World of Warcraft: Dragonflight


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>People hating on Cata, aka WotLK 2.0
Dragon Soul may have been complete ass, but the rest of the expansion was kino.

I unironically believe that cata was a better xpack than wotlk. at least cata tried to make the heroic dungeons hard compared to wrath where they were just faceroll

>Changing a lot of zones and giving players no way to visit the older versions was kino
neck yourself

>An mmo having a changing world is bad

It is if the newer version fucking sucks and there's no way back

Legion was arguably at least on the same level as WOTLK and personally I thought Legion was the best expansion overall to date

Cata dungeons were about as hard as TBC dungeons, which is to say not at all.

the human models going to whatever the fuck those dragons are supposed to be is pretty much that meme already

it still amazes me this game is still somehow up and running and people are still playing all these years later.

Cata was the downfall of WoW, i like what they did to hunters, other than that is was either total garbage or a disappointment (like the underwater areas).

wtf is going on with Battle for Azeroth?


corruption, has a visual on your character that gives it those dark blue splotches the more corruption you have

Cata was literally the point where WoW became dogshit. Super-linear theme park with a focus on "muh endgame". No more living in a virtual world and hanging out with bros. Just fucking raid logging and daily chores. Wrath was still full of raid-logging fags bitching about gearscore, but at least the core world still felt open and varied. Cata was "Get on the quest train and follow the tracks! Choo choo! Endgame here we come!"

The point was in wotlk when they brought in looking for dungeon

Its going to be more of the same shit we all hate in modern WOW
>Timegated cosmetics grinds that takes months to complete in a vain attempt to keep casual players engaged
>M+ autism core to the end game experience, adding more repetitive shit you don't want to do every week
>Raids will be good, but only one will be relevant per patch unless they push this raid+ bullshit in season 4 shadowlands, which will just add even more repetition

It'll be nothing but the same as the core gameplay design team is going to be under Ion's heel to make dogshit speedrun esports and try to force them with the MDI and WFR/Hall of Fame, and the rest of the game is going to be mindless chores with no player agency because its all going to be 1-2% progression systems that you can only do once a day/week

Know what makes classic so much more popular then fucking retail? Raids are the only fucking content with a lockout system

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Yes retard, scraping your old content and replacing it with a pile of shit is bad.

That was only at the end, and Wrath's core world and design stayed intact. Cata has zones like Silverpine where you literally started at the top and worked your way down in a cutscene-filled quest chain. Doing the revamped 1-60 experience in Cata was when I knew that whatever traditional MMORPG influences might have lingered in WoW were well and truly dead.

Nobody would play the game if the dungeons were like on the left. People want to go to boss and get loot, not wander around in an endless maze seeking where to go.

People also don't want to do the same boss once a week every week for 4-6 weeks for a random ass chance to get said loot

A completionist system is better then a repetitive system, of course you brainlets just want ilvl dopamine hits and will keep eating ion's shit while jerking off how bad the game is and still giving that cuck your money.

boy i know you did not just post a picture of undermountain as an example of good design

>People also don't want to do the same boss once a week every week for 4-6 weeks for a random ass chance to get said loot
Yes they do. That's literally what MMO players want. Go play ultima online boomer.

Someone fucked this image by switching tbc and vanilla

>that image
I have run Undermountain, I spent of lot of time updating the module that was released four years after I was born to fit 5E. It was a good time.

Anyway, even in the setting in which those large dungeons are tailormade for (tabletop) they take an incredibly long time and requires an incredible amount of engagement from both the players and the DM (leader of the game) in order to prevent it from being stale. I don't think size alone is the "cure" for WoW and its abysmal dungeons. I think the first thing they need to do is write a story people care about. You could have the most well-designed dungeon in history, but if nobody cares about what they're doing there - it is just a big dark pit.

Litterally the reason why WOW bled 95% of its userbase when it started to force the turbofarm speedrun grind

No they don't, which is why wow has been bleeding subs for years you moron

corruption was honestly such a cool idea, just executed pretty poorly

I love how this implys TBC is the best meanwhile classic TBC is super dead to actually classic vanilla and TBC is absolute horseshit.

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TBC was the best, and you equating TBC to Classic TBC just shows that you're underage. Classic and Classic TBC, and now Classic Wrath, were and will be dogshit.

I played this game since 2004 nigger. TBC was always average at best every fucking expansion in this game was bad compared to original vanilla.

I have this thing where I can guess how expansions will be received after some time, I was right during SL hype as it looked VERY barebones and I am right with my BfA expectations where people will go "at least BfA was ..."

DF seems like what WoW needs, return to classic mild fantasy with emphasis on world-building, minor skirmishes and light hearted, more regional lore. the show literally didn't mention anything unknown apart from these "sworn enemies of dragons race" which look like generic ancient evil dudes anyways. I think they'll focus on fan favorite stuff like that and decrease the scale of threats, new concepts etc which will end up being a success in just 6-7 months

I feel like its OK to be cautiously optimistic with DL

TBC and WotLK paved the way for literally everything wrong with current WoW (but that wasn't realized at the time) and Cata made it all completely irreversible, changing the focus of the game entirely. It's a downward spiral from vanilla.

>t. started with tbc
Truth hurts doesnt it?

It just shows how clueless everyone was back then, and i'm not saying that was a bad thing. Everyone was young and innocent back then, wheres today we don't have the same community.

TBC classic provied that the people that played tbc and referred to wrath players as 'wrath babbies' were wrong.

TBC was shit, evidenced by the lack of people who played classic

>every expansion is shit and I have this thing where I can just guess they're gonna be shit
damn dude what an ability you ought to be in a marvel movie

lmao, no.
I wish.

