Are you playing the latest streamer fad game?

Are you playing the latest streamer fad game?

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Nyet, saw assmong play it but that's it

For a fotm game, this sure has stuck around quite a bit longer than most others, considering its popularity spiked in february this year. No, Asmongold didn't make this game popular.

I've unlocked the 3rd map, hated it and stopped playing.

I did and it was interesting, it's like a new genre being born and it's most likely not a good thing, but still interesting to try it nonetheless

whether this is a good or a bad thing will depend on the overall quality of the millions of clones that will come out within the next two years, or at least hopefully a handful of interesting ones demarking themselves from the mass

in and of itself, the game is limited, there's honestly not a lot of content in it and once you realize that there's only two builds (which are played the same either way) that will let you win the game, then your interest in it will die, but if the guy was to add more variation to the gameplay and were to open the RPG part of it more and more? this kind of game could become pretty good

im having fun with it

I did, but got bored when I saw that every game was a win with practically 0 input from myself

>new genre
Never played crimsonland? It's only 2 decades old now.

>whether this is a good or a bad thing will depend on the overall quality of the millions of clones that will come out within the next two years
It's going to be shit. There's not a single good phasmophobia clone but they're all clogging up the steam horror tag regardless.

It's like 2.50.
It's what it is, very simple, mindless, which isn't necessarily bad.

crimsonland doesn't only give you 4 buttons to push and isn't played the same at all seeing as it's a fucking SHOOTER user, just because it's a top down view doesn't mean it's the same genre

the thing is that phasmophobia is niche on a marketting standpoint; the game is intrinsically multiplayer and it requires very unique and 'new' mechanics that the players aren't used to, this is bad for a shareholder wanting to invest in a video game
vampire survivor's formula is infinitely more simple and it's single player (though it could become coop as well at some point), but I don't think you can really compare both here

though you're probably right either way, I'm not expecting anything

No I played it before it became a fad.

How do I get to level 100 without Death spawning?

I think the biggest problem the game has is how mindless it gets after the 15-20 minute mark. At that point you either have a build that deletes everything and you can just stand still, or you are overrun and die. Would probably be more fun if instead of filling the entire screen with enemies after a while, they just become much stronger, but stay at a number where you are still able to move around and evade them.

Ye, and it's pretty fun

it's all about getting the right upgrades in the main menu and then all about the items you pick up; always try to prioritize garlic because it'll carry your ass early game which will let you pick up all the XP you can, because enemies get increasingly harder and take longer to kill so you want to hog all the EXP you can as early as you can

evolved pentagram is also extremely strong if you can get it by the 10-15minute mark; it's an infinite magnet rune that pops every 30s, this means you won't leave any EXP behind and you can just run around like a retard the entire time, and then after that you just want all the DPS you can and voila

It's not really a new genre, it's just a tower defense/bullet hell mashup with a rogue lite meta progression. It's really quite similar to a lot of custom maps I used to play back in warcraft 3 like footies or Mayo, but I found it enjoyable enough for $3

i hope indie devs start making more of these dirt cheap, simple fun games

you can call it a subgenre if you want, but dota started a genre all the same even though on a technical standpoint it's just an RTS

you don't build towers and you don't really have to dodge bullets; the mobs don't have their own patterns the way bullets do; and said patterns and bullets and mobs aren't randomly placed on an infinite map like it is here, it's as much a new genre as 'souls-like' is one, whether you don't want to use those terms or consider them new genres is not my problem, you do you, but people will call all the clones that will come out after this 'vampire survivors-like' games

So Death spawns after a certain time, so I have to level up as quickly as possible?

Nope. Next question.

how many boys have you kissed?

hyper mode on and hurry mode off

death always spawns at the 30 minutes mark, you're 'expected' to die at the 30 minute mark, though there's a way to kill death that you'll have to google, and doing so will unlock it as a character

Cost me about $1
Already put 30 hours in
Never watched a game stream in my entire life
Idk how watching someone else play it would be even remotely interesting, the game basically plays itself anyway

5, why do you ask?

death always spawns at 30 minutes, at that point you have successfully completed a stage. You have 30 minutes to get to 100, which is very easy after you've unlocked some growth power-up ranks and just gotten a bit better at the game in general. On most maps you don't even have to try once you know what you're doing with upgrades. Hyper mode and curse power-up makes it easier to get to lvl 100 too.

