So, after literally 10 years they finally fixed the terrain gen

so, after literally 10 years they finally fixed the terrain gen
but is it better than 1.7.3?
i think both are good in their own ways, although the new one is more modern and varied maybe

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textbook SOUL and SOULESS

just make an amplified world

>make it look realistic
>"fixes" it
wrong, boring

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Cave revamp alone makes current Minecraft better than any patch prior.

its just realistic mountains now insteas of fantasy looking generation


>here's a rad looking terrain feature beckoning to build a big ass fortress in the shadowed area, then you could big a big ass bridge at the top that leads to the other really tall places and just have on gigafortress
>here's some mountains i guess

unironically first time I agree with that soul souless comparisson
they just made it more realistic, that was never what minecraft was about though
it was cool exploring those weirdly generated placed as opposed to now making it "generic forest #3" or "generic mountain 6#"

Don't forget the mob spawn changes. Being able to use minimal lighting to set the mood, and still be safe from creepers, is such a fucking huge improvement. I really can't go back to any previous version now

>Terrain generation with weird quirks that actively provides you spots to make cool bases that encourage to make up the designs on the spot

>Smoothened up terrain with plenty of flat areas so that youtubers and streamers can build their "epic" builds that they built off a schematic beforehand. Worse yet, its all predictable so you'll never find weird quirks that defy reality. The caves are large enough that you can quickly access to diamond in less than 30 mins or so.

Due to reasons i have minecraft in xbox and java in pc. Is this new version up for both now?

minecraft is a prime example of transition from soul to soulless for a mainstream audience.
all recent updates have done is add more of muh realism with the bare minimum for fantasy, while simultaneously ironing out any enjoyable quirks that made minecraft stand out from its thousands upon thousands of clones
but all the mainstream can do is applaud as minecraft is gentrified into something it was never meant to be, and any time you try and point this out they just say "hur dur just play a older version"
while yes this is a option, not everybody is autistic enough to play the same vanilla experience forever, thus forcing people to turn to mods.
but even then there is only so much you can do with mods before it all becomes the same repetitive bullshit.
caves are far too large now, they no longer give the cramped feeling that made caves so enjoyable before. hell every time i boot up a modpack first thing i do is look for a few deep interconnected ravines to set up in. cramped enough to feel cozy, enough room that i wont have to dig entirely new areas to keep progressing.
with modern caves its just
>cool... large drop from y50 to y-30 that spans over hundreds of blocks number 304897. so interesting...

Every thread until you understand it

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Which minecraft version can run smooth on a core 2 duo E7600 with Intel G33? cuz 1.4.4 runs like below 10fps with even optifine installed.

>minecraft is in a sense... a earth simulator
stopped watching there, refer to

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... here's an idea!
write a beta 1.7.3 minecraft clone in C


>doesn't know what the game is
>bad argument
>dumb face

Attached: RETARDED.COM.png (1006x1112, 1.61M)

call me filtered all you want, doesnt change the fact that minecraft is being normalfagified and made worse with every version.
the only people to disagree are the normalfags themselves

>>doesn't know what the game is
That's the problem with modern video game development: a lot people who are working on a game don't actually understand what the game is, they're just focused on their little sphere of influence and what tasks they're assigned by management. So instead of getting world gen that's meant to encourage building or enhance play, you get realistic terrain. Same thing is happening in most AAA games, where environmental artists, level designers and gameplay designers are living in their owl bubbles and rarely communicate with each other

>So instead of getting world gen that's meant to encourage building or enhance play, you get realistic terrain
It's interesting how obvious you make it that you didn't watch the video when he specifically goes through the perlin noise methods to create the cheeselike terrain old minecraft is known for.

yet in practical gameplay you wont encounter old worldgen.
stop wanking mojang.

