck it. at least has a concrete idea, hoard what you can for The Day The Internet Goes Away

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The new laws will require every private entity to install gov malware to track everything on that machine, this includes VPNs/proxies. It will be in browsers too, so private ppl will be scanned, you will not be allowed to hide anything from gov.

I think most people would prefer to be judged by nothing rather than the state, which is a very real thing.

Buy old GPU/CPU and play old stuff. The current industry is a pozzed cancerous turd.

The EFF offers some solutions, check the articles I posted.

i think ill do whatever i want until im physically stopped
and when that happens, i still wont buy games or movies and will just enjoy the library ive already pirated

Is it time?

When I get a real consensus I'll be setting up server storage. Also intend to collect mass amounts of data before things go silent.

I've been pirating for almost 20 years and I will probably still be pirating another 20 more years if I am still alive to do so. Also didn't read.

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What about outside the land of the free and yurop?

>But more importantly, I believe the majority of people want this. People want to be censored, people want to be spied on, people want to be exploited, and they will destroy YOU if you attempt to prevent their beloved masters from putting further chains around their necks

This, the weak flu and all the vaxxtards and goygag wearing cuckolds proved it. The majority reigns in his supreme mediocrity.

To give the appearence of caring about citizen privacy, gov always does that.

>my country keeps getting vetoed so that it won't enter EU
Yes please keep doing it I beg you

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you'll be judged by God and the State either way, so you might as well just try to get comfy with that in mind.

shut the fuck up state worshipper

If I own up to being a lazy nigger will you dumb it down for me in a quick to read summary?

didn't read lmao

So instead of perpetuating doom and gloom, if you have 50k dollars to prepare for the end of the internet, what would you spend it on?

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You will be spied on everything you do
Eating, sleeping, fucking, everything will be sent as data to the goverment

The EU law is for photos and messages only, EARN IT is UK.
The EU law cannot be implemented even as those dumbasses will notice soon enough.

All browsers and 99% of the relevant internet is in US/EU.

Doesn't matter, I live in a EU country now and the UK way before brexit and never had a problem with pirating ever. My Bong friends still pirate too.

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This statement has always bothered me
Its less of what am i hiding
What i do in the privacy of my own home is no ones business

I can tell you lot im just jacking off to old porn by zimmerman but that is because im in the company of my peers
Not some goverment spook fucks that are going to categorize my nut busting action and eventually harass me over old shit when the laws change, just because they have it



Depends on what happens in the war. If Putin drops nukes, all your privacy laws will disappear overnight.

2 more weeks

This has been happening since 9/11.

Wtf, is that SOPA all over again? Current Yea Forums are a bunch of cucks and will support it though.

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I'm not in Europe tho

Careful user, posts like this will make leftists seethe

The law cannot be implemented due to the simple fact that users can make their own encryption software and unless the governments make a monthly deep check of every pc and phone (as in come to your house and check) it's useless.

>tfw swiss
Eat shit EU fags

youre in the us, jews territory, which is much worse

>Wtf, is that SOPA all over again?
Yep, EFF says the same, that they're pushing SOPA/PIPA again.

yup, same shit, different day. thank god actual useful platforms exist where people can do more than shitpost and jack off.

One day during the pandemic, my phone "rang." Well, it more had a blaring alarm and a pop-up that locked the whole screen, informing me that I had recently been to a grocery store where there was a COVID outbreak, and I should self-quarantine and get tested. Being in a shithole state with no enforcement, I ignored it, but the implications of the message itself were alarming, because quite simply suddenly something was being openly admitted that had been vehemently denied for years, and still nobody cared. In a single moment the paradigm shifted from

>Of course the government isn't tracking everyone's movements at all times, stop being paranoid
>Of course the government is tracking everyone's movements at all times, what have you got to hide
The cat got out of the bag before I noticed, and there wasn't even any public introspection over it. I didn't even get a moment to savor going "I TOLD YOU SO MOTHERFUCKERS"

I got a simple question: if this power's been available for so many years, why the fuck are more than half of murders unsolved? I know a few clever psychos cover their tracks, but imagine how many murders have data available that's simply "Guy X was standing here at the time he died, here's Guys Y and Z that were standing within 10 feet of him at the same moment" and it's simply rotting in a warehouse somewhere while resources are instead put towards punishing people who were rude on Twitter.