Your reply seemed like something a gay would say and I wanted to confirm my hypothesis

Elden ring?


what's the best weapon and why is it clock lancet

Questionable, song of mana can carry early game equally well and because it requires skull to evolve you'll get even more xp because of curse

It's not. I can't even remember the last time I took it.

song of mana requires unlocking and it's probably the last thing you'll unlock as well, if user asks about how to reach lvl 100, he's most likely not at that stage of the game

yeah, shits fun

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>it's an infinite magnet rune that pops every 30s,
or, you can just bank all your missed EXP into a red gem

that you still have to go pick up manually, and depending on what you're doing that might be hard/impossible/a chore to do
evolved penta is easy and lazy mode

terrible taste. once you're using maximum curse on dairy plant you'll look back and think 'i wish i picked clock lancet to slow these bastards down and give me a safe path'

I like it but i just wonder if it will get an evo. If it does i can imagine how much of a hassle it would be since time stop is broken by design.

>tfw put it on my wishlist when I saw someone playing it, like a week before it exploded
>now I look like a bandwagoner if I actually buy it

I just bought the rerolls skips and banishes so every run I just evolve the guns the birds and pentagram

Garlic is good when starting out but bible takes it place after a few power ups. You will never leave exp behind anyway because gems past a certain number consolidates into a red gem giving you all the exp. Evolved Penta and attractorb are kinda noob traps for that reason.

i hate how the dev keeps adding new achievements, i want to 100% it and be finished, i don't want to keep playing

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It takes like 20 minutes tops to get all the achievements each patch

Evolved penta kills almost everything in one hit my dude.

You can literally do garlic and bible and afk because they can't get close due to knock back. Then you pick 4 other weapons to clear the screen. Clock is just a meme wep to kill death.

I can understand whining about garlic because yes, it's shit late game, but until you start playing with curse, garlic is more than enough and pentagram is an absolute monster, I'm not sure what you're even saying here, and it's not like la borra is a bad weapon to get either lol

I'm not sure why you're using the min-maxing argument here when I was clearly talking to a guy that hasn't even reached level 100 in a game yet, this is pure autism and do not bother replying to one of my posts ever again

And yet it's beaten out DPS wise by almost every weapon my dude. Plenty other weapons can clear a screens worth of enemies and more in the 25 sec it takes for it to go off except for the last minute in a stage. Cats, no future, upg fire wand (especially with fire arcana) la borra absolutely shits on it.

You better watch your (you)s from now on, because the day will come when I will reply to your post when you least expect it.

This is my problem with most modern indies. They just keep updating forever.
>found small cool game
>it's early access and gets updated frequently
>tried it a bit, decided to wait for the finished version
>few months after, it still rolls updates, still early access
>another few months, it still rolls updates, still early access
>another few years etc.
I miss when games were actually finished.

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Penta is a win more weapon. If you're struggling to finish a stage then you're better off getting a weapon that can consistently kill enemies and keep them away like la borra and vesper. Enemies respawn basically instantly and you're 1 weapon down for 30 seconds with Penta.

It's an early access game, what did you expect? Very far from finished. Come back in 2 or 3 years.

looking forward to seeing some new arcana so i don't simply pick chaos in the dark night every time

I want weapons to have more evolutions, based on different passive items.

>New genre
Isnt it ancientflash games with more options?

I want passive items to have combination evolutions

My favorite is the runetracer, so happy it got an evolution, it was already strong as hell

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>play unfinished game
>"hurrr I don't want them to keep adding things"
At least you're self aware with that image.

Never buy early access games.

im developing a game similar to vamp survivors. Been working on it since feb, should have something out within a month fingers crossed.
I post occasionally in the agdg threads on vg.

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They're all just various degrees of "unlock X." It's not like you're required to kill Death or something. I'm definitely annoyed by the bloat though. Getting Payday 2 flashbacks already.

ye its pretty fun, and only 3 dollars

I don't like roguelikes with meta progression

>just because it's a top down view doesn't mean it's the same genre
It's the same genre because it's a fucking top down wave/survival game. Just because bonuses work differently doesn't make it a new genre.

>a shooter is a shooter because you're dodging bullets and shooting at people
>quake is the same genre as fantasy zone

>get a bunch of different characters to level 100 now
>20 minutes tops

Clearly, it even has the same perspective.
Next time pay attention to what you're quoting. Retards like you is why we have underage faggots running around thinking "soleslike" is a new genre.