How am I supposed to drive to my gaming office with these prices?

How am I supposed to drive to my gaming office with these prices?

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I save money by playing my switch while driving. Well, it's more like saving time because you have to pay the gas either way. But it's more effecient, then I don't have to wait to get some game time in.

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Oh no not the heckin gas pricerinos. I have to pay a few dollars more per gallon, the economy is sure to collapse!

I think it is time we celebrate these people, French Style.

Some people have to drive to their gaming station dude. Show some respect to those gamers

>mfw have been uber/dd driver for 3 years now
>mfw these past 2 months
>literally losing money driving now

fucking end it bros

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stupid fucking america why did we become heavily oil dependant and car centric after ww2 dumb fucks holy shit

Plays fortnite and other cuck games for 12+ hours to watch his wife's boyfriend work out

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we need another holocaust

I think its time we start gassing the Jews and all of their billionaire friends

Buy an electric car.
Stop destroying the enviorment.

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If your profit margin was so slim that paying more for gas puts you in the red, then you need a different job because you are being used.

one fucked up solar attack and society is done for especially if we only have EV, besides the root problem is cars

(((BlackRock co-founder)))
god I hate Jews like you guys wouldn't believe

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Maybe stop driving lifted dually and rolling coal? Not my problem chud

I'll gladly buy an electric car, just as soon as they cost a few 10s of thousands of dollars less and my building installs charging stations in every parking space and a more significant nationwide charging infrastructure is put in place.

Just drill the oil you have, retards

WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STOP BUYING OIL FROM RUSSIA. Biden is solely to blame for high gas prices.

Who the fuck drives to their game system??? Why isn't it in your house?

>That sock tan


We'll have one soon considering the original was caused by supply issues, food shortages and disease as well

boomers? yeah I agree


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The US doesn't import oil from Russia, you retard. The price of oil is dictated by more than where any one specific country gets its oil from, it's dictated by a global market.

Well we're not allowed to have gaming consoles at the podshare, so you have to rent a daily gaming space elsewhere. E-cafes or hotdesks.

Despite having a fulltime job for over 5 years now I've never bothered getting my driver's license so I like seeing articles like this

What about other shit that needs gas, like helicopters and backup generators?

really makes you think

don't be stupid.

People like you are going to get eaten when the world really goes to shit

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Or you could, you know, make civilian infrastructure that isn't hostile if you don't own a car.

I would love too but there are too many retards that are against it. everytime we try to set up a new pipelines theres hippies in their oil product kayaks blocking the tankers

good goy

I'm not. I have a car, I have to drive to the office and the grocery store just like any other wage slave. I don't fucking care about the price of gas going up by a dollar, boo hoo.

>Very entitled generation
>words from the mouth of a boomer
Holy shit, somebody put this faggot down.

>the free market is made of globalist fags

For some people, a few dollars more on gas can be what stops them being able to make it to work

>calling people entitled
Really activates my almonds there.

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It's just business bro. Which i find to be a hilarious thing how that phrase usually has a villainous implication. Really gets to the root of Capitalism

>mocking the poor
>calling others chud
get some fucking principles, man. not just spite.

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because the top 1% arent making enpugh money already
jesus fuck, how can anyone fall for this, let alone an entire country? Mutts are retarded beyond caricature at this point

>I wish these fires were hotter
>my tumors aren't malignant enough
>I'm so good at energy

These guys really dont realize how close the population is to freaking out on both sides if theyre willing to poke the beast like this

>a $10 voter ID is racist because it's too expensive for the poor exploited POC folx
>shit costing too much? just buy a whole new car chud!
And then watch the left turn on whichever government subsidises buying electric cars because it puts money into the hands of Elon Musk, not that they had any problems with putting billions into the pharmaceutical 'le evil insulin-denying satans' industry

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And what about all the people who don't live in cities?

You really want to keep denying a peasant revolt. Don't you?

Shit dude I'm sorry you didn't adequately prepare for your own future despite everyone screaming at you to do so during your childhood and adolescence. Was it worth flunking out of high school and hittin the dabs with your buds so you can suffer an endless struggle of poverty because gas goes up by a fucking dollar? Eat shit and die so the rest of us can stop hearing about your own fucking mistakes.

>axed keystone pipeline
>Russia says lmao no more oil
>Biden scrambling
Clown show.

It’s too late for that in America, everything was already built in a way that requires a vehicle to even get to the shops

Why should I care about them? They contribute nothing to our civilization. We don't need a bunch of rednecks living below the poverty line in places like west Virginia doing what exactly, selling drugs, working at gas stations, etc?

