>friend just bought a new game
>boot it up
>instantly goes into Option
Why do people do that?
Friend just bought a new game
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't YOU do that? Are you gay?
default settings are for homos
Kind of just outed yourself as a weirdo, user...
I don't always trust games to have good sound mixing. I always turn on subtitles so I can pick up on dialogue that would be otherwise missed. Also the default seems to be streamer mode so I always turn that off so I don't have to deal with censorship.
To invert the camera obviously.
>turning off Depth of Field
>turning off Vsync
>turning off lens glare, motion blur, any other blurs
Consoles were a mistake
>Change voice to Japanese
There user, now we can play.
Who cares? Seriously who the fuck cares how your friend plays the game? Why do you give a fuck?
What if he booted it up, and toggled the screen resolution for 8 hours straight?? Who the fuck cares???? It's his product and his time you judgemental freak
because fuck you that's why.
also these
i'm literally forced to do it every single time because developers are fucking psychopaths and don't leave subtitles on by default
i'm not english you fucking motherfuckers, i don't want to boot up the game, realize that the dialogue is all badly compressed ps1 audio and be forced to restart the game from scratch just to be able to understand what the guy in the opening cutscenes is saying you fucking ASSHOLES
You know what game has subtitles on by default?
Dark Souls 2
>isn't a native english speaker
nobody cares about you
>making sure you get the optimal experience for your vidya
gee user, I dunno??
Because for some reason it changes to 144hz when I want 60hz, it sucks
sounds like a good game
Who the fuck doesn't go to options first? I actively drop games that don't let me go to options before railroading me into their shitty epilogue.
>Cool game attract/intro only plays on the first boot up
Yeah fuck you too capcom!
Default volume is often too fucking loud. I have a high end PC, so I like going through and maxing out all the settings.
prologue* you mental midget
Fuck I knew I should've googled it, I had doubts but didn't. Sorry for being an ESL.
>turning off Vsync
>the high quality Unity game starts to render at 4000fps
>GPU goes full speed
you aight user, it's a valid complaint. Especially when a game is badly optimized and kinda shits itself until you modify that one option
One of the biggest reasons I dropped Apex, and of course the Respawn also made it so you can't go into the fucking options until after it. So not only can I only see that cutscene once, but I didn't understand shit because sound mixing is still somehow an arcane art only understood by magicians and witches.
subtitles are an accessability option for the deaf, no one cares about ESLs
Play the fucking game, stop going into options
god that animation was hot as fuck
I need to at least make sure that
>resolution and graphics settings are sane for my hardware
>invert look Y is enabled
>audio set to headphones mode
>subtitles off
>Overpowered PC
I don't care what you faggots say. This is the way
no, fuck you
Check what buttons do
Turn off motion blur(very important)
Benchmark to adjust graphical settings
>colorblindness: on
>make sure resolution is correct (most games made after 2008 do this automatically without problems, to be fair)
>set borderless window if the option exists
>fiddle with the brightness
>AO off
>DOF off
>any kind of blur off
>subtitles on
OP here
I was only pretending because I wanted a thread shitting on blur and DOF
I always go there to remove English dub.
Everyone does that.
God you guys are so fucking gay.
Play the game the way the devs fucking intended.
Stop messing around with customizations.
You are literally the cancer killing gaming.
>buy game
>boot up game
>sound is so loud my ears bleed
>vsync is on
>motion blur is on
>fps is capped to 30-60
>chromatic abortion is on
How the fuck can anyone just boot up a game and play it?
OP here
we know
we all know
no, fuck you
>>AO off
>>DOF off
>>any kind of blur off
Holy cringe
because unfortunately have english dub as default
t. blind faggot
Oh yeah I also forgot that mouse sensitivity by default is always 100 times faster than it should be and mouse acceleration is turned on.
There's frame limiters for that, Vsync is for preventing screen tearing.
Being ESL doesn't have anything to do with not knowing the difference between prologue and epilogue, you mental midget.
I'm completely convinced one of the main reasons people have motion sickness when it comes to FPS games, especially games like Portal, is because they by default have motion blur on.
Fuck Motion Blur, Fuck DOF, Fuck AO, and Fuck Chromatioc Abberation. Also fuck Texture Filtering but that's mostly a retro game issue, not a current game issue.
Why are you ashamed of your own language and culture?
not being judgemental enough is how gaming got to where it is today, OP's problem isn't that he's being judgemental but that he's doing it about the wrong things.
At the minimum
>borderless window
>subtitles on
>switch to whichever language dub I deem to be "the original"
>all audio gauges on max
>uncap framerate or bump to 60 depending on when the game was made
>make sure the camera isn't inverted
Then I'll go back to options after some gameplay to check which AA looks best, and if the game looks better without any of the extra camera filters and effects.
fucking beaner go die
To everyone who turns subtitles on out of preference or habit, but doesn't actually need them:
Try turning them off for the next game you play. Especially if it's a story-heavy title with good acting and performance capture.
Subtitles can distract from the details of the performance and animation, even if you're a fast reader. They also often spoil punchlines and give away the fact that a character is about to be interrupted.
Obviously they're a godsend if you do need them. But if can manage without, you'll probably find it more immersive.
Dude, no racism outside of Yea Forums
The loophole is to call everyone a nigger.
When everyone's a nigger, no one is.
prologue and epilogue are greek words.
>go into options
>choose the hardest mode available
>start playing
All you graphics twinkering homos need to apply yourselves.
>dumb animeshitter
>is fucking retarded
Every time.
Why do people turn off AO? Shut looks fucking flat without it. Or is it people with toasters?