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Other urls found in this thread:


Dude has Chad cheek bones, not gonna lie.


No u

Only if you come with me ;)

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>Yea Forums was featured not once, but twice on law & order

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wait a minute, is this shooped?

>anybody wanna help me bomb a store in toledo

It's hilarious how much /pol/ makes these kike writers seethe.

I bet they're browsing it right now.

>Delicious Recipies for fake poop
>Board: Yea Forums
>Replies: 528

sounds about right

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they leveled up

post any edits you still have saved

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>I actually think Pete Buttigieg has some reasonable ideas

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>Why book clubs are basically ISIS

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I feel those post titles were maybe written by someone who comes here. They're too good.


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>Why book clubs are basically ISIS

Didn't this guy end up on yellowstone

Is this episode as good as the gamer girl one?

>I haven't spoke to a human being in 20 years

I unironically thought Pete buttegieg had some reasonabke ideas

man at this point why don't they just post the /pol/ catalogue, it'll probably be just as wacky and even more entertaining

>Why book clubs are basically ISIS
Yea Forums literally blowing Yea Forums the fuck out

>How to kill a dog with your bare hands
I giggle every time

This one was always my favorite.

Attached: law and order sj.png (256x384, 78.82K)

what episode is this, this is fucking gold

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Yup those look like Yea Forums threads to me.

>how to make love to a pillow filled with motor oil
no way this wasn't a real thread at some point

Someone post the webm with all the gun edits.

>its not racism mom its common sense
Okay fess up
One of the writers HAS to lurk here. its too accurate

>Delicious recipes for fake poop

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This reads like parody.
They did their research.

I want to talk with gamergirls lurking this thread Quiro#5208

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I just realized thats fucking jimmy from yellowstone

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Whats the QRD on this dog and why am I seeing it everywhere all the sudden

>How to kill a dog with your bare hands
Ok so how do I kill a dog with my bare hands, genuinely curious

>not using your feet to stomp the dog to death
you didn't kill the dog

>Jefferey Epstien was NOT a CIA asset

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Supposedly you can cripple a dog by pulling its hind legs outwards.

I wouldn't know though, that's just what I've heard ;)

>Premeire: The Slap
A shame I'm apparently the only one who remembered that "show" when the more recently famous slap happened. Meme potential grounded to dust.

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He doesn't like homosexuals

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>only 6 replies

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[/spoiler] test [/spoiler]

just use ctrl+s dumbass

This is the episode where Ice T kept saying made up acronyms that "gamers" use right? That was especially cringe because he apparently is big into online gaming.

Special shout out to the Season 20 Episode 4 SVU one called "Revenge."

>The episode starts with a masked pizza deliveryman who assaults a seemingly random couple in their home, the Special Victims Unit is called in and learn that the victims were called "Chad and Stacy" by their assailant.

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What episode? I'll need to torrent now before seeds disappear at this point Gamer Girl is only on DDL

Underrated post

There is a technique to quickly dispatch a dog biting onto your forearm. Something about snapping its neck easily. Will tear up your arm though.

>13 reasons why William Barr roxxxx
I'm growing skeptical that they've ever been to /pol/

>gamer girl gets brutally molested in the bathroom
>tells the police that they "leveled up"

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the actual Yea Forums thread would be fake recipies for delicious poop


>they made a Yea Forums 2


And yet the motor oil pillow one is so authentic

What's /mouto/

This isn't Yea Forums. It's the defunct 8. Those were real boards.

lol, look at this idoiot

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>none of the Yea Forums threads are about videogames
Checks out


I hate [s4s] for ruining /bant/

the incest board

What happened to hotwheels

>how to make love to a pillow filled with motor oil
I am intrigued.

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insert ponos in duvet

this makes me want to start watching the show

>It's not racism, mom. It's common sense.

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>The new Billy Crystal movie sucks!!!
That's how you know this was written by boomers. Seriously is Billy Crystal even in movies anymore? Don't get me wrong, he was great in When Harry Met Sally but that was 30 fucking years ago.

It's unironically alright. There's probably a guide somewhere of just the good episodes and hopefully the "good" episodes

>It's unironically alright

Oh look, one of the writers is here.

no fucking way