What is your biggest vidya green flag?
What is your biggest vidya green flag?
A free demo for the game
The romance options are consenting adults.
when will we get to a point when OPs start posting 3DPD
POC protagonist
That doesn't guarantee a good game
OP said green flag user
ew gross
No but it certainly raises my tolerance significantly.
Who even likes this 3D realistic shit
>has a demo or multiplayer beta on PC
>is from a favorite dev, Type-Moon, Ice-Pick Lodge, Vanillaware, etc
>Isn't by a dev based in C*lifornia
>no dailies or any systems that try to control my irl time
>no gambling mechanics that use fictional currencies converted from real currencies
>great soundtrack
Go watch the new Prisma movie! It's okay!
Honest answer, a lot of tech/mechanics. Recently I played Ultrakill, it was good.
Also I like fun boss fights.
all white dev team. alternatively:
It has illya in it
>actual pedo
Any game that lets me pretend my little wife is in it is a good game. All roguelikes are good games.
that's spiderman dude
Fate Illya > Prysma
I've bought games because Yea Forums made threads about them, in particular and explicitly only the games with cunny in them I did not buy Onirism however
I wish I was Illya so I could sit on Anons faces.
is where you would fit desu.
Fukken saved.
check the filename faggot
But who asked to see skin pores?
Prisma has a new movie?
Time management/limits. I savescum a lot but I love optimizing the fuck out of any situation with pressure.
a hideo kojima game
Yeah, it directly follows the end of the show's last season and Miyuverse Shirou Prisma movie. It just came out in Japan last Fall
>Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Licht Namae no Nai Shoujo
...or out of it
This but unironically
If a game has cunny then the devs are guaranteed not to be woke
Just put Eriko Nakamura's name somewhere in the casts credits and I'll buy your game
Not necessarily, sometimes even the most woke devs can create the finest cunny by accident TLoU1
No option to pre-order.
>you can romance cute girls
I buy games with demos even if I don't like them
Cuny is in ruines!
I can make a tanky character.
If my adorable daughterwife Klee is in it.
Having a lewd but cute dominatrix is always a strong green flag. Being a goddess helps a lot too.
I don't remember anything that happened in the last season. It's been years and I'm not rewatching everything.
Theres only one correct answer.
3 obvious
As a nipple cunnysseur, I'd pick 4.
where the fuck is the "all of the above" option?
3 no contest
Tomoyo is way too fucking thirsty, kinda wonder how she coped with being just friends with Sakura for her whole life, guess she simply followed on her mother's example and seethed eternally.
Lolis shouldn't have asses that fat.
Yeah but they are old hags now
Based Friend
People love to try and shit on their games but it's really impressive that they've made nothing but good games for over ten years now. What other company has done that recently? The only "bad" game is DS2 which people still like and defend,
You're right, of course. They should be fatter.
I thought you were going to say Hat game
Hell yeah.
Based tummy bros
Resource systems. Gold, minerals, vespene gas.
Only answer "1" is related to reproduction, so your all wrong.
>you can reproduce via licking
I think you need to redo sex ed
game has cute girls
>Only answer "1" is related to reproduction,
You cant reproduce with your tongue.... or can you?
Why do you have cum on your tongue?
Imagine them rubbing their tummies together.
They surely are pregnant after that, yeah.
This but while pregnant and me in the middle