I might be late to the party but what did you guys think of the second Sonic movie
I thought it was really damn good
What are they gonna do for 3? Are they just gonna go over Adventure 2?
I might be late to the party but what did you guys think of the second Sonic movie
I thought it was really damn good
What are they gonna do for 3? Are they just gonna go over Adventure 2?
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Cmon guys
Solid movie,definitely better than first one sadly critics are retarded and i hope it gets released soon in digital
Without Carrey I don't think I'll care nearly as much. Doubly so if no big titty Rouge.
I literally cried with Super Sonic. My dumb 9 year old ass would've hated the movie but my grown ass loved every second of the movie.
Yeah, it was great.
Jim Carrey did SUCH a good fucking job in this movie!
I didn't expect to genuinely laugh as much as I did, he's really doing the character justice
Tails is cute! CUTE!
Are you guya being wankers or being serious?
The third movie WILL have Carrey
The third movie WILL be Sonic Adventure 2 the movie
Live and Learn WILL play in the final scene
It WILL be good
It was fun. Carrey was over the top as usual. Too bad he probably won't be in 3.
At first i was exhausted of his performance, but i realized he's trying to convey 1, his own version of the character, and 2, how every Eggman in the series was presented in the games and series.
Doubt its his last performance ever, maybe he's just trolling for more movie tickets
This, I hate doomers already saying the 3rd movie won't live up to these expectations.
It's Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey but Eggman has always been goofy evil so it actually works really well. Speaking of the sequel I wish owl mom wasn't dead.
Internet is serious business, user. I would never lie, specially in a sonic thread
Fowler KNOWS everyone is expecting this, he's not just gonna fucking disappoint everyone
It couldn't be more clear
loved it
and yes, definitely adventure themed
I liked the weird mix of Sonic Adventure and Sonic 3 the movie was. If they want perfect chaos they can throw him into knuckles' spin off show
Pretty much liked and hated the same things. A lot of it was pretty fun but Sonic's voice and nonstop cheesy normie tier jokes get old fast, ironically. Like, it's not super outta character for him to quip or make jokes or even have a nasally voice but it's not the best he's ever brought. I still managed to like him though.
The shit with the owl and babby Sonic is kinda weird and reeks of older script stuff i'm sure the current team would have changed if they hadn't been so deep in. I don't necessarily have a problem with him ending on on our planet but you can tell they were pushing and pulling with some origin ideas. The second movie incorporates a lot of good stuff though but still, having them come from alien worlds is sill a bit confusing.
I didn't mind the cop and wife as much as I thought I would and kinda really love his relationship with Sonic.
Jim Carry was hit or miss with me but when he hit he hit good.
Chaos Emerald and Super Sonic still feels a bit off to me but I still can't believe we got to see it.
Shadow had better be full on satirical edgelord in the 3rd movie. I want him to delivery lines without irony that sound so edgy it's funny.
I agree on Shadow 100%
They have to double down on his edge persona
I doubt they would. Probably going to mesh a bit of Adventure 1 and just follow Adventure 2's story.
>"Guys! Eggman is back! And he has some strange power called CHAOS. Knuckles, go and follow the trail (Rouge is introduced here)."
>Meanwhile Sonic and team has to solve the faker problem
I swear theres going to be this joke on the movie:
>"You sure thats not you on the video, Sonic? Havent we all gone to a dark phase in our lives?"
They just gotstoo man, he's such an edgelord so much it wraps around to being endearing like Virgil.
There's something that also dawned on me. Is Shadow edgelord enough for today's edge? By modern standards, he might feel too safe.
AND they need to use Escape from the City in the movie. Have Sonic snowboard down San Francisco while chased by a giant truck please.
If my 14 year old niece is any indication then he will fit in fine. If she was old enough to have grown up with Naruto like me she would have Sasuke and Itachi wallpapers all over her wall 100%.
my son liked it a lot which is what matters
I mostly enjoyed Jim Carrey going nuts
Carrey better mean he's retiring from movies outside of Sonic. Thought him as Eggman was a dumb choice at first but he's great. Maybe he sees Sonic as a fun sort of role where he can just goof off but it fits so it's less a job? Someone needs to ask him if he'd be up for another.
His speech about turning humanity into machines to serve him while he was high on emerald power finally solidified him for me as Eggman.
