Why is there a war on boobs?
Women irl have big tits. How is this offensive? To whom?
Why is there a war on boobs?
Women irl have big tits. How is this offensive? To whom?
Mentally retarded people
Did China ever end up making Venti a girl or did nothing end up happening with that feminine boy ban?
Women in real life have tits of various sizes, not just big, you fucking brain dead retard.
That being said, you are right about there being a war on boobs, what's up with that shit? You ever seen Steven Universe? If you haven't, good, but none of the females in that show have tits. None of them. Lots of ass, but no tits.
Asians don't, and they are supposed to represent Anime
gotta keep it PG somehow
Horse shit, Vambre from Mighty Magiswords has a hot body and not a single soul complained... Probably because the show is dog shit, but still.
There's a war on tits, my boy, and we have to win it.
Fair enough, there is a war on boobs. But I ain't fighting it on steven universe of all places.
Not just cartoons
Young girls are forced to get masectomies to “fight patriarchy” or some shit
Unirinically trannies, but iirc this particular example was beacuse chinese gov kneeled to feminists for some reason.
It's offensive to my homosexuality
small perky tits > trash bags
Shenhe is next
>Women in real life have tits of various sizes, not just big, you fucking brain dead retard.
Women in real life have tits of various sizes, not just C cup.
Why must flatties destroy the industry...?
Glad I stopped playing this shit.
It's just a fucking video game, they can't be THIS insecure...
Big tiddies are overrated anyway. I don’t see the problem desu.
Why is China doing this?
Venti came back for the record and they didn't change a thing about his design. I guarantee there's no more feminine boys after him
>source: my ass
This desu
It's neopuritanism from nowadays' seething ugly women, which is as bad as puritanism used to be back in the 90s, but now it's made by extremely hypocritical landwhales.
I was kind of hoping they'd make him a girl but I also don't want them to change a single thing about the design (aside from maybe making his ass bigger)
Nah some women have no boobies irl, its the chemicals in the water you see
Imagine destroying your body for a fetish
All four are objectively and inarguably the same size, first two are orthographic and zoomed in so the size appears different
...that's a dude, isn't it?
>People only smoke for fetish reasons
is this nigger serious?
that's a tranny
Troon acceptance.
I wish I was being hyperbolic or facetious, but it is literally that.
Okay, pedo
You ever heard of a throat cancer blowjob from a man? Patrician fetish
Women have men by the balls basically
Reminder: there is no war on big boobs.
There is a ongoing campaign promoting health and safety amongst women that reduces backpain, breast cancer and other longterm physcial health issues.
And irrelevant men online have ZERO say on the matter.
what does any of that have to do with trannies?
>Why is there a war on boobs?
Sex sells, simple as that.
Women have a monopoly on sex irl, simple as.
Anything that threatens that monopoly, entertainment, porn, gay men, trannies and so on, threatens that monopoly. This is why TERFs for example also hate trannies.
Anything that threatens the female monopoly on sex is bad to them. Big boobs in vidja included. If young boys fap over Genshin Impact, they will grow up to be satisfied with porn and women can no longer manipulate men into worshiping them for a crumb of dopamine.
Of course not and anyone who thought anything would happen is fucking retarded. The most recent event is literally a gay femboy sausage fest. It focuses on every femboy in the game and give them all complete screentime monopoly.
cutting your dick off is healthy too
there u guys go. cute cock
>Why am I getting less attention me- ACK
Toot is a great gal. No need to be ashamed of her.
Ew, his body is completely fucking ruined. That disgusting chest.
something looks off
The day of the sarashi is near...
Too bad they're actually just being scammed and they end up with weird lopsided tumors that look even worse than botched implants.
see what?
But I thought women don't care about incels
an example of a woman who was tricked into mutilating her chest for the sole sake of virtue signalling and on top of that being dumb enough to pay tens of thousands of dollars for it.
I'll never get smoking while trying to look sexy.
>reduces backpain
Exercise eliminates the pain of large breasts (excluding RIDICULOUS breasts which are not the subject of this conversation). You're saying you would rather have body modification surgery than go to the gym? You would advocate for others to do the same? You're legitimately mentally ill.
>breast cancer
completely unrelated, studies attribute any purported increased risk to age and obesity, no statistically significant correlation with breast size -- apart from the fact that Eastern European babushkas have giant nuclear irradiated titties -- please apply yourself next time
>other longterm physcial health issues
like what exactly? Competently feeding children and having fat ready to use in times of famine? Get fucked loser.
Women hate trannies because all trannies are psychopathic rapists. The term "TERF" was invented by trannies to trick morons into thinking that the women who object to them are just "radical feminists". You fell for it.
Are you kidding me? They hate incels because incels hate women and are beyond manipulatable. You go up to an incel and try to seduce them as a woman, and the incel will punch them in the face best case scenario and rape-murder them at home worse case scenario.
That's literally a man