Is Master Mode worth a playthrough in BOTW?
Is Master Mode worth a playthrough in BOTW?
>those hands
Master Mode in BOTW has a huge, gaping flaw: there's no way to tell if you're doing anything right.
I'm not sure how many times I've been killed by the same enemy after being told that it was the last time he would ever appear (with a big, bold exclamation mark). If I'd had more than five minutes of game play with him, I might have been able to make some progress and survive for longer. As it is, I died so many times against this one guy that I eventually turned off Master Mode and went back to Normal.
Of course, once I turned off Master Mode, I couldn't figure out where I was supposed to go next. Even though my map showed me that I should be on the path to Goron City, I kept wandering around until I found something else. I wasn't even sure what I was looking for at first; I just knew I needed to find something that looked like a chest. It took me quite a while before I realized that all chests were marked as such, so long as they weren't full of items or gold.
Nah, by the end game it doesn't matter. It just makes the beginning suffering if you don't know how to flurry/parry
Any fight you can't cheese, you spend 10 minutes and 5 weapons trying to kill, so no.
early game sucks since blue enemies are significantly more difficult than red so you'll die in one hit and take forever to kill them with your shit weapons. Later game the enemy upgrade isn't so important, instead the issue is the health regen. It starts up too quickly and heals too much to make fighting multiple enemies feasible without having some way to isolate them, some cheese to stun lock them, or instant kills of some kind. And really it's also a feel bad thing where healing just means you need to waste more durability to kill the enemy.
I do not understand any of this post. No, really, what are you talking about?
this reads like a chat bot post because it kind of seems on topic but makes no damn sense to someone who actually played the game
Only if you remove the regenerating health, it gets increasingly annoying as you progress the game but it's horrendous in early game because you have weapons that deal no damage and switching to a different weapon is long enough for them to start regenerating, especially if they run back a bit. It also makes the last or second to last master trial require a guide for what to keep and what not to keep because the Lizalfos room is impossible to complete if you mess up more than once since it relies on backstabs and rushdowns before running away.
The early game is also about completely avoiding enemies and only using bombs unless you've memorized the locations of things like the Edge of Duality. Even if you know where an EoD is you still need to get there, and it's only going to last you maybe five or six enemies that can all one-shot you. Gravity/falling rocks do not work on Black or higher enemies either. Blue enemies can die if a fast enough rock falls on them or they get knocked off of something like the highest level of the Gerudo canyon area, but Black tier enemies will not die even if they fall from the highest areas in the game.
Once you get to endgame you have your HP, stamina, and weaponry so all that changes from a Normal game playthrough is that golden enemies spawn and are even bigger damage sponges that give the same rewards as silver and you have Lynels healing so they take longer to kill.
Oh, and red enemies are almost impossible to find for the pictures. There's only like one area each of them spawn (Like the Moblin or Bokoblin around the bottom wall of the Great Plateau).
do you get slightly better weapons at the start from random enemies? i played master mode a while back and i think i got some weapons on the great plateau that were half decent compared to normal.
No, the only fun part is the balloon platforms. Health regeneration completely discourages fighting in a creative way. By the time you set anything up or try to move in after setting something up, their health is already regenerating. It's legit like every enemy has Call of Duty levels of health regen.
No. I'm doing a replay on CEMU with the Linkle mod for the hell of it and I have a single tier 3 club from one of the Black Bokoblins on the way up to get Cryonis, the rest have been the 4 damage clubs meaning you need to go through about three of them to kill a single Blue.
All it does is buff the numbers on enemies and gives them a regen. The starting area is almost unbearable because you can't get good weapons, but once you get off the plateau it's not that much of an issue. Because you can just go get some good weapons
Lies. In master mode there are extra enemies and chest that have good items.
No. The regenerating health and enemy scaling ruins it. It turns every interaction into that meme webm of link constantly stun locking a high level enemy until his weapon breaks.
If weapons had increased damage and durability it wouldn't be an issue.