>Nothing in life happens outside of your control
I can't tell if underage or just really fucking stupid.

Some trannies with guns aren't gonna do anything

Woah 8%, you sure showed me. That alone must explain why gas has gone up by a totally disproportionate amount.

Gasoline is possibly the single most important part of our lives, having it be even slightly more expensive is bad, bad news.

Stop driving normies around and start neeting it up
You can play vidya all day everyday then

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(((blackrock founder)))

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>Blackrock goon calling anyone entitled
Gaslighting prick. It's entitlement when wageslaves need gas to drive to work, but it's not entitlement for a dystopian firm like Blackcock to fuel their gambling addiction and hoard entire housing markets as "investments" with their tax dodged wealth. It's not like wageslaves need to live in houses or anything like that.

Hey retard you know those people supply our crops right?

>buy e-cars
Go fuck yourself:

Yeah one to three thousand a year more is affordable when people lived paycheck to paycheck already before inflation went up 8.5% in one year.

It'd be a lot fucking worse if someone like Mexico was out. America sure wants that, since they seem to be pressuring them to play into their political bullshit.


I was making $3000 a week my dude. And I got to make some cool friends.
I guess I will, I have enough money to pay for my rent and stuff for 3 years I will just wait out the ubsurd prices.

Explain it to me then. What happened in your life that was so beyond your control that you've been unable to function like a responsible human being? Tell me of your struggle and emotional baggage that you and no one else has, tell me what makes you unique.

Reminder that every price hike in recent memory is entirely because of corporate greed and not the inflation boogeyman. Despite making record breaking profits every year even without increasing prices, companies hike prices anyway on goods and services because their execs don't want to make a few less $100,000 on their next $200,000,000 paycheck. Trickle down effect is an utter myth.

t. someone whose conservatard government attempted to give oil companies tax breaks to lower gas prices in the face of the recent pricing rise only to have the companies pocket the money and raise prices higher to where the government has to pathetically beg them to show customers mercy

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>West Virginia
Only thing growing out there are Opium overdose numbers.

>Entitled generation
>Blackrock co-founder

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Expecting 25% inflation and -30% economy down here after sanctions. That's being optimistic.
You guys have no idea how blessed you are.

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Lol no they don't. That's like ten people and an army of robots out in the plains. The South exists solely to provide cheap real estate for fuck off huge data centers. Try to keep up.

Wait I thought we suppose to talk about video game?

black rouk co founder is entitled to eat lead says me

opium overdoses caused by pharma and retard doctors.

>inflation doesn’t affect the prices of goods

Then you'll have to worry about electricity prices

And paying a dollar more for gas suddenly wiped that all out? Cry me a river.

during covid gas went down to $1.60. why cant everyone just go away?

I'm never pulling out a loan.

>itt commies and righties unite in claiming that demand doesnt affect prices

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Diesels what to watch for shipping costs, and of course oil is a big manufacturing input for most everything.

when are we leaving for mexico bros? america is goin down the shitter

I cant wait for the day every Capitalist Jew is hung from a fucking tree, the wealthy is getting a bit too brazen, time for a class war

You do realize where most resource extraction occurs, yes? Hell, most workers at refineries don't even live in cities. They commute in. You're gonna forcibly relocate fucking ENGINEERS to live on-site? Every chemical engineer I know lives two hours away from the plant in bumfuck nowhere surrounded by trees and nothing else.

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>farmers can't afford to run their machinery
>trucks, traibs and ships can't afford to run
>"nooo why am I hecking starving?! Cant the stores just get more food!?"
If only you knew the grave consequenses this will have

No they don't? They produce fucking corn syrup to sell to Mexico

no oil is for fags, just walk everywhere you weak faggot

my only demand is that somebody deals with these people. i don't care if they're on the right or the left.

Self-accountability is still a thing in my mind, I will never be hooked on drugs because I have willpower. Same reason I’m not overweight or unemployable.

we are, gas prices lead to worse quality of life, higher maintenance prices, higher food prices, higher internet prices which leads to higher hardware and video game prices
$70 is going to be the norm for video games next year, two years tops
you thought it can't get worse with video cards? it will.

>you have to be unique to be dramatically affected by stimuli
get a load of this retard, he's got his wires all fucked up

Based retard

Veneco here

He's right, Amerimutts have no idea how good they've had it, for far too long. They're about to understand what happens when your currency isn't backed by the petro dollar, and it will be glorious.

