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If you use the shield talisman and fully upgrade this you can block all of malenias attacks except the grab


you're a genius I feel retarded now

kek, come on dude. I love this shield but it should only filter brainlets. just use your noodle-- there's plenty of counters

too slow. Shieldfags can hit the dodge button too, yknow.

impalling trust WA and blood affinity
only time where bleed proc is 100% justified

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Vulgar Militia Shotel btw

Not if they outrange you with a bleed pike.
you also cant parry them if they simply jump attack you as well.
god forbid if you use any of the shitty “shield penetrating attacks” with ludicrously long windup.

The only decent thing i can think of is greatscythe with the sword dance, but that can be spaced and punished.


Ok so we are now playing normal PVP and he has a fuckall shield?

Shieldcrash Blood Fingerprint Shield for lvl 60 invasions, yes/no?

Put your own on and give it shield crash + bleed infusion.

>Laughs in also seppukku but behind shield.
>Chuckles behind eclipse greatshield

Never gonna get past THE WALL

Yes very
especially with ironjar aromatics

Wall players are too retarded to cast seppuku properly I always R2 them

it always costed stamina before at 100 guard boost, just a very minuscule amount of it so you immediately recover what was lost which gave it the impression of costing 0 stamina
now they made it so that your stamina consumption becomes very obvious, but still not that much
the real nerf for the fingerprint is that it no longer blocks some of the crazier unga bunga attacks from bosses and bigger enemies, and you also have more dead angles where attacks will go through
try fighting dudes like the night's cavalry who has wide sweeps and can easily hit you from behind as he leaps and you will immediately notice this

>spam glintstone icecrag
>wall crumbles

>caring one iota about pvp

homosexual tendencies

remember, its never about the 99% of retards, its about the 1% of players who understand how the game works that really show you how retarded the game actually is.

That said, skill ceiling is vastly lower than in ds3 or even fucking ds2.
Tanimura a hack, and dueling is for retards since you legitimately can go 100/0 with just a greatshield and stabby pike.

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No it actually cost nothing at +25 with the greatshield talisman. Absolutely nothing at all, i tested it before the patch.
Now after the patch you dont get gains from the shield talisman on greatshields.
However mid shields still get a great bonus from it to a very large amount.
this patch you should go for stamina recovery talisman if using greatshields.

Literally anything non physical and just chip em
It's like you never read how shields work

it doesnt work when the player also has a MAGIC INFUSED greatshield
(I have two of each greatshield, all maxed, one phys one magic resistant get rekd nerd.)

I can respect that

non phys literally doesnt work if they quickswap to magic infused greatshields user. which competent players do.

90-97% magic reduction is crazy

>retards actually crying about Souls PVP balance
It has always been broken and never will be fair or fun. Its made for tryhard cheesers not regular players.

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non phys = bleed/madness/frost

Quickstep to phys
Play the game, they don't get both 100 phys and magic
So chip the one they don't have and punish them for not being able to keep up


It's been 6 games and people still care about PvP, I think it's time you give up desu

Poison and rot as well

Status resist talisman always on, quickswap to Eclipse greatshield.

Madness was always shit because you could always strafe its slow as shit windups. Its even MORE shit now with this patches neefs.

Frost and bleed basically removed from game by eclipse shield plus talisman.
I poke.
Your move.

Well it's nothing more then special olympics and same level of autism as speed running.
Nobody cares

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Fire especially magma can ruin their ability to move and make them have to not swap shields

The game has hundreds of counters

They get 97% to both honestly. and if the person perfectly times their shieldpokes to you starting the attack, you lose the trade 100% of the time.

In addition life regen ring exists.

>Ever getting hit by fire or magma

Look at this total fucking goober!

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At this point you are constantly swapping just to even block

You fuck up and die because the attacker has more options

Your move

the people in this thread care.
go post in the pve elden ring thread out there in the catalogue.
why would (YOU) look at shit (you) dont fucking care about? no one is forcing you to be here user

When swapping 10 times a second, they basically can't dodge any real aoe effect

there's no counter, it's still the strongest weapon in the game.
either try to apply status bleed/frost through the shield or try to get a parry oneshot

it's fun you dumb nigger. if people didnt care you wouldnt have spent the last 10 years going into pvp threads and screaming "NO ONE CARES!!"
fantastic webm tho what that

Im here just to laugh at you retards.

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Same here
I just post the simple counters to get the pvp players angry that they have to play the game

this was patched within the first patch

>st trinna swords
You're going to hell, user

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user I always love a good rejection kill but he was literally attacking with the shield. the real issue is people spear poking from behind it


>67 guard boost
jej, my shotel goes through your shield anyways, and my bleed proc is still there, it's only a matter of time until you choke and get riposted into my misericorde

>shotel vs spear poke

has anyone tried scarlet rot in PvP
was thinking of building something around 2 scorpion stingers and the antspur rapier

There are really only limited forms of incoming damage and not even 3 shields you need to use to deal with them. If you have ALL these counters to shields youre gonna be really spread thin on damage imho.