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So basically this is a nothing burger, and as long as you keep up with tech trends and nerd news you'll be okay?

What can an average retard like myself do? Hoard now before shit hits the fan? Is that it?

Fuck this. Utorrent still the go to or is there something else?

>and unless the governments make a monthly deep check of every pc and phone

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING! You will be obliged to have malware on your PC to scan you.

yeah buy an external drive and pirate

>you can be obligated by the govt to install shit on your property
ummmmm no

Nigga why do you think that (((they))) should care about goyim being murdered? Check out the Telford paki rapes.

I'm trying to figure this out as well. I think I want to set up an actual server room. I've thought about doing it since I was a kid. Done it with crap-puters countless times, but never for serious.

>I got a simple question: if this power's been available for so many years, why the fuck are more than half of murders unsolved?

Because gov likes murderers, they keep the poo under fear, why do you think they let non-whites loose in white countries.

So, pirate what you can now and start hoarding storage space to trade around in case this goes through?

Just pirated your pic op :)

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Snacks, bed, chair, desk, weights, clothes
Hardware to hold everything, i heard about severs and stuff but honestly as long as i have a dozen or so games and movies from the 90s-02 i would be set

I think the real hard part is i just want friends to do "whatever" with. I feel apathetic to the danger.

People like to talk a lot of shit. I'll care when it happens. I barely pirate anyway. Things will get fucked one way or another whether this kinda shit becomes the norm or not.
We're moving from early Cyberpunk to proper Cyberpunk. No one should be surprised that intellectual property gains more power. No one should be surprised when the 'company towns' return to the world under technocratic control.
Go innawoods or eat your spoonful of shit.

OK let's see your history...

qbittorrent has a thing where you can implement a search bar and add a bunch of torrent websites to it. In my police state country these websites are banned and if I tried to access them with a web browser there is a automatic message from my ISP telling me not to do it or I get fined. But I can bypass all that shit with the qbittorrent search feature so shit is still ez for me. I'm just glad I have less and and less interest in new things and finding myself more content with the shit I already have. I can't even remember the last time I looked forward to any new tv show or movie. It's all shit.

>ummmmm no

Hahaha! You'll change your attitude once you get fined 1000$/day until you install it.

The EU stuff is a nothinburger most definitely, and even if it passes, it'll scan your photos and messages only (most likely things like whats app and such), not files.
So unless you have cp on your devices you'll be fine either way.

>Washington D.C
lmao, irrelevant fourth world banana republic

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Yes, I thought all the amerimutts who can't even spell in their native language already gave this away?

EU will never manage to push this and majority of the world don't give a fuck about US, so it's a non issue, stop spreading imaginary panic.

Literally illegal.

eu is a meme, you can do what you want and your country only gets fined pitiful ammounts

If we get to that point then federal buildings are gonna be getting Minecrafted left and right

I don't have a bank account and kikes can't hurt me. I live outside in my van.


doesnt this happen like once a year and schizos lose their shit over it and then nothing ends up actually changing? ok

Based child predator.


Corporations can do whatever they want and only have to pay a pitiful fine* citizens always get fucked. Like in America where hundred of thousands died during the opioids crisis and Pfizer simply paid a fine.
With kikes, you lose.

people still use that spyware? stop using it and use qbittorrent. open source and available on all platforms

Maybe not cp, but there are other things people would prefer to keep private that may or may not be "kosher"

>An upcoming proposal from the European Union Commission could make government scanning of user messages and photos mandatory throughout the E.U.
We tried to warn you about conservatives. You didn't listen.

Definitely an element of that too. It'd hurt more if there was something to lose. My view could be dismissed as "Fox and Grapes" shit except all media becoming worthless happened *before* all media becoming locked down and difficult to pirate did.