Oh, you thought the inflation has already begun?


bug people shouldn't post here. go away

traveling 4h a day everyday to and from work sounds like hell

If that 8% puts you from surplus to negatives, then yeah the price is gonna fucking explode.
Retard. And thanks to JIT inventory management being common guess what, surplus isn't exactly the goal

You're a weak, blood-sucking leech if you think being "affected by stimuli" is synonymous with being a poor piece of shit.

Those people are at least white. Their rock bottom is better than the rock bottom niggers you want to save in your cities.

That's great for your retard doesn't mean it isn't pushed on poor communities

>want one of these for 2d platformers

how retarded am I?

So why can't this be like any other country where they have remote but well-stocked work outposts / camps where the workers fly in for 6ish months at a time then fly home for the other 6 months

Why do we need disgusting shithole ""towns"" out in the middle of nowhere

Imagine saying this to a working-class american as he pummels you with the rest of the mob. It's not even spite at this point. It's just stupid.

It's even funnier when you know that Blackrock is under the wing of the Federal Reserve and that the Federal Reserve is the only reason inflation even exists.

Yeah, and those people will be held accountable for the betrayal of those people some day soon, don't worry. Opiates aren't people not being able to resist eating at McDonald's 4 times a week and getting fat, they're fucking ridiculous. People literally die from withdrawals.

>the people running the chemical plants are the large uneducated native population of shitholes like West Virginia
>not imported engineers
loving every laugh

>Those people are at least white

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>keystone pipeline
you cant convince me keeping that pipeline would have prices cheaper now its like telling me to not flush my toilet as often to save on my water bill

They've been poisoning the well for so long that you unironically have people claiming that inflation is healthy, normal, and unvaoidable. None of those things are true.

>Reminder that every price hike in recent memory is entirely because of corporate greed

lmao even

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>he just assumes I meant the gas prices cause he can't imagine a chain of causality more than one step long

They drive luxury SUVs and send their kids to private schools, they don't seem to mind.
Because that's retarded. We already do two weeks on, two weeks off. Only chinks and their chink/nigger slaves work those shifts and don't pretend otherwise.

economically left here, but fuck Jews and the education system they created for the US

yeah and I want those people to suffer and die

>veni pretending oil collapse was the reason his country turned to shit
The fuck?

Yes, people in West Virginia are overwhelmingly white. Cities are full of niggers and nigger lovers. A white person at their lowest will always be worth more fundamentally than a nigger.

I've lived in both rock bottoms, you are wrong, they are equally shit. all poor people are equally shitbecause being poor occupies all their brain power. get it through your head.

To be frank I don’t really about anyone in this country, let alone poor countries. I care about myself and my immediate family and I have no faith in things getting better because the same people who complain about all these issues in our society either directly cause them or vote for people who serve to contribute to them.

have a feeling you're asian.

You guys are legit dumb as fuck i always forget how dumb when i go to other boards.

Supply and demand have literally nothing to do with inflation.

cities are full of rich white people who deserve more than you and will easily take it from you since you are weak and deserving of death

You really are a fucking retard and you deserve to get absolutely crushed by inflation, you will only learn through blood.

every single statistic on this matter says otherwise retard.
>i'm going to call everyone else stupid and not say what i believe because i'm a pussy

>They drive luxury SUVs
4h a day+8h of sleep+2h for food intake. every single day. living like this is hell. you are essentially an ant worker, I bet they dream of retirement every day.

You don't actually know what inflation is, do you?

Did you take your meds? I never said that. A number of factors contributed to our fall, the oil collapse just triggered the fall of our retarded leftoid economy held together by duck tape and handouts.

Then maybe they should read into what they’re putting in their bodies and not take things that are addictive for any significant period of time. Every video I’ve seen of opioid “victims” are either morbidly obese whites and blacks who can barely sputter out a sentence fragment.

He is right. And you are a faggot who supports boomers raping your wallet.

when america has become brazil those "people" are going to suffer more than anyone else.

>BlackRock co-founder

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every single "statistic" (read: interpretation of a statistic) that you peddle anyways. meanwhile I take it you've lived in neither.

white american from kentucky. I have been raised to hate poor white people. loathe them. I hate niggers and bug people too don't worry. but the white race should not accommodate its weakest members. Help me shed them

They work 9-80s and have four weeks of vacation.

>A white person at their lowest will always be worth more fundamentally than a nigger.

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Hope you faggots have also stocked up on food, because shit is gonna get real fucking bad

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Blacks and browns start killing whitey
Whitey let them because they dont want to be racist

you're an actual bug.

At what point if any will like 200 assholes just say fuck it and go assassinate as many rich fucks as they can?


