What went wrong?
Warframe Railjack
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The same with everything in warframe they implemented it half assed then completely ignored it a day later before working on steve's next retarded idea.
>railjack will be integral to the game going forward
>we won't abandon it like pets
>abandons it
pretty much this
> its an island
Shame. I liked the implementation a lot
I wish they added more mechs
>Xaku Deluxe
nice art
awful design
they lied + i dont care about anything in warframe other than my warframe. so missions where i cant play the entire thing as my frame sucks.
1. Gameplay bloat
2. Progression fatigue
>spends most of the time as the skeleton
>asymmetrical design
no thanks.
Warframe felt like one of those games where the developers greed made the game obtuse
>Oh cool I get to be a space knight guy!
>What are these menus?
>There's like 7 types of currency?
>Uhhh I have to pay for armor? Oh and the other characters are all purchase only?
>I just kinda whack these enemies. They don't do much
>I'm tired of looking at this shitty UI
Space knight/wizards/ninjas sounds great but the game just wasn't fun
Better than regular xaku, but still not worth it.
sounds like last time you played was like 6 years ago. and the worst part is your information is both outdated/wrong and correct at the same time.
most of the new player problems feel intentional because i cant imagine someone wanting to design a good new player system and doing anything close to what DE did and have continued to do.
It really should give you a tutorial on how to get the other frames without paying plat.
It's called farm relics and sell prime items for plat then use that plat to buy prime frames
>sign up for cyborg samurai in space
>game wants you to play an auction simulator instead
Yeah, no. Same reason Path of Exile is shit. One of many reasons, anyway.
also the fact that darvo is still in the game and promoted to new players.
and that you can only get like 3 frames and a handful of weapons and then you have to pay (or grind but new players dont know how to do that) for plat to buy more slots, and then multi day arbitrary wait times that make people just want to stop playing.(the longest any wait time should be for anything is 12 hours and all frames should just be like primes where you dont have to build individual parts that each take like 24 hours and then the frame itself taking even longer)
not enough content that weaves into the bigger picture, and no sustainable incentives which is a common flaw of the entire game.
the core gameplay is still fun though, i enjoy grinding out one or two railjack missions from time to time, jumping and shooting still holds up so its all good
>shoulder armor integrated into the skin
>shoulder armor pieces now look awful on it
stop this
>comparing poe to wf
not even close to the same. in warframe you can literally pay for better gear. in poe you can only pay for cosmetics and stash tabs. you can't pay for power.
The thing I hate the most about Warframe is how I need to play different Warframes in order to progress. I don't want to play anything other than the one Warframe I grow an autistic liking for, but the game forces me to play other things and use other weapons in order to advance, and I don't like that at all.
>amazing parkour movement with lots of freedom
>stealth is slapped on as an afterthought
>every mission is either a hallway or an open field
>endgame is grinding the same missions to auction for plat
>PVP is ass
>art design is hideous for the most part
It's a shame, really. There was potential for this to be THE ninja game, in my opinion.
if you're good enough you dont need a specific frame for anything.
sure using vauban for infested defence or any interception will make it way easier, but i wouldnt call it a requirement.
what frame is your main?
>Sounds like the last time you played was like 6 years ago
Accurate. I had the base warrior guy (exclaibur?) And the wizard girl with the swirly void helmet. I don't remember how I got her.
Eventually i felt like I was fighting the game instead of playing it, then I got bored and that was the end of that
>max out everything I like to use
>have to switch out to shit gear to level up
>can't progress planets because the missions are too hard
>have to grind low lvl missions for every new weapon/warframe
Shit is suffering.
I personally like collecting plat by being a space jew so I can redistribute that plat to players for my amusement. For example I've hosted melee only dueling tournaments and fashion contests for 500 plat.
DE can't design a game mode with lasting appeal to save their lives. As soon as I'm done grinding mode exclusive stuff, I'm out. Also DE can't code. Not to mention:
>out for 9 years
>STILL no proper party control
>STILL at the mercy of MM even in private party
But FLOOFS! And OMG new shiny breeches for potato-children!
Will look like shit in-game.
But the skelly looks great. Very horny.
Shit game, don't bother with it.
>t. 2k hours
>the deimos open world got abandoned so hard that we didnt even get any bosses
ya hate to see it.
also hate to see the operator rework too.
genuinely what the fuck where they thinking.
I don't need a specific Warframe for anything. The game tells me that in order to increase my meta-level-thing, I need to use different gear and different warframes, which I don't want to do. I think my favorite one was the one that goes invisible and is a ninja and shit. I also have the melee one you got baseline during the early, early beta.
oh right mastery rank, i completely repressed that mechanic after hitting MR30
ye its pretty shit, but you can easily grind it out while watching something on the other monitor
>I need to play different Warframes in order to progress.
what the actual fuck are you talking about?
ignore this, i realised you were talking about MR right after i posted.
i understand why this exists and why people dont like it but i actually love it. i have 4000 hours in warframe and 2500 of those hours are exclusively xp farming frames and weapons and using forma and all that. actually for about a year or so i only played hydron.
