Has a videogame ever made you cry?
Has a videogame ever made you cry?
Maybe, but not that I can remember.
Nier Gestalt.
I nearly cried when mario got cucked by bowser
reminder that women find weak men very unattractive
Reminder that women are subhuman fuckmeat who should be antagonized and then sprayed in the face with bear mace.
Yeah at the end of Red Dead Redemption. Partly because I thought I had a chance at winning the final duel but failed.
who cares about women
reminder that women's opinions are never hecking valid
End Roll
Once. During the climax of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness. Thought I was going to lose my partner forever. 8 year old me bawled like a bitch.
who cares what women think? lmao
Is she next to Nikocado?
When the my friend Metroid died. Also Norn9, fuck that game.
Closest I got was a bit of lump in my throat at the end of MGS4 after I replayed the entire series in chronological order.
brothers to the end
>puts a hoe before his bro
yeah final fantasy 14
Unironically true. I told this one girl I liked how I used to be depressed because of my dead ma and she ghosted me afterwards. I didnt even bring it up in an awkward moment, we were going fine
Ff7 remake trailer. Shit took forever to arrive.
Games and movies never make me cry.
Except for sad dog movies. Maybe it's their pure innocence and my pure hatred for humans
I keep losing in tekken online. I've cried many timez
mgs3 final cutscene
how? at worst i get angry for a 10 seconds but i never cried
The opening and ending cutscene in KH3
The ending of Crisis Core
I cried in front of a girl I just started a relationship with and she almost immediately broke up with me
why are you such a fag?
I unironically cried during Yakuza 0. You know the scene already
you need to beat her up to reassert dominance
I ask myself this every day
Link's awakening ending
What about in a Dommy-Mommy scenario?
i had an emotional breakdown in front of a woman i knew for 3 days and she's been my wife for about 6 years since
it happens user
Unironically, i reached the point where only non human and innocent things can make me feel emotions.
Silent Hill 2. Everything from the Hotel Reveal to the In Water ending. As soon as the VHS ends I just feel empty and I cry when Mary starts talking.
Ive played the game at least twice a year and I still cry at it.
Unironically very heartwarming, thanks for sharing user
She's putting up with you for your money and attention.
sonic origins
FF15's ending made me cry, but probably only because I had put my dog down that morning.
I cry whenever a loving parent loses their child.
The first time you see her die.
She calls out for you and you can't do anything.
Whole game just beats you down.
Metro exodus 3, the good ending.
I find women in general to have a hefty sense of entitlement so it balances out since the feeling of disdain is mutual.
Came here to say this
Except I cried at the "It's not Marimo-chan, it's Jinguuji-sensei!"
>Whole game just beats you down.
You really think so? It's a pretty positive story if you get the good ending.
Greatest Horror Game ever made
>be me
>dating a girl for a year or so
>crazy in love, sex is incredible
>never talk about my feelings
>relationship is going great
>gf buys me a journal one year for my birthday and tells me to start writing in it
>write all my insecurities down, how I actually feel about myself, life, everything
>gf asks to read it one day, so I let her
>her pussy immediately dries up, sex becomes boring, have to buy lube because she's in pain all the time from being so dry
>I stop having sex with her because shes a dead fish now
>relationship starts falling apart
>she says we need to take a break and fucks some dude the next night
>break up with her, never talk about my feelings to anyone ever again
Can confirm. If a girl finds out too many weaknesses or insecurities about you too quickly she will instantly lose attraction towards you.
um, video games?
RE2 when Sherry is crying over her mom, twice during that new GOTG game, the first time in that dream sequence and then at the end when you make the blue loli cry. Shit cuts me right to the heart. I watched my mother take her last breath, I won’t ever be able to come to terms with that.
dont care fuck foids
as a woman, we are worthless and so are our opinions
You fell for the old bait and switch huh buddy? Normally I'd mock you but women are trecherous when it comes to convincing a man to open up then ditching him. Sorry you had to find out the hard way, mate.
Women in general don't want to deal with other people's problems, even if it's just listening
Remember kids, never bring your problems to women, that's what friends are for
This reads like a shitpost, are you serious
I was playing PS2 games, I don't really remember how old I was. Between 16 and 20 probably. So I was either playing RE4, GTA SA or some shit like that for the millionth time, running around, doing nothing, after killing a bunch of people and having a minute of peace to figure out what I wanted to do next, and this thought I sporadically felt before actually sunk in all the way:
>"You haven't been enjoying videogames at all in months now."
And it was true. I was playing not to think and face failures and real life. I was hiding from social activities and the hardships that made life worth living. I wasn't having fun and, thinking back, I couldn't really think of when was the last time I was happy, let alone genuinely enjoying a videogame.
I had no real friends, no real loved ones, no skills, no drive, no goals.
And I got so angry and frustrated at myself a couple of tears started to flow down my cheeks, even though I had never cried past childhood despite all the shit that happened to me throughout the years.
They felt like they were burning me. They felt like they were slowly revealing a void inside of my chest I had been filling with senseless entertainment all my life. My face was red and felt like as if scolding and my body felt weak and hollow.
>"You wasted your life. Vidya, films, series, cartoons, YouTube and more won't help you escape. You feel so lonely and useless. You even got into let's players for years to avoid accepting this. You aren't choosing this. You are a weak addict. And you wasted your life because of it"
And it was true. I tried and I tried and everything I try to consume to have fun and avoid what seems inevitable like a weak bitch feels hollow and dirty. I can't enjoy anything anymore for more than a few hours total, and that's in a lucky strike. Video games? Not a minute of fun. Instant boredom. No "time off" fixes it.
And even so, I'm still fighting the urge to hide in this shit every day. And loosing way more than winning.
FFX made me cry when Yuna tried to hug Tidus one last time and passed through him
i was a bitch back then though
You don't show weakness to anyone not only to girl's, I'm not saying man doesn't have to have weakness but just keep them for yourself. You're not a woman.
This is a feels thread
I am comfortable enough to admit that I can shed tears from hype moments.
I don't know why it happens, but I was crying during the kirby finale from how stupid ridiculous it was.
touch astroturf
Who cares about women.
Yeah, feels good to be able to experience pathos