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It's bleeding subs as you boomers die or grow up and move on. New players don't want to waste time "exploring" when modern game design figured out it's better to just get you into action quick.

MOP was the peak of worlo

TBC was by far the best, it was released at the perfect time and built on vanilla perfectly. The only thing I really hated about it was that flying decimated world PvP, which was my whole jam.

Wrath was a close second, with Vanilla taking up third. Vanilla was great and many people, like you look back on it with rose-tinted glasses because of what it was, what it introduced all of us to. But vanilla had a lot of shortcomings, and you saw a bunch of kids experiencing them in Classic. Classic in general was a mistake, I maintain that and I got flamed down for it in the hype threads initially, but the reason those games were so good is when they were released, not what they were (necessarily anyway).

I'm saying DF wont be shit and BfA was not as shit as people make it out to be faggot

>BfA was not as shit as people make it out to be
wrong fuckin kys addict don't forget to buy another store mount

There are no new players lmao what game are you playing WOW is fucking dying and the only people left are .io boosters

No zoomer is going to put up with
>10+ hours of leveling
>repetitive dungeon farming
>basic bitch ARPG combat with no ARPG elements (Character builds / class identity)

The game is made for trooner speedrunning otherkin

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bfa came after legion?

That's what makes you full of shit.


Yeah this.

Most of the cganges to the old quests were good. I dont understand how killing 20 boars then going to another area to kill 15 toads rinse and repeat were peak design according to old fags

>ARPG combat

Yeah that's cool like ONCE
After you figured out the place every extra turn and mob group will grate your gears when you visit it again.

So nothings changed ?

You don't think M+ makes dungeons less shit do you?

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Wrong, you didn't play at release

Found the patch 4.1baby.

I meant your picture, I don't play WoW anymore ;)

I just hope the raids are a similar quality to Legion but with the fast paced PvP we got in Shadowlands. As long as Dragonflight launches with a quick but fun raid like Emerald Nightmare so i can spend most of my time PvP'ing and playing alts I'll be happy. I don't understand why but Castle Nathria (and that one aids hydra boss in Uldir that had multiple dps checks) were full of bosses that had a shitton of easy mechanics that went on far too long that just made me not want to raid for the rest of the expansion since it just felt tedious.

BfA was definitely as shit as people make it out to be which is why it's more astonishing that they managed to make something even fucking worse with SL.
Of all the info they revealed so far about DF, the only good thing I'm hearing is that they finally cut the crap out of those retarded systems that no one liked after three fucking expansions of it, which doesn't deserve an applause and still isn't a guarantee that this means classes are well designed.
Also the new race needs a lot of tweaks and it's a travesty that they couldn't even bother making a third spec for the new class again since now Dragons can't tank.

Maybe if you're a zoomer who doesn't have any patience.

imagine being 16 or older and still playing mmorpgs

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Exactly, no one wants to run the same 20 minute long dungeons ad nauseum, so whats wrong with having higher quality less repetitive dungeons

I don't understand the repetitive speedrunner autism in MMOs.

Except Classic was a million times better than TBC Classic. I went all the way through Classic and absolutely loved every minute of it. TBC hit and the ranged meta fucking blows and no world buffs + flying + nerfing consumes into the ground completely killed the world and faction interaction. Not to mention the launch sucked so hard, everybody I knew wanted to grind dungeons so they could get extra gold from quests and rep done early, but of course you have to grind all the dungeons into oblivion and they're all dogshit linear boring hallways. I dropped that shit after gruul + mag, and the rest of my guild couldn't even be bothered to finish SSC before disbanding.

It was fucking stunning how instantly TBC felt like dogshit compared to Classic and I started with TBC originally.

Sweaties, wow was always shit.

MMOs are dead everyone in incentivized to look everything up, there's no sense of exploration and discovery anymore. Forums, youtube and streamers ruin the genre. dungeons like this would be an absolute joy if they were created well (the left one) people who just want to raid log are gamblers, they don't enjoy the game, they only enjoy playing the dopamine slot machine. Any MMO that allows/encourages you to play every class in a sustainable way is a flop. Either have a runescape system where you can do anything with a character or have meaningful class systems where people feel more personally invested in their ROLE PLAYING game

>TBC felt like dogshit compared to Classic and I started with TBC originally.
Holy fuck dude

>paying a monthly sub to run every dungeon once

>>paying a monthly sub
Couldn't be me

Cata had the best dungeon system ever in wow.
>great class design with vanilla-wrath sensibilities
>challenging dungeons
>dungeon rewards valor/justice --> upgrades
>reputation tabard --> upgrades and whatnot
>call to arms --> reagents + rare items like mounts
>dungeons form a great ramp-up for raiding
It had such a great system to incentivize your play to improve. They threw that away in mop and dungeons were faceroll. Only thing that remained was challenge dungeons with timers.

>Paying a subscription to run the same 8 dungeons for 2 years

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Why are you in the wow thread then? Just to cry about games other people play?

The only problem, which they fixed by adding in mythic without queues, is that cataclysm had queues.

Hard Content + Random Dungeon Finder was never going to work, the reason they had to nerf heroics in cataclysm wasn't because they were hard, but because tanks would rather take the time to make a premade then deal with randoms, and it was faster to requeue even with deserter debuff as a tank and hope for a better group then to try and run "YOU DONT PAY MY SUB" people through that shit

Some were improved, but some zones like Redridge and Uldum were full of non-stop pop-references. Completely ruined those zones.

>Why are you in the wow thread then?
To shit on it.

dont forget how they did thousand needles dirty