Like, imagine Ubisoft really finally figures it out. They perfect this ironclad system of ID verification and offsite streaming that means no matter what a master hackerman you are, you will NEVER experience their latest "clear out 175 outposts on the map for snarky black nonbinary woman on the radio" kino without paying the company their due - including the Season Pass. Yeah, brings tears to your eyes that you're gonna miss out on that, don't it?

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Some stuff like movies and tv series and even some games are region locked. The only way to get them in some countries is piracy.

If people have access to drugs in the deep web offcourse we'll have access to piracy products. No matter how brutal the laws are, you can't control the internet at all times, at all places.

glowing post

>Fining ppl

Dude what!?

They can still confiscate stuff.

And every time we have to fight it like rabbid animals...

Even jewtube stopped asking for ID to watch 18+ rated videos. Glad I refused to give it to them.

my govt literally told eu to fuck off and its done nothing for 4 years
international law is a spoko, and in a country with a median income of $17000 pirating is king

Pic of van?

Unless you have a hobby of documenting and filming every crime you do, messages are not something that can hold up in court.

>nothing ends up actually changing?
How the fuck long have you been on the Internet? Shit's already been changing for the worse for years

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kurwa lol
lmao hwdp

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most Tor exit nodes are US government-controlled. they allow it to happen. they don't prosecute everything that goes on because of resource issues.


didn't read, don't care. in my country it's legal to pirate so i'll keep doing it.

Well user, what are you planning on doing about it, how are you planning on rallying others to your cause in preventing the erosion and complete downfall of privacy and encryption? You can write to whatever head government or EU representative, but 1 person isn't enough to change opinion.

You can spew links and inform, but I don't see any plan from you, any guides and suggestions to help other anons or have other anons encourage and properly help educate normies about why this is bad. You leave the decisions to the people that have read it, and people are lazy and want to be spoonfed, and I'm not seeing spoonfeeding here

nothing ever happens


>messages only
What are some blacklisted words I can randomly type/send trying to bait a response? Penthrite, Nitropenta, RDX, Semtex, Ammonium nitrate fertilizer?

generally if i'm going to murder someone i'm probably not going to bring my phone

uh acktually team b are the bad ones

Burgers and they THINK OF THE CHILDREN ruin everything

I can still gun them down if they come. Deep in the forest there's countless holes to shove in corpses.

didn't the UK pass something like a porn filter a couple years ago? did anything amount to that?

I will pirate until the day I am being thrown in prison for it. You will never be able to scare me into stopping with these proposals and acts and shit that never end up doing anything

paki, nail bomb, van attack

Anything jewish related will probably get you instantly on a watchlist.

>no u

>w11 requires tpm

watch The First 48 and learn how many real murders are committed in broad daylight, in front of dozens of witnesses, by someone who screamed "I'M GONNA KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKA" immediately beforehand, then posted all over Facebook "just killed that motherfucka lol" later that night

im white, i could do better

Dunno, I'm not a bong.

You can document and collect a plethora of things outside of that. The issue I have with all of this is the vagueness, and why exactly am I not allowed to have that privacy?

>mfw I'm on a list and watch my little pony porn, shota vore and giantess pictures on a daily basis
Have fun glowniggers

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user, unless you paid in cash, you gave them the means of tracking your location at that store.

I already pirated everything I ever wanted. I literally have terabytes of hentai rpgmaker games.

You fucked up while copy pasting the shit and now all the
stuff looks like
this. Next time you want to scare people and it requires them
reading make sure
the text is properly formated.

>books are boring and music can't even be called as music anymore
ADD addled boomer

Not only tor would be the saving grace. They don't have legal standing to prosecute overseas. And you can pop out a server in a few minutes nowadays. It would be an eternal whac-a-mole game. And like i said, if they can't even do it with drugs and killers, copright would be impossible since it's much easier and rampant to spread.

I haven't found a single fun one.

Can you compress this wall of text into image or tldr. I don't have time to read it all.

That's exactly why this law cannot pass.
It's too vague.
Even if it passes, no one will implement it properly.