Play VRchat

Attached: sylv.gif (600x600, 3.92M)

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this is making me less likely

VRChat? Completed it mate.

would you bros?

Thats a man

Attached: pepe cock.png (550x400, 86.9K)

What's the point when you don't have a headset?

Play VRchat

Attached: Sylveon.png (1005x546, 668.58K)

let's no mince birds here
it's a boy desperate for attention who will do anything you ask

>tfw learning how to make 3d models
>vrchat is the perfect place to test them out
I'll never interact with the community though

why not?

>it's a boy desperate for attention who will do anything you ask

Attached: 1650090936597.jpg (768x1024, 223.53K)

All of these are men
And that is a good thing

I don't have vr

Attached: OtterLick.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Reminder that small cute chibi characters are sex appeal incarnate. They're basically living fleshlights.

They don't identify as male.

Attached: fawrw.png (1920x1080, 2.3M)

where the fuck do i get cute anime girl models that aren't fucking furry bait or that weird western "sexy" look that VRchat is fucking full of

tell me where to get these exact models and i'll consider it.

Is there ass expansion? Only the ass.

I tried it but I couldn't get a voice changer good enough to make me sound like a girl

I don't care, and neither does life.

they're gay

>everyone plays as a 4" tall "smol" furball
>not a single 7" tall big tiddy wolf girl anywhere

Attached: FQGkMeZXMAQPN2k.jpg (400x400, 24.35K)

Attached: 1595557391489.webm (718x542, 2.92M)

Attached: rac.webm (640x480, 984.15K)

They still have a penis though

>the obvious lardass waddle

Play VRchat now.

Attached: 1649736915656.webm (720x1280, 2.95M)

tits too big

Something disturbs me about this kind of stuff. It feels not right with me, almost as if it's perverting reality somehow. Maybe then, I could be overreacting. Modern life can hardly be called natural anyhow.


Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 14.09K)

this but only because of the clipping

well it is virtual reality

Uncanny valley effect maybe. Everything in VR is slightly off from how real bodies move which makes it creepy


Attached: VRbutt.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

nah your choices for friends are:

Attached: 1620974255267.png (1520x912, 1.4M)

somebody's son

Maybe it's more difficult creating taller models and having the user reasonably use them.

need a vr friend like this

Attached: 1629408667160.jpg (1866x1866, 266.22K)

i can only see some fat hairy guy doing all this

Could I just shit out some lewd ass animal furry and get money or how/where is there to make money in VRchat

Attached: SylvieChoke.png (500x500, 144.44K)


Attached: 1637354417358.webm (1280x720, 1.66M)

Why aren't you playing VRchat yet?

Attached: squish.webm (528x397, 725.22K)

I also thought this but watching some of them theres no way a fat dude can do that shit for 4 hours a day on stream
that, and some of them actually mic up

leak of there content anywhere?


If I can play as a cute kemoshota I might consider it

I only play as ugandan knuckles. I miss 2016 - 2018 (dank era of memes)

Sauce? Don't care whether or not it's a guy, no homo.

So maybe not a fat dude, but still a dude with voice changing software.

Also 4 hours is legit impressive, esp considering they're in a VR rig

Attached: 1641723459882.gif (748x550, 428.38K)

Try one of those model on


Attached: gar.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>50 USD for a model
damn, has anyone uploaded these models anywhere else?

I already do

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2021-01-27_21-07-46.401.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

God I want to touch and rub those ears.

Why don't people reenact episodes of shows if there's already models. That'd be sick and hilariously bad.

Why do they always use girl models instead of equally cute boy ones?

please link to leak

if you find out let me know, i've had that bookmarked for a while now

requires too much soul and charm

I found em. hope the jannies don't ban me for this

Attached: Sylveon.jpg (666x650, 141.49K)

time to be a cute sylveon

Attached: 1649082356697.gif (320x240, 281.81K)

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2021-11-14_00-53-00.140.png (1920x1080, 2.25M)

the leak is in my pants

Cringe but also based

Attached: sylveon_Big.jpg (2857x4594, 3.89M)

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2022-01-14_22-41-52.723.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)