>When we can cure any disease, we will never have to worry about being sick anymore!
This comes from the actual white house.
It's unironically over.

Explain then, sheltered amerimutt nigger retard. Can't wait for boomers to die and retarded tranny commie millenials to get into power and absolutely wreck what was left of your economy with retarded lefttoid policies that already failed everywhere else "b-b-b-b-b-but it was supposed to work this time noooooo!!!" let's see who you blame then.

its executives should be lined up for execution by firing squad at this point i used to be right-wing but (((They))) infilitrate both sides of the political sphere, i have no sympathy for any one who is wealthy be they from the tribe or not

poor white kids from the middle of nowhere created america. every single fucking notable engineer at bell labs in its heyday has a wikipedia page that says "bumfuck, nowhere" on the right.

>when this thing happens and it totally will then you will be totally wrong you'll see

He's not right. You need to learn what inflation is. You're the one supporting your own wallet getting raped because you're too stupid to understand how central banks operate.

Other engineer here, I don't do that travel shit but I know others that do and they're just workaholics; they see it as 4 hours work (travel) to get 10.5 hour days of doing what they love doing

Never. Rightoids and conservatives are cucks who have being submissive written in their DNA. Someone or a corporation is supposed to dictate them what to think and what to do. They don't want it any other way.

You can't fucking tell me that this shit wasn't engineered. The US and the third world are gonna be completely fucked.

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>the largest asset manager in the world
>basically controls all the world's wealth and has almost all nations under their thumb
>single-handedly responsible for inflation

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It's literally happening around you.

Right… I hate the trash infesting my country and I’m the problem right? Not good enough that I push myself everyday to be productive and keep myself in good shape, pay my taxes to keep welfare programs afloat and have to see this decay around me wherever I move to. I should be more like them right?

>price of potatoes goes up by 5% from the supplier due to a rough year
>grocery store already making 500% profit on potatoes sold raises price by 30% because of this
>price of potatoes goes from $3 per bag to $4
>despite the increase in profit far beyond the price increase from the supplier, greedy stores still pay employees dirt besides execs who need billions apparently

yeah go ahead and blame inflation on why everyone is broke, not the real insidious cause.

Yes. Literally commit less crime than the richest of pocs.

>they think the media circus is what's actually going on with Venezuela's economy
lol. rofl even

>kill rich people

>other rich people move to other countries
>everyone has no job because no rich people to give them money
>poor people die in the masses

yeah you go try that user. I'm sure you'll be one of those 200.

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Exactly, I just basically have 10% less money, who gives a shit that's like $1 if I have $10

we need more tax cuts for the oil companies so they can afford to lower gas prices

This. Fuck them. And fuck SJWs with muh gender shit. Most inportant thing is having a job and a place to live, then you can be a faggot all you want. Imagine thinking being validated (when people irl dont give a shit about your sexual shit) is more important than fighting to have a place to live.
I had to go back to my home and I have fucking anxiety because of that. But hey, I guess my generation thinks some unknown people thumbing their fingers because you are a tranny is more important

None of that means anything if you don't drag people up with you. You're a bug.

>heckin gas pricerinos.
>inflation boogeyman
We really have so many retards in this country. I need to get the fuck out of here.

Venezuela is heavily sanctioned. And probably got more cornered when Maduro got in place.

your post is a faggotbrained delusion but I appreciate you ousting yourself as a dipshit boomer retard by bringing up bell labs lmao okay grandpa. there's a ruling class in America and poor white people aren't in it. they're shit. kill them now

But America was build by poor white people you stupid retard

>These guys really dont realize how close the population is to freaking out on both sides
People say this all the time. Until people are literally being starved and the lights are off nobody is going to do shit because of the bystander effect. Even then it will end up being a holodomor situation.

I bet you think Costco hotdogs make their stores cash as well. You severely underestimate transport and labor costs surrounding goods if you think they’re making 500% profit on anything in their stores.

Legit Based!

its just a keyboard with big ass buttons

Oh my god you are stupid. Why are you pretending to have an opinion when you don't know what inflation is or what causes it?

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Fucking how? Between the uptick in orders from less people wanting to drive and charging customers a new gas fee that goes to the driver (at least in my area), I'm making a fucking mint during this jewstorm.

>America's literally Brazil
in the poor white areas maybe? Live in the better parts where we kill those fags and throw them into the ocean

enjoy ruling your pile of shit when an eastern coalition leverages the global south to rule the world. those people built the best country in the world and today's ruling coalition has torn it to shreds