Plebs will never understand the pure ludokino of Dark Souls II

Plebs will never understand the pure ludokino of Dark Souls II

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>the mere mention of his name makes the Fume Knight seethe with the fury of a thousand suns
>only thought on his mind is making sure that the king is safe
What an absolute lad.

Silence contrarian.

yeah i just wish it didn't play like shit

It doesn't, that why both DS3 and ER used most of the mechanics DS2 pioneered.

This boss was great

You say that but Fume Knight would play like absolute ass in a Miyacuck Souls game and have unlimited tracking on his swings with the ability to animation cancel into attacks you can't roll out of.

why live?
From peaked there and other gamedevs never even went close

I went back to it a week ago and I was bombarded with how different it feels to play. I'm not a fan of the weapon sounds but the music from Majula especially is still nice for a hub theme. Not to mention the amount of weapons and armor sets on offer. Its a damn shame because the Alva, Drakesblood and Heide deserve getting a second chance at being used in another souls game.

fume knight is a good boss but it's easy as all fuck literally beat him 2nd try and one shot him in ever playthrough, very easy to read moveset.

Not at all, ER bosses don't have tracking during attacks, only wind ups.
The attacks get you because you roll way too early, that's the #1 common noob mistake.
Also they don't animation cancel outside of a few rare bugs that happen in 1 of 100 boss attempts.

It's using an entirely different engine from the rest of the games, animations, sound effects, textures and lighting feel horribly dated even though the game isnt even 10 years old.

It's shit

They won't, and it's not up to us to free them from their shackling blindness, brother

Attached: summoned to the world of a rat.png (513x590, 282.92K)

NPC seethe proves this game is just too good for the inperfect fallen humans

is there any particular reason these retarded japanese "press button to roll" reddit games have completely overtaken this board?

just 2 years ago anybody shilling for these games would get a permaban.

god damn, times have changed so much.

ER was pretty much what DS2 wanted to be, Tanimura worked on most of the combat in this game as well.
Both DS2 and ER are anti-button mashing, heavily punishing rollspam, R1 spam and chugging at a bad time.

It's no surprise ER has filtered soo many garbage players that are screaming "this boss in undodgeable" and "it was clearly balanced with COOP in mind".

It might be because Souls games are one of the most influential series of the last 20 years.

the only people ER filtered out, are people with good taste.

Being a contrarian does not make you interesting.

its literally a niche game with zero impact and influence on anything.

ER sold 13 million in 3 weeks.

>zero impact and influence on anything
Games inspired directly by Souls:
Nioh 2
Jedi Fallen Order
Code Vein
Surge 2
Lords of the Fallen
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Darksiders 3
Mortal Shell
Remnant: From the Ashes
Salt and Sanctuary
Hollow Knight
Death's Gambit
Death's Door

>everyones shitting on my game to stand out for attention
You think like a woman and are gay

And fucking assassins creed lmao and gazillion games with stamina management

>Wearing Velstadt's armor immediately starts Raime's Phase 2.
So fucking cool.

Attached: raime.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Literally what the fuck is this saying?

Tracking is when the boss spins around to face the player before the attack. Elden Ring bosses windup to actual attack frames ratio is so skewed they have become purely a timing problem rather than having some positioning solutions. That's the goddamn issue.

wait what

>wiki says it's real, and just the helmet
Jesus. How hadn't I heard that before?

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Bull shit you did.

pretending these gook games are difficult and its the reason people dont like them doesnt make you interesting, either.

am i supposed to know any of those games?
oh wait, i recognise 1:
>jedi fallen order

wasnt this pretty much just Tomb Raider, but with a glowing stick instead of a pistol and tits?

>Elden Ring bosses windup to actual attack frames ratio is so skewed they have become purely a timing problem rather than having some positioning solutions

You're just not good enough at reading bosses yet.
They have massive openings and tons of attacks that can be strafed or sprinted around not even needing rolls.

>wasnt this pretty much just Tomb Raider, but with a glowing stick instead of a pistol and tits?

