this is some next level jewery
This is some next level jewery
The innovation of capitalism.
just gotta wait a year or two for the physical edition that'll have everything. :^)
You get everything with the digital deluxe edition, you illiterates.
This. Pre-order the digital shit and you get everything. What's the problem?
>Buy standard edition, comes with free DLC if pre-ordered
>Buy deluxe edition, comes with free DLC if pre-ordered + all other DLC
so hard
These are 4 25-30 year old games they are trying to sell for $45.
If you count S3&K as 2 games then they're worth no more than $25, $35 at the most if you're including the new features in the compilation.
If you buy deluxe pre-ordered you get everything unlocked without the need to spend coins on that. If you buy standard you need to unlock everything in-game minus pre-ordered stuff and 100 extra coins.
>spinning island
This is not even the content. Just buy standard edition and enjoy the game
OK now price the extra content
or alternatively just shut the fuck up
I already did, learn to read you goddamn monkey.
What's sad about this is that it's all over $5 they're hoping you spend. They made a chart and everything to confuse you over $5.
No, moron, I want you to divy up the mission mode contents and everything you can buy with coins into a price point per entry. I would like to see how much you value your $10 extra dollars versus what comes as "extra". The point, however, is that you can't, mostly because the game isn't out yet but also because your entire argument of pricing games by age is completely stupid and without merit.
Now kindly shut the fuck up
>by age
how about by how Sega themselves prices the ROMs on Steam? They're each $5 there.
Are you going to tell me the extra content is worth $25? Because the point of purchasing this is to play Classic Sonic, a slapped together mission mode and animated cutscenes are not worth $25.
While this is correct, also consider the alternative-- If one searches for Sonic the hedgehog 3 on eBay, for instance, we see that the game is in fact much more than $5 and that's before even looking at Sonic CD. The value of the games cannot be tied to any one linear factor because at the end of the day their value is in the eye of the beholder, the one that desires the games. Because of this, there is no one "true" value that can be dictated upon any of these games, nor the collection itself, and thus no reason to even argue the price point in the first place as while you may feel that your 3 weeks worth of lunch money is not worth the purchase of Sonic Origins, it is to the people who actually have spending money.
Argument terminated. Commence with the fucking of up shutting. Goodbye. One last (You) for the road.
I have no idea what I'm saying
Sega has always had a knack for coming up with jewery. The good side is; it never worked for them when they did it.
How's the Sonic Boom BR?
>You manged to be more jewish then fucking 3D All Stars
Holy shit what went wrong?
Corrected version
>$30 digital
The ABSOLUTE STATE of digitalcucks
I saw a friend get crushed to death by a car and that still doesn't compare to what Sega has been doing to Sonic for the last 20 years.
>bro just pre-order some decades old roms running on shitty laggy emulation for $45!!!
i dont believe this is real
make a stink about it
in sonic forces, super sonic was going to cost money before it just became free dlc
the same thing will happen here if people yell at sega loud enough
Ain't nothing wrong with this. I don't care about additional music tracks so I won't get Classic Music Pack or Digital Deluxe Edition. I do care about the Hard Missions so I'll get Premium Fun Pack.
Giving the customers to option to choose what they want (and pay less) is a good thing.
What is it emulating? Haven't the games been reworked to play in 16:9?
Or you could give us all of it for free. This shit used to be standard along with bonus games. Look at Sonic Mega collection
Nothing is "free". There are development costs in creating this.
They can sell one product - everything for $60. But not everyone cares for it all.
They can sell smaller products, base for $30, each piece for $5-10. Then the customer wins by choosing only the things they care about and saving money.
As much as it's cool to play the classic games in 16:9, I'm just ready for a complete remake of these games. Imagine these games without the bugs, redone cutscenes and competent dialogue, all playing in 16:9 as well. I would take a remake collection of these two games over the next 10 sonic games anyday. It's actually crazy just how much sega has neglected putting these games on everything like they've done sonic 1-3 considering these are the next most popular games in the franchise.
>There are development costs in creating this.
The cuckoldry mindset.
This, illiterates can't read and shitting themselves over nothing.
>but the decomps
These are what the decomps are based on and upgraded, Taxman's work has never been brought outside of mobile. Normans were never going to fuck with decomps anyway, just think about it for 5 seconds, the average normie isn't going to rip an apk off their phone, put it in a folder and run a .bat to convert it to a decomp, that's asking far too much. They'll download it on steam, ps4 and switch for 40 and they will be the best versions of these games you can get bar none out of the box..
It's not emulated you stupid fuck. I bet you think Mania is a romhack.
>Sega runs a public survey for Monkey Ball Banana Mania
>it was an opportunity for people to say they hated how the game handled DLC
>Sonic Origins does the exact same shit
Either Sega or the survey participants are extreme retards.
>Look at Sonic Mega collection
Doesn't count, that was when SEGA was dying and pathetically desperate, not the same as today where the movie saved Sonic again.
it's just $28 dolaroos in mexico
mexico keeping your lgbt shit away, laughing faggots and negros off and raking in vidya
it's good to be a chadxican
I'm convinced this was why this was delayed with no earlier announcement because Headcanon tried to make SEGA fix their shitty deal but they wouldn't budge so here we are now
Stealth knew oldfags would seethe, hence pic related the day before Origins was revealed.
>Cocky Sega for the first time since the mid 90s
Huh never thought I'd see the day. What's going to be the one two punch that the 32X and Saturn was for them?