>1.5 gamemodes
>1.5 environments
>released broken
>content island with shitty content island progression and trillions of new resources
>shitty rebalance post-release
>too easy despite bloated enemy stats
>space enemies consist of popcorn and unkillable crewships
>ship's abilities are balanced just as poorly as warframes'
>ship generally inherits all the shittiness of warframes' progression
>pubs cannot be trusted, even more so than in regular missions
>"""""solving""""" content island problem via shoving forced shitty starchart missions into Railjank
I enjoyed it on release but it exhausted its potential very quickly thanks to lack of content and then DE just made it into complete dogshit with "reworks". DE are hacks. Warframe is bad game. Don't waste your time. Go play real games. Fuck mmos, fuck looters shooters, fuck assfaggots, fuck gachas and any other kind of surrogate entertainment.
You gain mastery from leveling up Warframes, but I assume you can just potato them and keep rolling?
>"It's not gonna be another content island guys it's gonna connect everything"
>Makes another content island
>It's also the buggiest shit ever
>Goes on winter holiday without fixing the bugs because they released this right at the end of the year
dont know why they keep these clowns around.
i corrected myself right after posting sorry.
>Mastery Ranking, commonly abbreviated as MR, is a method of tracking how much of the game's total content a player has experienced with points earned by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions, K-Drives, Necramechs and Archwings with Affinity and also successfully completing Junctions and nodes on the Star Chart.
>endgame is grinding the same missions to auction for plat
for you maybe.
This post is the truth.
Squad Link when?
More enemies than just fighters and crewships when?
Mission variety that isn't just wipe out some enemies then do a contextual objective when?
>Squad Link when?
they cancelled that
yeh sounds about right. warframe is like smoking and drinking, its fucking awful but if you keep doing it you "get it" and then you dont stop doing it. i have only stopped playing because i have done everything. im hoping this next update in a week has enough content for me to play for atleast a few weeks.
in favour of what?
cancelling it usually entails it's replaced with something of greater substance.
certainly they cancelled it for some other substantial update then, right?
bring it back.
in favour of their own sanity i guess.
operation orphix exposed what a mess it was, so they probably canned it in favour of finishing up the new war
No, the word 'cancelled' means they stopped working on it and abandoned it because they realized how much work it entails and it was easier to just release more skins to lure people into paying for plat.
I just started playing again and just finished the second dream. What the fuck were they thinking? I’m having fun with the game but holy shit that was pure cringe
>Will look like shit in-game.
this, every fucking time. i just dont trust de to make good models or textures in game anymore. like even if the design and the textures are good the color channels they assign to the model is fucking retarded so coloring it is just really boring.
honestly, id rather not have to worry about people i cant even see.
pubs that have a fail state other than everybody dying almost always have you carrying it unless it already filters shitters or you are buffing people out the ass.
>watching shit
>listen to shit
>regurgitate shit
you can't be serious now
>The same with everything in warframe they implemented it half assed then completely ignored it a day later before working on steve's next retarded idea.
>abandons it
>Railjack Revisit
>Railjack Retrofit
fuck. you. I love Railjack.
Railjack would have been great but steve is retarded and cant hold a single feature
>unkillable crewships
actually the worst part of railjack.
>cancelling it usually entails it's replaced with something of greater
no, it doesnt.
>>watching shit
>>listen to shit
>>regurgitate shit
>you can't be serious now
what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm not sure I understand how progression works. What should I do to do more damage and become tankier, level up mastery? craft better gear? add better mods?
mastery doesnt make you better or stronger it just allows you to use more gear.
yes craft better gear.
yes use better mods/learn how to actually mod, when you learn how to mode you realise that most frames and most weapons of a certain type have the exact same mod selection. for me i dont even think about it my brain just autopilots the right mods in.
the entire game's a fucking mobile phone game wearing the skin of a PC game. Not to mention a developer team/mod team that's got skin so thin you could cut it by breathing on it.
Of all the things to go wrong with Warframe, the UI change confuses me the most. They had a perfectly functional, compact user interface that looked cool and unique.
Now there's like maybe three buttons per screen and bullet jumping around your orbiter like an autist is faster than switching between menus.
How is this a combination of multiple warframes? Was there two different warframes made out of pots and pans?
Power-wise its actually quite easy to reach endgame viability. Even though many weapons are much stronger or weaker than others they are still basically sidegrades to eachother. Pick a warframe you like, pick a weapon you like then max those out, put a catalyst in there and maybe a few formas. After that you max out or nearly max out a few damage mods for weapons and some defensive mods for warframes and you are good to go. The real grind comes when you wanna level MR and/or try out different weapons and warframes for fun.
>the entire game
you know that that is wrong yet you said it anyway.
Alright I was really confused with this whole system, there's too much information at any one time for someone new. So I guess I should replace the rifle first, right? It does so little damage than I have to melee everything to death in the latest missions.
What's a good way to look up possible upgrades?
gameplay is so fucking boring
Looks like they themed it into a kintsukuroi frame
everything you have is worthless. but dont throw it out yet. level it to 30 and then throw it out.
i havent been in your position for like 5 year so i dont know how to guide you but you should just search "new player guide" in youtube and look around for some good ones. your first month at the very least playing warframe will just be reading and watching tutorials and guides and reading the wiki.