Nope, it has 1:1 Sekiro posture, parry/deflect system and one shot deathblows once you break posture.
Bosses even require 2-3 deathblows like Sekiro.

The only big difference is the lack of stealth and wall running and double jumps instead of a grapple.

Attached: Fallen Order.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

>he only recognizes heckin star wars
okay tranny

Attached: Miyazaki is your friend.jpg (500x696, 62.63K)

ER is a button mashing spam fest, allowing player almost infinite actions due to negligible stamina cost. It is far closer to ds3 than ds2. Roll catch is only even possible if you could roll that much. Recall you can roll about 3 times in ds2

that explains why this game had such awful and un-fun combat.
i am absolutely proud of myself to not recognise any of these reddit games, user.

>animation cancel
This incel is still making up shit up like it’s his job.

Not even close.
R1 mashing is heavily punished in ER by the fact that all weapons gave a 3-4 R1 combo that ends in a slow slam attack, forcing you into a 2 sec recovery and preventing you from R1 stunlocking multiple mobs before they chain stun you back.
This is why have to rely in weapon arts, charged attacks and jump attacks to have decent burst damage.

Rolling was also nerfed by having more recovery frames, the ratio of iframes to recovery frames in ER is 60-40, where DS3 and BB were closer to 80-20, that's why rollspam worked soo where there.


Attached: ER Noble Cancel 2.webm (800x450, 2.91M)

too bad even fume knight is a slow boring piece of shit boss with an easy, predictable, non-challenging moveset.

>be aware of this BS
>still choose to run around with 15vig

>making up

Attached: 1649723526198.webm (1000x562, 2.85M)

Holy shit this.
If you're past Godrick/Limgrave and your stamina bar is longer than you HP bar you don't have any right to complain about getting one shot.

Imagine if Radagahn immediately went into Meteor mode if you dressed as Mellenia

The little stop and poke always gives me a good kek

The fact that you are not restricted at all by stamina makes it absolute a more spamfest than ds2 ever will be. You dont have to finish the final R1 of a 5 hit combo, just stop after 4 hits and roll. Similar to ds3, actions are much faster than ds2, for example chugging estus. Weapon arts and spells just got a fast caster speed buff and lower recovery across the board in latest patch. You can spam BHS a million times even at 10 mind. ER is the ultimate button mashing spamfest from has ever created.

Level vigor you absolute madman.

Not sure if trolling or retarded

Maybe if you used infinite stamina, you could call his moveset non-challenging, but in Dark Souls 2 you can only roll 3 times and and Fume regularly strikes 4 times. His moveset is challenging because his swings consistently cover a very large area in front and in back of him and he switches hands often while also being very agile himself.

The best part of Fume Knight though is that they don't cheap you out of the reward for learning his moveset's limits and just let that be the whole encounter's learning curve. Instead it's a much more challenging test of stamina management and spacing, and spacing is important because he likes to dodge. This challenge is the same present against another player and they successfully demonstrate that the boss is obeying the same rules as you.

Ds2 will become good if:
they completely redo vanilla world
Make combat faster
Improve animations
Remove soul memory
Add infinite invasion item
Remove lifegems to make the game somewhat challenging
Keep the "you are always invadeable no matter what" feature

You forgot
>Give it an actual level design

Lifegems are fine, even ER and Sekiro has them.
They just need inventory limits like 5 or 10 instead of fucking 99.

>even ER and Sekiro has them
Lmao no, they compare to Dark Souls 3 divine blessing, not lifegems

I truly believe that if From got rid of soul memory, DSII would have a higher player count than DSIII. DSII by far has the most versatile builds of their games. It galls my shit that as of Elden Ring they still haven't taken the dual wielding system from II.

No it wouldn't because the movement and mechanics would still feel like shit

What's wrong with soul memory? Better than a twink lvl 50 with every weapon upgraded in ER including boss weapons

Invasions in Dark souls 2 were the most fun in the series.

