Why do you guys torture your mental health playing these games?

Why do you guys torture your mental health playing these games?

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I'm guessing whoever made this pic tried to get into a few of those and couldn't git gud. I can almost feel the seethe coming off of it.

You have autism

why do you care what others do with their time?

Bruhther, Factorio is relaxing.
It's like a puzzle game but instead of assorted reddit/weeb shit your reward is nuking the inferior beings.

Include Zachtronics in the pic

Indeed, my favourite game genre, speedrunning

>mental health torture

It's Yea Forums. A board of miserable retards blaming twitter/reddit/facebook for following trends but acting the same way in a contrarian style and judging everyone's action.

That pic isn't wrong, although I doubt bullet hells are autistic

my favorite puzzle game is Baba Is You, am i autistic

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Puzzle games aren't autistic

im autistic and i get bored and frustrated with baba
but it also might just be my adhd, so you have a 50/50 chance

No normal person knows what the term Danmoku STGs means. This is a false flag by someone who plays them to an autistic degree


Speedrunning isn't a genre

true but it is a highly autistic act

Agreed those aren't even real video games theyre like stimming for autistic people

>although I doubt bullet hells are autistic
work with a very autist guy for like 2 weeks, he said he liked bullet hell games

i recently started playing
quake, it's hard but still fun

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>stealth comso thread as he's on yt right now

Unless you live in isolation what others do has consequneces on you

based, that picture is unfiltered inferiority complex

ASSFAGGOTS require teamwork at a higher level, which autists can't really do well.

>not card games
you have to be not only autistic but retarded to keep up with a card game every set.

>If you like thinking, you are autistic

>Rhythm games

Literally just brute forcing muscle memory via repetition. There is no skill, just a time investment.

>mfw I'm not autistic.

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>reaction time is not a skill
you for real?

No one "reacts" to charts in rhythm games at anything past normal difficulty. They play it over and over again until it's down to muscle memory where the music and notes may as well not even exist.

You're the same dude from yesterday who asked someone in an Elden Ring thread to name 10 harder games, aren't you. I named 3 of those genres and you called them autistic. Are you really still hung up on this? Just admit you aren't good at things that take any actual reaction time, dude. It isn't a big deal. Souls combat is the peak difficulty you can overcome. That is okay.

took me months to get this good at tetris

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You don't need to play for world records. When it comes to shoot em ups just find you one like and play it for a one coin clear.

What an idiot. Reaction time is king in rhythm games and if everyone just worked on memorization and muscle memory rhythm game scores would look super different.
Look at pieguy314159. This is a guy who focuses all of his attention on memorization and look how different his accomplishments are compared to basically all other rhythm game players

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>/egg/s grouped together with cancer such as speedruning

>Reaction time is king in rhythm games

Is this why I can find videos of people FCing the hardest Guitar Hero songs blindfolded or at 150-200% speed? Totally not just memorization and muscle memory That's pure reaction time baby!

No Fromshitter, I don't even know what you're talking about. Go back to one of your 500 Elden Snore threads and stop begging for attention here.

/shmupg/ will tell you that playing shmups for survival isn't really playing them and that you should aim for scoring to actually play the genre.

Factory Sims are autism user.


how good are you Yea Forums?

"Rhythm games test your skills in reaction ti-"



Haha yeah what absolutely hopeless lose...
You motherfucker delete this.

to be fair factorio is the most autist game since dorf fort

How does other people playing Osu affect you personally?

So super mario 64 is 100% memorization because people beat it blindfolded?

>19.133 VF in SDVX

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and i love every fucking moment of it!

I'm diagnosed with autism and I don't play any of those games, except Touhou but I can only 1cc normal in most games.


>Blindfolded TTFAF
Yea scores like this exist. But there's a wide range of skills you can practice and the fact that there are so few scores like that should go to show how rare that skill is. The vast majority of people just do it on reaction, and the rare occurrence when someone does focus on memorization over all else you get people that blow the game wide open. The most famous example being the first 1000pp play in OSU! Being a lower level player playing the same song 100s of times. He got it because most people aren't going to sit and grind 1 song over and over again because that's boring.
Again compare feet's made by pieguy and compare that with other rhythm game players.

Speaking as a person who actually played rhythm games for a while;
The *real* memorization is players recognizing common note patterns used by mappers. Like triangles in OSU or triples in GH. So when they encounter them in another song they are already familiar with the pattern and can just read what the differences are.

I play Starcraft II and Tetris a lot, but never against people.

i play RTS but im a custom game enjoyer

i like factorio but i'm not good at it. never got into the train signals or that networking shit with the chests and flying thingies that build shit for you. got pic related by accident just because i didnt want to learn how to use logistics lol

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>So super mario 64 is 100% memorization because people beat it blindfolded?

That's something only speedrunners do, which is why they are in the OP for autism.

I feel like I'm kinda good at shoot 'em ups which might be the most autistic genre out there. I almost cleared loop 1 of Ketsui, just died during the boss.

silly, so silly

They end up trooning out and trying to groom children

What is the one next to Factorio ?

i'm literally autistic
For me it's bullet hell & playing party games alone.


It's marginal in comparison on how I torture my mental health by posting in Yea Forums.
Also I played Stepmania a longass time ago and made some stages. The longest one was a 25 minute song.

What about fighting games, don't they belong in here?

All complex skills involve a huge deal of "memorization", that's your brain optimizing your responses to certain events to decrease the cognitive load they generate, but that's an extremely general process. Recognizing and reacting appropriately to patterns is something that can be applied to fucking everything, from operating a forklift to drawing an anime girl, but you wouldn't say that those things are "just" memorization even though you could do them blindfolded if you know what to do in a specific case. A whole lot of other processes are involved, just like in the case of rhythm games.

rhythm games and construction sims are fun casually

>"good" at factory/automation games
factorio and dsp are shit examples because they are casual normiebait for that genre. shit like zachtronics games or wildly modded minecraft are more autistic by far.
being "good" at factorio or dsp just means having the most basic sense of organization

>nooo people are having fun with things i don't like!!
Go have fun then
>captcha: G4T0R
flat fuck thursday