Did spammers figure out that jannies don't play video games and develop camouflage to hide their garbage posts in plain sight?
I guess my inventory which is comprised of half Amiibo items is full of lies then. The hammer is from the Stasis trial and the upgraded equips are from Amiibo chests.
>and chest that have good items.
You mean the Ruby you can get next to Magnesis? The Switch shirt you can get next to Bombs? The DLC armor sets that are scattered everywhere so you won't get a full set unless you know exactly where they are? I don't recall any extra enemies being added unless you mean the balloon things, but unless you shoot the balloons down (Wasting three arrows) and are willing to run into 2+ enemies shooting at you to get maybe some arrows or rupees or very rarely a tier higher weapon you're relying on garbage a lot. Like I said, you have to know the spawn points of things like the EoD if you want good weapons for most of Master Mode since the progression into Soldier/Knight/Royal Knight is the same as on Normal so you'll be like 10-15 hours before Knight becomes a common pickup.
it's not that much of an issue even on the great plateau because avoiding combat in BotW is so easy. you can simply ignore and run past almost any enemy you encounter and once your past them they don't chase you.
i think the only enemies that can even have a chance of damaging link if he just runs right past them are the octoroks (smart enough to fire ahead of where you're running) and the big ancient guardians (actually will chase your ass down and kill you)
It's a prime example of artificial difficulty. They should have made it more survival based instead swapping out enemies with versions with more health.
Bokoblins with bows are also laser accurate at times, I died three times trying to get up to the Warm Doublet next to Cryonis because of that.
>the 4 damage clubs meaning you need to go through about three of them to kill a single Blue.
>on CEMU
Why are you not turning on higher durability?
Because I don't want to change durability, I want to deal with it like normal.
desu that's what i did after about 10 minutes into master mode. it improves the game greatly in my opinion
playing through the way the devs intended makes it easier to discuss the game with others. How can you answer someone asking if the game is well balanced if you change the balance yourself?
>anons don't know that most posts they read are just bots
hi. tell me more about most posts they read are just bots.
I knew Master Mode was shit the moment you run into two blue bokobins at the start and you literally cannot kill them because every weapon you pick up will break before you even deal 50% of their health. Then they just regenerate most of it back.
Even if you go around the special platforms to collect better weapons, those weapons will break before you can kill bloated HP monsters that kill you in one hit.
Master Mode scaled up the monsters but didn't scale up their weapons, so the game becomes pacifist mode until you get the Master Sword or real weapons. It shows the player that there's no reason to engage in combat unless it's for fun. I don't even think the Blights or Ganon are any stronger, they just have health regen and you don't have full health OHKO immunity.
It's a good time, probably the definitive way to play the game. The only thing I really struggled with was the room in the second sword trial with the Lizalfos on the bridge. Fuck that room.
>the game becomes pacifist mode until you get the Master Sword or real weapons
Hmm, that's kind of how I played the game deliberately so maybe I liked it more because it gelled with how I wanted to play
Master Mode just shows how shit the durability system is.
It sours the game.
each to their own, but yeah i liked the combat parts of the game and durability was a distraction from that for me
If it didn't make everything a fucking sponge it might be. As it is, it's just tedious. You're better off emulating it with one of the better rebalance mods.
Yes just finished it yesterday and was a blast. It's hard in the beginning but once you get the stronger weapons it get's easier. There are problems though. The regeneration is fine on low HP enemies but when you fight the higher HP enemies like silver/gold enemies and some bosses it gets frustrating fighting them because it takes forever to kill them especially when you have weak weapons and fighting multiple silver/gold enemies (thank god for Urbosa's fury). So overall I recommend it but know that you will die a lot and you can't cheese with bombs.
Is there any more robust rebalance mods than Hyrule Rebalanced?
