Dating sim

>dating sim
>main character helps woman breaking up with her boyfriend by letting her cheat with him
Disgusting. I thought these kind of games are all about wish fulfillment romance.

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Hitler in the back


>wish fulfillment romance
So which VN has a good wholesome fulfilling romance?

This game is kind of sleazy, not one of those pure romance ones.

But her boyfriend is an otaku. They deserve to be cucked.

I hate it when characters have those fucking pinpoints in the centers of their eyes. It makes them look like they're out of a creepypasta. Just totally deflates any appeal the art may have had otherwise.

It's faithful to the original art through

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School Days

Why is Adolf Hitler in a Japanese cafe.

>Wanting to date a chick who is literally getting with you because she can't be honest with her boyfriend and needs to cheat on him for her break up excuse

Yeah, this isn't a recipe for getting cucked the same way he did.


Honestly it depends on how shitty of a person the previous boyfriend is.

>married woman

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>Every single heroine are roasties
Might as well go outside

Moege. Yuzusoft and tone work's are peak.

It isn't, all of the highlights are off-center in the original.

I know this is a coomer's game but I might play the original for the artstlye and aesthetics alone. It reminds me of vaporwave and those old animes that I dont watch you feel me? fr fr

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>that screen border
Holy soul
How did we lose this?

Muh minimalism

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What game?

no, it doesnt depend on anything. you could have a bad day and tell her off and that that evening she will spew this same dialog to some other guy

dokyuusei, now released as bangin' summer(completely serious btw)
pirate, then patch in the original 1992 version translation and porn. i assume you know where to look for those

Not necessarily, even women who generally don't do that may start if they're pushed to in a bad relationship.

No, it does not. Just fucking break up with someone. You don't have to be a spiteful slut and fuck someone just to rub it in your boyfriend's face.

and they will start to do this instead of just....breaking up with the guy.....because....muh tingles?
No Im serious, you dont need an actual reason to break up, never did. Why would you condone cheating and think you're exempt?

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Fata Morgana maybe

*grabs cock*

I've seen making lovers or something get memed around here for a bit. is it any good?

Holy shit get a grip on your lives, incels

there's a new girl i really like at work
and my boss is saying she's asking all sorts of questions about me
but she's got a boyfriend, one of those basedboy redditors with a huge funko pop collection and makes $11/hour at pizza hut

i fucking hate reddit and wouldn't mind cucking this guy, at the same time i would probably have to delete my hentai collection
how do you get a girl to split up with her boyfriend?

Pathetic ass incel lmao

>trying to woo someone at work
forget about it, ain't worth the trouble

Chill dude, he's just enjoying his date.

I don't hate highlights, I hate when they're dead center and look like they're retarded pupils. But you juts had to be a disingenuous nigger.

Name of the game?
I love some housewives in kimono

>and my boss is saying she's asking all sorts of questions about me
how does a coworker asking questions about you to others behind your back not ring a million alarm bells?
She's aiming to metoo you and get her cuck simp bf to help her do it

I just pirated the game thanks to this thread. Thanks OP.

Does she give you an STD? The nurse's route starts after you have sex with her and you go to the hospital because "your dick hurts"

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Doukyuusei but don't get your hopes up because she's basically a side girl who only has one scene

is that Hitler is the background?

It's clearly Charlie Chaplin holy fuck

I know what I'm cooming to tonight

>even in 2D sluts cuck mob characters like us

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There's a part of me that wants to believe they're just trying to be funny, but some people in Yea Forums are uncultured morons so...

Shiny Days too cause you get to date best girl!!!!!

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Don't shit where you eat dude, not worth the risk.

She just fucks hard s'all

Fuck no

Just one more week until her last heart bros

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>Eops genuinely excited to play a 30 year old game
Fucking lmao

>game presents multiple scenarios
>different games to provide different things for people into different stuff
Kill yourself

This, I'm sick of moefags and ntrcucks shitting on everything
I wish we had more games in the middle

Not always true. I was in basically the same situation as the guy you responded to, I had lunch with her at work a couple times and within a week boyfriend was gone and that was 6 years ago. Since then obviously we've both moved into different better jobs, but for awhile we worked together while also living together.

Hey N1 aniki, is this response grammatically correct?

I can't stop reading NTR kino Yea Forums

Like I understand I'll never be attractive. No women has ever liked me, therefore I just can't enjoy vanilla. What's left is enjoying the anguish of normalfags, people who were just good enough to be liked but not loved. I enjoy watching their hearts being broken, I love reading about familial killings where father shotguns his daughters because mommy was a nasty slut, I love reading about post-breakup suicides and stories where some nice cuck getd beaten by the bully who bones his childhood friend. And the thing I love the most is reading about crackmoms whoring out while their kid goes hungry

This is what lack of female attention does to a nigga. I don't think I'd ever be able to hold a relationship

They took out all the sex scenes so who gives a fuck


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Nips are soulless bug people

You don't want the sex scenes anyway.

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Always force a girl to break up with her dude on the phone before smashing you, no exceptions.

Yeah, I'm thinking she's best girl.

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if you want to fuck a cheating slut go ahead but don't ever think about having a serious relationship with her

Fuck you