Be man

>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off
>back to whatever I was doing
>see arousing image
>already came

>be woman
>see arousing image

Attached: BACF8CBC-E633-4780-955D-6F6B46C0E779.jpg (739x415, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

women are just jealous they dont have dicks. every time they see an arousing image they have to change underwear.

>be man
>feel the need to rise up
>never do it because too much of a virgin beta
>see mole on the boob of a female video game character
>create a cult around it and fap instead of playing more vidya

>be female
>see arousing image
>rub bean

we do the same thing user, why wouldn't we?

tits or gtfo

What was the source on this image anyway?

don't men start to complain and cry when they see a fujo draw gay porn of their fav character

still better than trannies

Attached: 41% cadidate #2.jpg (1641x635, 154.85K)

Thank you mind-reader kun

Attached: 41% candidate #3.png (907x1160, 920.49K)

>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off
>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off
>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off
>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off
>be man
>see arousing image
>jerk off

Attached: coomer werewolf.webm (1280x720, 1.37M)

Random people trying video games. One of the portions was a strip club visit in GTAV where this girl goes off.

Attached: 41% candidate.png (983x317, 75.59K)

My sister reads hentai with me, maybe you just know shit women op

Based foid, also will u be my gf?

The fuck is a bean?

>be incel
>see woman

Where's #1 nigger?


Attached: 1638120302820.jpg (523x931, 109.08K)

>be OP
>see man
>jerk off

>be OP
>see woman

My b.

Medieval 2

Attached: 1608565882286.jpg (1024x768, 1.3M)

She cute!

Bean Battles (only a few cents on steam, buy it! :3 )

Sounds based.

Why is it so wrong to appeal to men? Just leave us in our corner and move on. Why the fuck do cunts get so annoyed that we're enjoying stuff? I can't believe people see women say shit like this and have an expectation that men are supposed to work to death for them and still women aren't evil


Attached: Royal_Banner_of_the_Crown_of_Castille_(15th_Century_Style).svg.png (936x756, 225.36K)


The "stuff" you're enjoying is the objectification of women.

>Why is it so wrong to appeal to men?

Attached: 4348.png (950x450, 212.58K)

Your enthusiasm has sold me.

>The "stuff" you're enjoying is the objectification of women.

Attached: 1617204124543.gif (360x360, 1.47M)

Rise had the best social link

Attached: 1617539373041.png (1920x1080, 2.9M)

So you believe that you can change your gender and corresponding pronouns?

the #1 nigger was you all along, user

Attached: 1650538857783.gif (128x128, 24.86K)

women are objects. So are all other things comprised of matter.

Gimme one taco pour favour, and make moy kalientei

Niggerman !

Dilate troon

>women are just jealous they dont have dicks.
You joke but in college I remember this really hot stacy girl in my class who kept saying she had dreams about having a dick and wished she had a dick.

what about things composed of energy or antimatter?

Perhaps you're an inanimate fucking object, but most people aren't.

Remember to never stop bullying troons

Attached: true.png (1080x1160, 230.27K)

So fucking what? The objectification of fictional women. It's not like women don't objectify men.

If you're saying they stop appealing to men to appeal to the masses, women in the OP aren't even potential customers in the first place, and we see where trying to appeal to the masses backfires or doesn't even make sense

energy is energy, not an object, but a field.
antimatter is anti-objects

No, no, I just want to confirm with you that someone born with XY chromosomes need not always be referred to with masculine pronouns, if they have taken steps to surgically alter their body. That is, after all, what you suggested.

No, I believe if you mutilate your genitals then you're no longer human

It's not a joke. It is called penis envy and all women have it.

>be woman
>see image of more attractive woman

>be man
>see image of more attractive man
>set goal to become like that too
If you have any other thought than "I wanna be like that, let's start working out" when you see gigachad, I got bad news for you

Attached: Trannies trying to raid pol.png (1523x800, 567.8K)

>The objectification of fictional women.
The objectification of women as a class.

>adds an extra word

Attached: 1642153402559-1.jpg (1270x636, 843.36K)

Indeed. The girl is not gonna buy the game so she should be ignored.

Strange take. Does it also go for any other body part?

meksiko beanie


it makes sense actually. All human value is lost outside of slave labor the moment they lose their genitals.
And animals can be used as slave labor, hell animals tend to be castrated.

>Indeed. The girl is not gonna buy the game so she should be ignored.
exactly this. they don't market tampons to men.

Yea Forums - Incel Soapbox

"Inanimate object" is a tautology, user. I merely included it for the epic meme. But you do provide compelling evidence for some people being objects, yes.

I dont get how people believe in those fake pics
It's obvious lefty/pol/ are always raiding but this shit is so obviously fake
>cuddle bunny
>hentai channel
really? that's the best you could came up with?

Attached: Whitepill.jpg (1484x724, 335.87K)

Not gonna make it

clearly you've never been to a discord server