Realistically speaking what classes/builds are most befitting for an elf character?
Realistically speaking what classes/builds are most befitting for an elf character?
forest elf archer in bikini armour
Male fighter/mage.
very resonable
>Realistically speaking
I hate female elves so much
They are needed to create more male elf warriors.
ah, step 2 or 3 on the path to join the 41%
These elves look like they fuck human men.
Being obsessed with fictional females is more likely to cause you ending up on the other side.
>the waifufag is already out on video game elves
“Who you callin’ pin head?”
hard to say since elfs aren't real so its impossible to say which class is best for them
>porn addiction
>reliance on online "friends" (groomers)
the essential factors leading to troons, with the final factor serving as the catalyst.
Mage classes and Dexterity based warriors
I like elf mages
Horribly forced meme.
Prove it.
are elves best as friends, gfs, wives or slaves?
Elves are best as playing as them in video games.
Video game paladin.
luv bikini armour
fuck hole
i wonder who could be behind this post
everything that has a greek or roman flair to it.
not unga bunga
what do you mean?
Sapper, specifically for female elves.
>fill the elf with mana
>a LOT of mana
>until she's fit to burst
>she infiltrates the enemy camp
>then gets remotely filled with just enough to send her over the edge
>she explodes and destroys the camp in a huge magical blast
you heard me
elves are best used when using a refined fighting style
the only savage elves I've seen are night elves and they get a pass for turning into literal animals to maul you
I see what you mean, I agree elves should be refined. Although I'd argue that otherwise "primitive" cultures can still be refined
light armored archers or nature magic mages.
there is no other option.
gosh i wish i was her
The dreaded anti-coom armor elf.
that 97-2001 3d graphics is pure soul
there's a lot actually
>daycare teachers
>park rangers
>bed warmers
>temple prostitutes
>etc etc
>befitting for an elf character
a breeder for orc babies
Elves don't have sex with orcs outside of pornography.
Therefore, begone pornbrain.
i dont care i just pick fighter
Would have been a based post if you actually posted a video game.
did your elven gf tell you that? oh sweety
smoke my cock faggot
Name five video game elves that had sex with an orc. Don't namedrop games, give their actual names.
Half-orcs and half-elves don't count.
You don't like elves.
>Half-orcs and half-elves don't count.
nice dodging
smoke my cock faggot
a uterus made for making little goblins
obligatory mention to play Deed's game
does deed's game have a pirotess mode?
sadly not, she's only a boss
Cum technician
Semen expert
Ball fondler
no, unfortunately Deed's game does not.
Pirotess deserves her ow
n game
>High Elf Male
Spell Sword knights
>High Elf Female
Sorceress/Healer wives
>Shadow Elf Male
Assassins, warriors, saboteurs, and evil nights
>Shadow Elf Females
Sorceress/Necromancer wives
>Woodsy Elf Males
Archers, rangers, beast masters and huntsmen
>Woodsy Elf Females
Archer wives
>Chocolate Elf Males
Sword masters, rogues, fencers
>Chocolate Elf Females
Fencing duelist wives
Human lovers
>high elf priestess (healer)
>shadow elf sorceress
>wood elf archer
>chocolate elf duelist
the perfect party