Gotta be honest with you user, I smoke marlboro, you smoke cock.
SM means I can't pvp at Iron Keep forever because I'll eventually stop matching with players dummy.

Power stancing is ish in ER. I think it's better.

The movement is only bad outside of combat

Sekiro has healing pellets that regen exactly like lifegems, but you can only carry 3 at once.
ER has warming stones that you drop on the ground and it slowly regens anyone around it, including mobs/bosses but you can only carry 5 and dropping once costs like 40FP.

The real problem with lifegems is allowing all items including them to have 99/99 limits.

>Gotta be honest with you user, I smoke marlboro, you smoke cock.
Mutts legitimately think they sound cool while saying this
Notice how jewed they are, can't go 5 minutes without thinking of gays and dicks

The fact that winning in PvP slowly but surely pushes you out of matchmaking range unless you waste a ring slot.
Said ring is also a desperate patchwork solution that didn't exiat on release.

An alternative would be to matchmake based on equipment level, in addition to the regular character level limits. Soul Memory is shite.

Souls you get from PvP wins are miniscule at higher DLC tier levels.
You have to win 1000+ invasions to go up a tier.
You only need the Ring for COOP at bosses because that gives you tons of souls.

>What's wrong with soul memory?
Seriously? It forces you to constantly level up if you want to stay competitive with who you get matched with. It also prevents you from making low-level co-op characters.

>Run in wearing Melina's helm
>Instead of shooting arrows, he immediately leaps up into the sky
>See him come crashing down from a distance
would be kino

it's the best one because it's more kings field and less dark souls, hence why normalfag soulstards hate it
>SM means I can't pvp at Iron Keep forever because I'll eventually stop matching with players dummy.
anyone complaning about soul memory has never played the game im thinking, the agape ring fix any soul memory issues the game ever had

>Remove lifegems to make the game somewhat challenging
I wonder how much ass hurt this would cause, considering that most of Yea Forums was constantly bitching about how few Estus the Bearer had compared to Chosen Undead.

Equip the ring like says, you get it very early allowing you to control your preferred multiplayer range

The way soul memory was and is implemented is that it is tracking every soul you earn. The older games normally recorded this value but it was only used for gameplay in DS2.

The problem is that tracking souls earned says nothing about how well equipped and leveled that player is, so the way it was implemented doesn't help matchmaking in any way. A person who is playing with a limited SL for PvP could lose many unspent souls to death yet those would still count towards his matchmaking bracket.

If it were simply modified to be souls spent on leveling and buying non-ammo items, then it would have been more or less a fine way to judge player readiness. Of course, checking the current level of the player and his equipment is even better and simpler to implement, so future games dropped this idea of tracking total soul count.

if you're on pc you can use controller profiles to fix the deadzones. besides that get your agility to 99. yes it's stupid but the game feels smooth to play afterwards.

It's simpler and sort of better, but they lost out on a lot of the mechanical depth it had in DS2. It's also strictly better than 1 or 2 handing because there's no increase stat requirement like in DS2, it's all upside.

Shut the fuck up retards. You still need to spend souls to repair your third dragon ring when it breaks in pvp because it will. You need to spend souls to get more cracked red eye orbs. You need to sacrifice one whole ring slot to stay within a range instead of them turning off SM.

>A ring fixes a technical problem in the game
Wow, well done, you should design games

I honestly don't recall twinks being as prevalent

No, the movement is bad
>The upper body moves independently from the lower body during lock on
>Lock on works inconsistently, despite roll attack being intended as chaining roll and attacks, in DS2 they rarely work with lock on
>Lock on in general has poor tracking, while some animations have hypertracking
>Deadzones make the game awful to fight WITHOUT lock on
>The game is unplayable on mouse and keyboard. Fuck even the original Nioh received a patch to make it perfectly playable on mouse and keyboard

Attached: DS2 deadzone.webm (480x360, 1.93M)

yeah fair enough the durability is pretty cancerous
but it's not a problem, soul memory is a good thing because it eliminates twinks and any serious pvper will use the ring anyway so balance is maintained