If youre going for a strength build why would you use any other colossal weapon besides pic related? I was thinking of using the grafted blade but since you cant change the ash on it, shit is just inferior. You cant even put a grease on it like you can with the Greatsword. Shit feels like fromsoft didnt even try to balance weapons at all.
If youre going for a strength build why would you use any other colossal weapon besides pic related...
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The guts sword can't create stone explosions that launch enemies 30 feet in the air
R2 on guts greatsword sucks. Zweihander has the poke which has a huge range, and Troll Golden Sword has the mixup overhead slam that can rollcatch with half-charged R2s in PVP. Also, guts greatsword is heavy as dick. Also, Grafted sword has more damage as well as a self-buff that can open up avenues for using incantations/sorceries at lower FTH/INT. For any other weapon class, I'd agree that there are definitely certain options that stand above the others (Lordsworn SS is a big one), but for colossal swords, this is such a shitty non-issue.
Because the ruins greatsword is cool, and so are great stars.
didnt they just buff grafted damage? how is it compared to greatsword
>If youre going for a strength build why would you use any other colossal weapon besides pic related?
Because the Staff of the Avatar looks great and has the strongest butt slam in the game.
I like big hammers
I liked how the Greataxe was lighter and I wanted a more unique sword. Grafted Blade was fun because of its style and its more defensive orientation with its WA. My first playthroughs are usually chunkier boys because it's just satisfying to see a build pay off, so having more weight to spend on armor or greater defensive values/better resistances feels good.
>1 second apart
based and bonkpilled
You act like the only colossal weapons are the Greatsword and the Grafted Blade Greatsword. There's more colossal weapons in the game, retard. And no, I won't recommend any to you. Go find them yourself.
>guts sword
Retards spotted.
For me its the Godalayer greatsword.
Its cliche but on most first playthroughs I feel compelled to use it the most. Fell in love with it in DS2 and stuck with it since.
>Though handling it likely requires the wielder to have surpassed the realm of the merely human,
it is precisely for this reason the weapon is used to slaughter even inhuman foes.
If you think this isn't a berserk reference coupled with miyazaki's track record you are beyond deluded.
The Guts first run is the chad first run
Faggy shit like dex and spells are for NG+
Greatsword has 84% physical blocking.
Also, did they send the text to be translated without visual references? How come it's called Greatsword when that's already the name of an entire category of lighter swords.
I wanna try dual anchors. Not sure what to put as their WA. Or if all the smithing stones for two weapons are worth it for them.
Pair it with a jar cannon and a veteran's prosthesis to become a true man of the sea.
Because you can get good with anything, stop being a metaslave and embrace the challenge.
The most based man on earth.
Anyways, I only use the greatsword, but Im beggining (at level 130 on giants lands with level 19 greatsword) to use other weapons and status effects. But I only use them when helping faggots, I went for poison bleed razor gauntlets and frozen claymore, and took out the heavy shield wich was what I was using to defend myself. I like not having to deal with timing and shit, but for fuck sake most of the enemies just use mixed damage and tear the shield out anyways.
You can just use what you like 90% of the time. The scaling won't matter unless you're in some retarded level of ng+. Personally I enjoyed doing a run with the royal greatsword and a golem halberd,
>t. someone who never used the block function in any of the souls games.
Solo A scaling is actually pretty nice, and if im not wrong it got buffed. (Only reason I go for heavy instead of freeze or bleed) add berserker rage and I get 900 damage from jump attacks and 650 from pokes
Twohanded at 61 do
>retarded dick sniffer can't greentext properly
The Golem's Halberd is also a great colossal weapon with huge range.
And the Grafted Blade WA is Endure with a bonus to resistances, so it'd be better for ungaing through, say, 2kat.
They're guaranteed dropsright? I have like 5 of them.
That or you are just that lucky.
Royal Greatsword is better, it's WA has pretty good poise and dunks on anything that isn't a Royal Revenant
I've seen like 10 Golem Greatbows and maybe the same amount of halberds. Meanwhile I couldn't get the pickaxe from those fuckers in the caves for a solid 30 minutes.
Low rangd, int requirement, second WA attack will never hit even with panic rolling
Berserk is the MLP of anime
and thats a good thing
>Shit feels like fromsoft didnt even try to balance weapons at all
Yeah, this is it actually. They gave the Greatsword the highest damage out of all the normal colossal swords so there's no point in the others except like using the zwei at the start if you just don't have the carry weight to use the Greatsword comfortably. It's on them to give you a reason to use the others.
Sword Dance on one of them, at least.
I'll try it out.
>greatsword with bloodhound's step on right hand
>grafted blade greatsword on left hand
Why pick one when you can have both?
i don't see a problem in being forced to use the most aesthetic weapon with the most dopamine drop feeding feel in the game
wouldn’t that be JoJo though?
the zwei is lighter and has the poke
I'm not even a beserk fan and I call it "guts sword" just calling it "greatsword" generates too much confusion amongst people
I'm a Giant Crusher man, myself.
I didn't get Bloodhound Step on my first playthrough but now I have this and I'm using this weapon and wow this is busted, just cleaved Renalla's asshole first try.
Kinda genuinely shocked they haven't nerfed bloodhound step yet.
I was looking at watchdog greatsword but it's not a guaranteed drop and I really don't want to farm those
Guts is literally a quality build tho
This beauty with S scaling
Where my Str Int bros at?
Ruins greatsword
Giant-Crusher, Crozier
Why would I want to wield a sub-a-tier memeweapon instead of these?
I really want to love this weapon. Big unga, fantastic damage and stagger, and blocks like a greatshield now. But the shitty R2 that you can't even charge and the fact that it obscures your view just make it feel like ass to actually play a lot of the time.
I dual wielded them for a long time, now using one paired with a shield. It's a good weapon.
i hate the 'unique' weapons too, because they cuck you out of so much customization. being able to switch around your ash of war, based on the encounter is really useful and makes the game more engaging.
Blaidd's sword has flippy.
Love this thing. This is the build I've been using lately, wanted to use a fuckhuge sword and a fuckhuge shield as well. Functions to great effect and I have enough faith for some pocket pistol incants and massive damage buffs with Flame, grant me strength
The sweep r2 is a good autotimed rollcatch on a few things, and has wicked range. Frankly I use the zwei and troll sword as well, I like them all and they all have different purposes.
Greatsword also makes the best shield lol
This is my other favorite colossal
The great spear r2s and massive range are nice, and it looks cool.
Did you just post a pve build.
Considering they just buffed a bunch of weapons a few days ago it wouldn't surprise me if they implemented a method or made it so you can find the Ashes of War for unique weapons down the line.
How the fuck did you come up with that number lul
I just cropped it so you could see the weapons
golem's halberd is probably the strongest one in the game
- ashable etc
- solid damage
- low stam cost swings
- insane range
- for charged r2s enjoyers, the second one comes out about an entire second quicker than any other colossal's that i've tested
It's also clean looking
>STR build
>Highland axe right hand
>Iron round shield left hand
>Hero starting armor
Done. No need to compensate for small pp.
My STR/FAI build likes this one
this right here is the response of a man that got BTFO by berserk chads, rest in peace
>golem halberd invasions
>it's actually Raptor of the Mists invasions