Sega aren't cocky. Just stupid. The sonic movies are only a pretty good success. Nothing crazy. And video games make way more money than movies. Fantastic box office numbers don't mean nearly as much to Sega as even decent game sales.
Sonic Frontiers flopping
And bad business decisions over probably some shit like valkyria chronicles
Do we even know how much in royalties they're getting for the movies? Are we sure they didn't just whore themselves out for a quick buck like Marvel did with Spiderman back in the day?
Whoring themsleves out made them profitable for the first time in decades and allowed a inflated price when Disney acquired them
>And video games make way more money than movies.
Please provide edvidance , the only game to hit billions were Minecraft and Tetris. Plus, Sonic has only peaked in hundred of millions in games after 30 years.
The movie is nearing that in 5.
Bro it's 14 bucks for a single movie ticket. 60-70 for a video game plus dlc. Per person. Do the math.
Do you seriously think more people buy fucking Sonic games over a actually passible Sonic movie?
Go fuck yourself, no one bought Forces or Lost Shit.
>Do you seriously think more people buy fucking Sonic games over a actually passible Sonic movie?
Are you fucking retarded? It doesn't matter if more people saw the sonic movie than played the games or not. We already know Paramount takes a huge cut from segas profit from the movies. And 1 to even 3 people buying a movie ticket still doesn't equate to a SINGLE video game sale. It is a known fact that video games on average male way more than any other piece of media because of how overpriced video games are.
Still a better deal than Super Mario 3D All-Stars.
Seethe more, spaz.
>It doesn't matter if more people saw the sonic movie than played the games or not. We already know Paramount takes a huge cut from segas profit from the movies.
That's not the point retard, god yo're fucking stupid
Who cares where the money goes, facts are 1 million sonicucks (at most) actually paying for SEGA's trash when the games haven't been a full 60USD since like fucking Unleashed (I'm nearly certain even Generations was like 50USD) verse at most a family or group of friends of ~3-6 people = ~50 dollars on average by your logic they are not that far off, but the only difference is that now there's 100s of millions of people actually watching this world wide instead of the less than 5% of total actual diehard Sonicfags that, again, "possible" paid full price for a Sonic game instead of just fucking pirating it like they keep claiming they've been doing for the longest of time
Again, citation needed, because there's no hint that the movies aren't doing better figures than the games since no one wants the games since they are shit while the movie proved themselves that they can be less than adequate at worse and actually respectable at best.
What's it like living as someone who can only communicate in memes and buzzwords?
It's funny since Disney probably could have gotten all that shit ten years earlier for like $5 million but paid a premium since Xmen and Spiderman made fucking bank for Fox and Sony. Didn't help that Ironman turned out to be a hit too.
Not even, there should be 1 game and that's it. No fucking split content shit.
They should stop making games. Not worth it.
Do you mean jewellery because of all the rings??
It's literally an emulated romhack, holy fuck you guys are dumb
>Again, citation needed
I don't need a citation because this is common knowledge. I'll do you one better. Find a source anywhere for me that says movies (outside of capeshit) have ever compared to video games sales in terms of sheer profit. I'll save you the trouble: you won't find it. Hell, sonic origins will make Sega more money than the new sonic movie. 45 dollars for old games being sold on just about every platform with royalties they have to pay to those platforms that are not even half as bad as what I guarantee paramount is taking from them. The best thing about the sonic movies for Sega is that they make people want to play the games. Which is the entire purpose of the movies.
>He doesn't know
Kys newfaggot.
> don't need a citation because [insert coping mechanism]
Last (You) for tonight, take it or leave it.
>you're a newfaggot for not knowing about some sonicshit game announced a week ago
Kill yourself election tourist
>literally an emulated romhack
haha lmao
No, you're a newfaggot for not recognizing what the Retro Engine is, fucking zoomer retard.
Lol newfag doesn’t know the retro engine
I don't need to waste my time with a source for this because it's as stupid as providing a source for 2+2. Obviously youve never learned math in your life. Go brush up on your multiplication notecards faggot
what do the bonus coins do?
Unlock some shit or something.
>cut out title screen finger wag animation
>try to resell it to you as dlc
that'rr be forty dorrar prus tax firthy retarded gaijin
Kill yourself furfags. Literally no one gives a fuck about modern Sonic, I haven't played a Sonic game in over two decades.
The classics have perfect emulation so native port or not makes no difference
The problem isn't really the chart (getting all of the extra shit is only a $5 upcharge), but the base price being $40. Mania was half that at initial release.
>Faggots complain about this
>Yet millions of faggots bought the 3D mario collection for $60 and those were emulated titles with no new content at all
>Making up headcanons just to get mad
Meds, my guy.
>Retro engine
>Modern sonic
please either learn how to search things up online, how to use your brain, or stop shitting up this thread.
Wasn't Mania $30? I don't remember it being $20. Either way, even though it seems like a good release, this shouldnt be anymore than $20.
>Assumes everyone is him
>Widescreen isn't a difference
pffft- ahahah lmao
Genesis classics collection is like 5 bucks on sale constantly
>No argument
>Random sperging over modern Sonic despite this being a classic Sonic project
>being an elitist
Look here shitstain. The games have literally perfect emulation. Why the FUCK should I care about "le native port!!!" when it offers zero functional improvements in the classic games
Now slurp your shit for $40 you braindead fucking golem
Should have remade all sprites and sounds, how lazy