Eclipse has 100% phys AND has status resist so is a great catch all to start.

The WALL (fingerprint) is amazing for any element build you need to block. and is a general catch all for that. Asides that you actually dont need much else. Hell, you wouldnt even know if i swapped from eclipse to magic infused eclipse. You dont need a million shields, just those two. Sure you can have an infused haligtree greatshield as well but the issue with shields is that anything that would COUNTER them is COUNTERED by just rolling.

A good player will roll through your attempt to whittle and then shieldpoke your main attacks. They also wont get parried because the jump button exists.

my point of reference was the royal revenant assholes in haligtree, they still took slivers of stamina away with a fingerprint +25 standard infused (because anything else reduces your guard boost and physical block) and two of them doing their freaky wail thing at the same time could still guard break me even though both were in front of me, but idk, maybe it's just how those bastards were designed

so much broken shit in pvp like Rob and you complain about this fucking shield kek

I invade like a filthy bastard what can I say

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It's because they watch streamers and want to treat it like e-sports. Fucking retards like that Jenine? cunt is the forerunner for this garbage whining every single game about muh balance.


You lose that trade so fucking bad tho.

>going to check out a rainbow stone near a ledge while an invader is present
It's not nice to bully the mentally deficient, user

i actually remember them too.
As long as you had +25 AND the talisman that boosts guard you actually could take zero stamina damage.

now you cant do that, youd have to barricade shield

>implying all shotels are short
pokebros... we got to cocky!

rob is only good in ganks and against bad players (you)
greatshields are much more of a problem, everyone who is even a remotely competitive minigamer agrees

This is how I know you don't play the game
Literally everyone has pointed out why this doesn't work and you think it is the end all be all
There are 20 weapons that don't care
9 spells that don't care
3 damage types that don't care
And 5 are effects that don't care

And you can't seem to find any of them

it's ok not great, buildup takes ages
you're better off having just enough fth & arc investment for rot breath bro

>3 sec barricade shield
oh noo I'm so scared *kills you*

JeeNine has a massive fucking ego. He’s a literal THAT GUY. Not a fan of him, whatsoever. He also liked to try posing as some pvp god in ds3 but I went 5/3 against that retard as he tried cheesing with washingpole rapier

cool aesthetic bro

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what about shield grease? should in theory work better because it goes for a minute

parry them.
throw a rot pot/poison pot at them
acid sparks or iron flesh may do the trick
use your own great shield.
coded sword goes through shields
I think a couple rapier weapon arts go through shields
not sure if this game has a ds3 hatchet axe /ds1 shotel though

Fellow 3 brother
No 3D rayman ever again

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solid advice thanks

Oil then fire also bypasses shields

no RoB is cancer, its not that its really hard to fight especially when every RoB abuser is dogshit, it is just unfun to go against RoB 80% in probably over a 1000 invasion i have done so far

>20 weapons that can all be rolled through in my sleep
>lmao spells you can literally sidestep to aboid ambish shard then running r1 the caster btw
>all 3 damage types are kind of ass at chip
3 of the 5 effects are ass/already dealt with by shield reductions or are inconsequential
the other two are locked to longass casts and can also be reaction rolled no problem

Game is shit m8

I'd rather lose than use RoB/BHS
If you're not playing for that rush of winning against shitters using fair stuff then why bother?

I've been doing RL 70 invasions and everyone gets rotted in one pot. it's broken as hell.

I did dupe the mats though so I could always have a full stack fuck farming like the two guys in the game who drop the butterflies

>Now after the patch you dont get gains from the shield talisman on greatshields.
none at all??

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Apparently you don't know any of them
Just as I thought

Retards like you why literacy is down

sleepchads rise up

you do lmao it's just not worth it now, it still tanks it's just not a meme anymore

I agree Greatshields need to be dealt with, it reduces the game to a point where theres literally nothing you can do but stalemate.
All the people posting “muh counters sooo many countersss” have literally never actually played against a decent greatshield user. Because a person woth a shield doesnt suddenly lose the ability to space or dodge.
The one thing they are really using the shield for is to overlap THEIR attack with (you)rs and theyll space and dodge whatever “counter” your dumb brainlet little mind throws their way. They dont actually go around holding their shield up all fucking day.

it's cancer yes, but at least against rob I feel like I have a chance, against fingerprint shield it's just hopeless
I'd rather fight ROB than greatshields


St Trina sword into Not-WOTG? If not, maybe volcano pots?

jeenine has no sense of humor. Idk how people stand to watch his stream.
like you play a buggy unbalanced game, with no ranking system or record keeping of any kind, that no one cares about for your job and you have no sense of humor about it whatsoever and take it VERY seriously.

Lmao at you m8
You think any of those things even fucking work when its been tested that they fucking dont because anything that can be roll reacted just gives more points to an agressive chasedown style with spear and shield.

I really really really REALLY recommend you to get anything that deals non phys, most fingerprint users don't know how to counter anything that goes past their 'OP' shield