They should have just made it an option when you make a new world, maybe they did I don't know. It looks like they are just trying to appeal to those autists that make time-lapse videos of making hyper detailed massive castles and shit. Also why does it take them YEARS (with delays) to implement things that one modder can do in a few days? This game has made like a fucktillion dollars.

modders fixed terrain gen more than 6+ years ago and they just fixed it? lol

old overworld generation better
new cave generation better (no shit)

user those biomes are still in the game, and there is plenty of cool world gen like pic related

Attached: entrance.jpg (3436x1418, 1.42M)

Have you tried Lithium and Sodium?

remember that modders done it better and way earlier.

Literally just created a new world and this is right next to the spawn. Does it not encourage building a cliffside house?
Ah but the problem isn't the game. It's you who has become jaded.

Attached: Screenshot_20220421_143723.png (1920x1080, 2.72M)

Play a different game.

Attached: mcb.png (1200x360, 55.23K)

i miss when i could make a base at the bottom of the world (with a cool hidden water elevator entrance) without falling into a cave or aquifer. :(

I like the new big caves, but they are way too common.

and you have to spend 2 hours wandering the wilderness to find the fucking things

>The caves are large enough that you can quickly access to diamond in less than 30 mins or so.
Diamonds were literally never that hard to find to begin with, regardless of what world gen they had at the time.

I liked the terrain before the update, I don't know why people were upset about it.
You can have custom word gen in vanilla now, you know?

people here just don't understand, take a look at this. Tell me this shit wouldn't inspire you to build

Attached: DASH_4802.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

Beta 1.7 > infdev > release 1.14 > alpha

Does anyone still play Better Than Wolves? For me that's the Minecraft version and mod combo at its peak. It took Minecraft down that path Notch was playing with. It's a 'hardcore' to the point it's somewhat tedious at times but there's nothing else like it desu.

181fps on a business laptop from 2007
84fps on a 5900x / 32gb ram / 3080, jitter out the ass
>install sodium
what the fuck are they doing?

>endless samey cliffs that shoot straight up with zero variation

This is just the Nether but water instead of lava lake. I've never built anything other than small portal hubs, bridges and farms in the Nether because I think it sucks. So no that wouldn't inspire me.

>new minecraft world gen is bad

Attached: file.png (1919x1079, 2.01M)

dont forget that left can run 200+ taped together mods without going below 40fps on a craptop while on the same laptop anything above 1.15 never gets above 20

you guys sound like inspirationlets.

they play like shit.

just get a better craptop.

Glacier was always too gorgeous for me to touch.
My main game back in the day was on a seed using my middle name that was a pretty awesome mountain range with sheer walls.

as im running through the world looking for ravines to set up in i see plenty of building spots and imagine cool structures on the spot.
but i never stop, because im looking for a few interconnected ravines.
you dont understand the problem: the problem is that modern worldgen is all samey bullshit with very little variation. you have:
> ^ shaped mountains
> ____ THE FLATLANDS ____
> |e|n|d|l||e|s|s| |t|r|e|e|s|
> sharp dr
> op cliff
> way too smooth landscape (pretend this is cursive)
> the oversized surface to cave hole
> t h e w a y t o o l a r g e c a v e
and thats it.

Maybe it's just my busted brain but post 1.8 beta world gen jsut always looks less interesting to me, like all the magical weirdness of pre 1.8 beta was sanded down.

>Yea Forums doesnt save extra spaces
thats a shame.

How is the mob spawning changed? I haven't played in ages.

no oversight whatsoever
>billion dollar company
billion dollars worth of middle managers

They can only spawn on 0 light blocks now, it used to be 7 or below

>zoomies are having the same minecraft world gen meltdown that boomies got the first time they drastically changed MC worldgen
fucking kekked

Damn that's actually really nice.

Trying way too fucking hard

>It's never enough

Beta 1.8 ruined this game forever.

Is that the one that added the shitty hunger bar and they started moving towards fucking boss fights? I kinda lost interest after that

literally soulless AAA world design on the right

>pic related
>plenty of cool
did you post the wrong picture or are you retarded?