It tones down the numbers of the game by quite a bit. Armor upgrades no longer break the game, but weapons and enemy damage is reduced by a lot. The only issue I have with it is that mini bosses like Hinox and Stone Talos are really bulky for some reason. Even if you use weapons that supposedly do more damage to them, I end up breaking 4-5 weapons on a single one.
>(Wasting three arrows)
Nigger you get free arrows from the archers on those platforms, just bait them to fire at you and you're golden.
I've met br*zilians with zero knowledge of English posting here through google translate
Sure, but the items you get from the floating platforms are almost never worth the time and expenditure. On my original Master Mode playthrough I went after them and wasted my time and it was always either like 50 Rupees, an Opal/Amber/rarely Ruby, or maybe a weapon that's one tier higher with no durability/attack upgrades.
Yeah, that's one of the weaknesses of the mod.
There's relics of the past but I haven't tried it yet myself so I don't know how it compares, just that it's popular and changes a lot.
There's also second wind but that's more a refresh than a rebalance and again, changes a lot.
Been a little while since I looked into mods so those are the only other two that come to mind. You could also just get a mod that add a new weapon at the old values for those tedious fights. I know I used the 'master katana' for a few fights that dragged on a bit too long like that.
Every group of floating platforms is guaranteed to give you a weapon, and their weapon loot is mid-high tier and ignores the weapon scaling.
Second Wind is more like the DLC expansions Nintendo released, it's not really a rebalance mod. It just adds some mechanics, enemies, armor, redoes how some of the shrines look (Magnesis now has a bunch of trees that I don't remember being there), adds in some quests, and adds in a couple minor villages I think.
>is guaranteed to give you a weapon
Then why in the hell was I getting Rupees? Was I confusing it with something else? Because I don't recall it being a chest out of the water or anything, I distinctly remember it being those floating platforms giving me garbage.
Lizalfos in general are the worst in master mode. They clearly didn't consider how much they like to dart around when slapping the regeneration on them.
Did you check every chest (sometimes there's multiple within a larger group of floating platforms), as well as weapons the enemies on there may have been wielding?
the first master trail was a bitch and so was the first part of the second trial after that it's piss easy.
That could have been it because there were usually multiple chests with the ones I went after.
What's the point of playing on a higher difficulty if you remove the durability?
That's nasty bro
Trial of the Sword has more hidden weapons in Master Mode. It's still a complete bitch with that one floor that has two Silver Lizafols surrounded by water. IF you knock them into the water they will run away and regenerate all their health.
The final trial gives you so much ancient arrows and as long as you can parry guardians it's the easiest of the three trials.
Lol shitters actually got filtered by master mode
Even though you know almost everything about the game from having played it once already
>the second sword trial with the Lizalfos on the bridge
This is the sole reason I learned to clip through walls.
Really? I was getting good shit. I even got a lynel spear right after I left the great plateau.
>The final trial gives you so much ancient arrows
To be fair, they hide them during the trial so you can end up with anywhere from like one to six for the Lynels later on.
Never use two handed swords/clubs on them because lizalfos always back hop on the second swing and it leaves you vulnerable so I've learned to just use spears on them.
skill issue
skill issue
skill issue
skill issue
skill issue
skill issue
skill issue
Fuck off retards, there are free OP weapons everywhere
what's the point of anything lmao
>that one floor that has two Silver Lizafols surrounded by water
FUCK THAT FLOOR! I almost wasted everything on that floor
lol who knows
Are you playing on an emulator without a controller? BOTW is pretty fucking easy except for the optional temple
An AI generated this post.
no switch
There's two extra chests with one ancient arrow. So in total you get 8.
Two for the Lynels and the rest go against the flying guardians. It's too risky to miss against the walking guardians so I go for breaking their legs and regular arrows to their eyes.
Get a controller at least
I play on Cemu with a Xbox controller.
Unironically I cannot do any of the motion control puzzles with the mouse. The one with the three switches and balls is impossible. I tried for 2 hours before just turning on moon jump cheat because there's not enough room for me to do a bomb boost over the gate.