>ANOTHER bar fight
>main plot moves too quickly
>washing up near the next plot point after fainting in the literal ocean
at least the product placement wasn't as obnoxious
Nigger sister scene made for the perfect piss break. Must have been agony for everyone else and every child that just wanted to see more of Sonic
Isn't the new game release sort of a movie advertisement? They even added Tails and Knuckles to Sonic 1. Kind of a cool way to do it.
I must be getting older and more uncool because I accidentally got invested in her subplot with her agent fiance.
the dance scene was a lot of fun and was a cute moment for Tails
I really liked it
>What are they gonna do for 3?
Something with lock-on technology.
To me it was great. Usually in kids movies you see dance scenes at the end of the movie for some stupid reason (blame kids theater for that).
The fact that they incorporated a dance scene as a way for both characters to work together, develop a relationship and trust each other was fantastic for me
Then they fucked.
The fat black woman was cringe
Even more than the dance scene
i already coomed to sonic smut, user. You wont tempt me again tonight
The dance scene wasn't THAT bad
Those russians breakdancing were entertaining
>sadly critics are retarded
Always have been. Will always be.
It was the funniest scene in the movie and a nice break from CG cartoon characters.
Can Sonic 2 reach $400M?
I know,i just don't get how they fucking got that work,like for real imagine complaining about too much sonic in a sonic movie when their complain in the first one was not enough sonic
I'm still impressed the Uncharted movie did those numbers, my normie friends forgot that movie even existed lmao
or was it sony pumping numbers again?
Hasnt even opened in some countries. Apparently Japan wont even see it until August
Possibly better overseas. Did Sonic focus on domestic?
>Apparently Japan wont even see it until August
The fuck? Let me guess, 20 anime movies are playing right now
>Live and Learn WILL play in the final scene
Personally I'm hoping the rewrite a lot of it.
Mainly because they did such a good job with the 2nd move I want to see something new.
The question is
Will Live and Learn be remastered or changed in any way?
Will it be just an instrumental?
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From SA2, Heroes, and '06. Not ShTH and recent games.
Taxman already did it with the phone remasters a while ago. Sonic Origins is basically those on console, now.
>Not ShTH
I'm honestly 50/50 on it.
Keep in mind, Jeff Fowler worked on Shadow the Hedgehog, so it's anyones guess as to how he'll work.
who would you cast as shadow?
Last I heard they were between Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reaves and someone I forget
He was SO cute
In a perfect world, to perfectly channel the right amount of edginess, the only right pick is the dude that did the English dub for Sasuke. Reality? Some Hollywood dude.
>fucking Yuri Lowenthal as Shadow
yeah that seems about right
>we won't ever see cannon romance between them
bros... it hurts...
>Speaking of the sequel I wish owl mom wasn't dead.
I'm really hoping they explain what the fuck happened when Longclaw stayed behind after shoving Sonic into the portal. Because it pretty much looked like they were about to slaughter her, but Knuckles' backstory in 2 outright says none of his tribe returned from hunting Longclaw. So she either turned around and managed to kill an entire tribe of echidnas before succumbing to her wounds or (more likely) a third party swooped in and killed them all.
Third movie has to introduce Amy Rose.
it is all great except throwing in super sonic at the last minute. should have adapted perfect chaos in the 3rd movie and introduced it then (with that movie having the shadow post-credits).
I want owl mom to be alive. Don't care how or why.
It was a bad fucking movie, though.
I can't imagine actually thinking they did a good job. Sonic having a fucking father figure? The entire first half having nothing to do with the overall plot? The absurdly long sequence of the fucking sister-in-law's wedding which not only had nothing to do with Sonic, but had next to nothing to do with the overall plot? The abundance of fart jokes?
I mean for fuck's sake. It's a bad movie and a horrendous adaptation. I refuse to believe anyone thinks these are actually good movies. People just for some reason feel obligated to pretend they were.
If you cut all the humans (besides Eggman) plus the farts and dancing, you'd get a 45 minute movie which would have at least been a million times better than the full product.
There's no fucking way they can make that work man
I'd LOVE to fucking see them but how on earth could they make that happen
People have low standards for movie and games. And the Sonic IP. Its not that hard to understand. I just feel bad for any parent who not only had to drag their spawn to this movie but had to be near some manchild sperg who made Comicbook Guy look like an upstanding member of society.